Pairing: Fenrys x reader
Warning: none
Note: you work at an orphanage and when Fenrys came by for a visit as a wolf, the children were delighted.
Requested by: no one
Fenrys placed a basket of flowers down by his feet and plopped himself down, tail wagging eagerly. It's been almost a year since Fenrys had seen you, a year! From all the messages you've sent, he pinpointed where you started the orphanage.
The door to the orphanage swung open, a little girl holding a doll stood there, head tilted. "Miss. Y/n! There's a wolf outside!" The little girl screams, running back inside. 'That's one way of getting her attention' Fenrys grumbled in his head then stopped when your oh-so-familiar scent hit his nose making his tail wag even more. "Well, well. About time you dropped by to visit."
You carried the basket of flowers to the kitchen with Fenrys right on your heels. He can feel gazes if children in him but he ignored them, paying more attention to their caretaker. You placed the flowers into a vase and put the basket away.
You crouched down so you can rub Fenrys' ears. "If you could shift I could give you a kiss," you teased, lips were against yours seconds later. "How about that?" Fenrys grinned, at the same level as you so you pulled him in for another. "Just perfect."
Fenrys watched you pour stew into plates and adding a slice of thick bread and handing the plate out to the long line of children from different ages. The oldest is probably fourteen, maybe a little younger than fourteen. The youngest would be around the age of four months.
"And that's all of them," you happily said, gently placing a baby in his crib. "You have to feed and care for at least three hundred kids, how do you manage that?" Fenrys said then asked. "Well, I've always been an organized and managing person," you replied, gently tugging him forward by his collar of his shirt. "And you managed to leash me," he murmured softly, lips meters away from yours. "Mhm," you hummed with a grin. "Gods, they must have blessed me."
Fenrys again watched you as you tucked one child after another into bed, pressing kisses to their foreheads, and wishing them a good night. As for you and Fenrys, well, it's been nearly a year since either of you have seen each other.
"You need to be very, very quiet," Fenrys growled into your ear. "You don't want the older kids to realize what I'm doing to you, now, do you?"
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