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Pairing: Gavriel x healer!reader
Warning: none
Note: nothing much to say
Requested by: no one

                                              Gavriel sat in his war tent alone as he tattooed himself once again, his recent wounds healing as fast as it could. He heard someone entering the tent, he knew it wasn't an enemy, he recognized that scent from a mile away.
                                                "Your wound can get infected," you softly said, readjusting your medical bag. "I've been through worse," Gavriel told you. "Gavriel," his heart fluttered a bit. "Please stop being stubborn," he sighs and turns to face you, his tattoo unfinished. "Why do you care so much?" He finally asks. "I care because you are actually kind to your men unlike the rest of the blood sworn," you snapped. "Now, will you please let me tend to your wound?"

                                                  Gavriel winced when he felt the needle go through his skin again, his magic was depleted so he couldn't use his magic to heal himself. He could tell you were trying hard not to stare at his tattoos, it was hard not to. He didn't realize you were done until you started to pack your medical stuff up.

                                                  Just as you were about to leave, you heard, "You don't get anything in return," you turned to face the Lion in confusion. "I only get praised by Silba," you replied. "That's not enough," Gavriel quickly said to you. "It's enough for a lonely healer like myself," you fired back. "You need your rest, I'll come back tomorrow." You quickly said. "Y/n." Gavriel started but you quickly left the tent.
                                                  The next day, you checked his wounds again and planned on leaving quickly but Gavriel had other plans. "Gavriel," you started. "Move. I have other soldiers that I need to tend to," you said. "There are other healers," Gavriel points out. "Why are you so desperate? Like I said before, I'm nothing but a lonely healer," you demand. "Why do you care so much about me?"
                                                     Because you deserve so much more is what Gavriel wanted so desperately wanted to say but didn't know how to. "I can teach you how to tattoo if that's enough to thank you for healing me."
                                                       And he did, he started off small, letting you practice on him by filling in small places then eventually moved onto yourself. Gavriel noticed you were writing stories on yourself, stories of your childhood, memories, and names of people he didn't recognize.
                                                       Then you asked him to do your back, you already drew out what you had wanted. Rowan was there when you had asked, he agreed to help tattoo your back, it took hours but your back was fully tattooed. "I don't know how to thank you or Rowan for doing this for me," you admitted, as you looked at your back through a mirror. "You don't have to," said Gavriel. "You've already done a lot for me and I just repaid it by teaching you how to tattoo and tattoo your back," you nodded in agreement as you tugged on your shirt. "I suppose this is goodbye, Gavriel. Until our paths are crossed once more."
                                                        And Gavriel hasn't seen you since, it was years later when he saw you with his son, healing him and his cousin and Rowan. You had more tattoos then he remembered, inked onto the side of your neck was "Aedion" in the Old Language, you cared for his son, you raised him.
                                                       When you and Gavriel were alone, you explained to him that you wandered into Terresan, Aedion's mother had asked you to raise Aedion and you agreed to. That's why you journeyed alongside with Aelin and her court, why you have a place there.
                                                         "If you find a way to break the shackles that hold you to that bitch of a queen then maybe Aelin will allow you to join her court. I would."

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