Rescued Child

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Pairing: Manon Blackbeak x child!reader
Warning: none
Note: Manon finds a child in Morath.
Requested by: @bookfangirl62442

                              Manon stares at Abraxos, he has a child leaning against him like Elide did. The child looks like she's been with Abraxos for quite a while. She gently kicked the child, waking her up. The child flinched when she saw Manon and backed away from Abraxos.
Abraxos' tail flew out right in front of the child as if he wanted to protect her. "What did you do to him?" Manon demands, the child didn't answer her. "What did you do?" Manon repeated in a deadly tone. "N-nothing," the child squeaks. "Liar," Manon spat, Abraxos snarled at Manon.
                                 Abraxos snarled at Manon again, he started to circle around the child, his eyes meeting Manon's. "Fine. We can take care of her, but if she causes any trouble she's gone. Understand?"
                                  And that's how it was for the next few weeks. Manon managed to get the rest of her coven to believe the child owed Manon something, Manon warned the child to stay away from the men with rings or collars and the child did. She was mostly found with Abraxos, she felt safe with him around.

                                  Manon found out the child's name was Y/n, her parents were murdered by the King and was brought to Morath by Lord Lochan with Elide. Unlike Elide, though, she has no shackle. Lochan knew Y/n wouldn't dare make a run for it, he put too much fear into her.
Manon found Abraxos, he was frantically looking for something or someone. Manon realized Y/n was nowhere to be found, she's normally with Abraxos at this time yet she was not there making Abraxos worry about her.
                                   Manon heard a young girl screaming, without hesitating, she and Abraxos took off towards the screaming. What Manon saw made her blood boil, her own kind torturing a little girl along with several Valg. She did not hesitate to destroy them.
                                    Y/n hugged Manon's waist tighter as Manon and Abraxos flew somewhere, Manon promised it was the safest place for her. Manon dropped her off at a balcony of a stone castle with a letter, Dorian had seen her and Abraxos fly away and ran to the balcony only to find Y/n standing there with the note.
                                      Y/n silently handed the note to Dorian and he read it.


The girl is much safer in your hands than mine, take well care of her or I will come back and finish you off.


                                   Dorian looked back up to Y/n, he got on one knee and held a hand out for her to take. "Well then, child. Shall we get going?"

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