Ronin's been mouthing stuff to himself making you and Rowan wonder if he wants to say something. Ronin was currently tracing his father's tattoos while you made food for the two hungry Fae males.
"Rowan, grab the high chair for me, will you?" You hummed, Rowan picked Ronin up then slid Ronin in. "You hungry, Ronin?" You asked your son, you leaned over to kiss Ronin's forehead. "Yeah, he's a starving little fella," Rowan chuckled, ruffling his son's silver tuffs of hair.
"Like father like son," you hummed in agreement. "Excuse you, you eat more than any other Fae female I've meet," Rowan points out. "Oh? Like the women you bedded?" You replied, narrowing your eyes at him, watching the tips of his ears turn pink. "Well, uh." You giggled and kissed Rowan's cheek. "Help me set the table up, okay?"
Ronin was making grabbing motions to the food. "Easy there, little one. I know you're hungry but you need to remember we are too," Rowan chuckled. "Foooooooood!" Ronin whines. "Did he just-?" "I believe so," "Well, let's feed him."
There is one thing Aedion wants more than anything from his half-sister. To either say his name or call him 'brother' and neither has happened yet. Leana's already said 'Mama' and 'Dada' in her sleep, she's said 'Aeli' to Aelin.
"Why?" Aedion whines to you as you changed Leana's diaper. "Everyone is different, Aedion," you told him. "If I remember correctly, your first word was poop," Aedion's cheeks flushed. "Poop?!" Aelin repeated, she hysterically started to laugh. "Poop!"
"Aeli!" Leana cheered when she saw Aelin. "Hold on, Leana. Just one more strap," you told her, you finished the last strap then let Aelin take her from you. "My favorite cousin!" Aelin cooed. "Well, that's hurtful," Aedion grumbled. "Aedi!" Leana bursts out. "Hey, at least she got part of your name." "Shut up, Aelin."
Gavriel had come over to look after Zade while you ran some errands. Zade, of course, was not pleased. He kept making motions to you and pouting. "Pouting like your father," you sigh, you lean over to kiss Zade's head. "I'll be back in a few hours," you told Gavriel. "If he starts crying, you have multiple options. A. He's hungry. B. He needs a change. C. He wants his wolf plushie, or D. He just wants attention."
Once the door shut, Zade starts to bawl. Aedion was away at war with the Bane. He just came back and saw you in the small market. He got worried when he didn't see Zade with you but you assured him Zade was fine with his grandfather but Aedion wasn't too sure.
None of what you told Gavriel to do worked on Zade so he shifted into a lion. Zade was very pleased, he sat on top of him and ran his fingers through the soft fur. When the front door opened, you and Aedion froze. "Lion!" Zade squeals. "Lion." "We can see that, Zade." "I don't think he cares."
Celestia was drawing on the floor next to you as you knitted scarves for the twins while Fenrys and Felix were outside, doing something. Celestia got up from the floor to show you a picture the consisted of you, herself, Fenrys, and Felix. "That's lovely, dear," you told her with a smile.
Celestia looked out the window to see her twin and father. "Daddy?" Celestia pointed out, you accidentally pricked yourself. You muttered 'ow' before looking up at your daughter. "Daddy?" Celestia repeated, pointing outside. "Yes, dear. Daddy's outside," you said, getting up to walk over to her.
Down below, Felix looked up at the window and pointed. "Mommy?" Felix said, Fenrys dropped the knife he had in his hand. "Mommy?" Felix repeated.
Blake was playing with your special pouch that you carry around with you everywhere you went, she was very intrigued by it. "Blake, be careful with that," Lorcan scolded her lightly, taking the pouch making her whine and make pouting faces at him.
Lorcan placed the pouch on the fireplace mantel, Blake stumbled over to it and stood on her toes to grab it but she was too short. "Lorcan? Can you come help me?" You called out, Lorcan kissed the back of Blake's head before leaving.
Blake refused to give up, she grabbed some light books and stacked them up together to give her some more height. Perfect. She grabbed the pouch then jumped off, she opened it to see one small sphere and one larger sphere. She pulled out the bigger one and placed it down then, the sphere started to grow. Until it was a large rock creature.
"Something's not right," you murmured. "What?" Lorcan questioned. "Y/n?" Lorcan questioned. "Nightmare is on the loose."
You and Lorcan burst into the living room(where Blake was) to get a shock out of it. "Nighty!" Blake squealed, she was perched on Nightmare's shoulders. "I should never have left my pouch here." "At least she said her first word. That's a nice reward."
Kato was attempting to pick up his father's sword and he was failing horribly. Chaol took it from him. "He won't stop trying," Chaol complained to you. "Like father like son," you hummed, putting some vial into your leather bag. "I wish he was more like you," Chaol grumbled. "What? A herbalist?" You asked. "Chaol, he has too much of you in him. Heck, he even looks like you! He's a mini you!"
Kato clung onto Chaol's leg, pouting at him. Chaol didn't pay attention. "Yes!" Chaol exclaims. "It's not dangerous, all it requires is knowledge," you scoffed. "Just knowledge?" You questioned. "It requires more than just knowledge, Chaol. It requires practice too. What if someone poison and you give them the incorrect vial? The person is dead!"
"Dead!" Kato spat out, you nearly dropped the vial you had in your hand. "Dead!" Kato repeated. "Dead, dead, dead, dead!" "Well done, Y/n." "Shut up."
Dorian was reading to Luna, she was sitting on his lap. "How do you read this word?" Dorian asked, pointing at a word. "That's not going to work," you sang, you walked over to them and sat down. "Well, why not?" Dorian asked. "Have you heard what Kato's first word was?" You asked. "Yeah, dead, right?" Dorian replied. "If our daughter says 'alive' I'll be blown away." You said. "Alive?" Luna repeated. "You just blew your mother away."
Zachariah was attempting to on Kadara's back, he squealed a bit when he finally made it. "Zachariah," Sartaq sighs. "Please get off," Zachariah shook his head as a 'no'. "Ah, just let him have his fun," Hasar said. "He's a child, Hasar," Sartaq scold. "And he deserves to have some fun," Hasar snaps back. "What would Y/n say?" Sartaq grimaced at the name of his deceased wife.
Sartaq pulled Zachariah from Kadara's back. "Kada," Zachariah pouts. "Kada," Zachariah repeats. "Well, brother? Let him stay with Kadara." "You are not helping, sister."
Sam held Sari's hand as she waddled around the apartment. You smiled at the adorable father and daughter moment, you were ready to head out for a quick errand leaving Sam with Sari.
"How long will you be gone again?" Sam asked you. "Not long. Half an hour at least, maybe even less if I find it," you replied, Sari waddled over to grasp your leg. "Be good to your daddy, okay, Sari?" You said, kissing her forehead. "Momma, stay." "She just sai-" "I know, Sam. I know."
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