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Pairing: Celaena Sardothien(aka Aelin) x reader
Warning: none
Note: this is more of an Aelin one-shot but you don't know that yet. Another crossover! Also inspired by Monster by Ruelle
Requested by: no one

                                                Aelin leans against an abandoned building's wall, waiting on an old friend of hers. It's been six years since Aelin had last seen her and she plans on revealing who she truly is to her dear old friend.

                                                Not far was Rowan, Aedion, and Lysandra. "Why here?" Aedion grumbled. "I thought by now you should know Aelin has the wildest ideas," Lysandra said, picking her nails. "Aedion is right," Rowan agreed. "Why here? This place is abandoned."

                                               Aelin started to move, Rowan, Lysandra, and Aedion quickly followed. The direction Aelin was heading towards to was some sort of market. Aedion stopped and looked around only to feel something or someone running into him. He heard a small, "Sorry." Then gaped, this was no abandoned town.
                                               Lysandra was also gaping, it seems like someone had run into her too. Only Rowan paid no attention to the other two behind him only for someone to run into him too. It was a girl, a little older than Aelin at least, she had a hood on. Rowan stopped and looked at his surroundings.

                                              The market is alive now. People were walking around, talking, buying stuff, this is no ordinary town. Aedion grabbed Rowan by the shoulder and pointed at a direction and Rowan saw Aelin was not alone anymore. Two girls had joined Aelin.

                                              On Aelin's left was a girl with h/c hair that reached her h/l, she wore a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and combat boots, the girl on Aelin's right wore similar clothes to the girl on Aelin's left. Rowan can see hilts of swords strapped on both girls' back.

                                              Aelin and the two girls entered a building with flashing lights. Rowan, Aedion, and Lysandra shared a look then followed them inside. Inside was smoke, lights, and a lot of people. It was hard to pick up Aelin's scent, Rowan's eyes frantically looked for his beloved queen.

                                              Aedion was too distracted, there were too many people so he was unable to react fast enough when he felt someone holding a dagger to his neck. "Well, well," a female voice purred into his ear, Rowan's hands flew to his own weapons but a voice said, "Rowan, don't!" Rowan's hands were a length away from grabbing his blades and he heard another feminine laughing. "This is your general Prince, Celaena?"

                                              The girls(Aelin included) led Rowan, Lysandra, and Aedion into a private room. The girl with strangely green hair(it was her natural hair color too) was glaring at them while Aelin and the other girl were rather amused.

                                              "We knew you were following us," the girl said with h/c hair. "It wasn't that hard to pick it up," she adds. "Can we just tell them why we're here along with why Celaena is with us?" The girl with green hair groans. "Oh, shush, Alita," the h/c girl said. "Aelin," Aelin said out of nowhere. "What?" Alita demands. "My name is Aelin. Not Celaena," said Aelin. "That's one of the reasons why I agreed to come on this hunt with you two."

                                              The girls finished their hunt quickly. They were hunting a demon that was scaring a local small village. "You know where we are," Y/n, the h/c haired girl, said. "I know," said Aelin, she held out her hand and Y/n took it, giving Aelin a shake and a squeeze. "Until next time, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius."

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