Pairing: Rowan Whitethorn x child!reader
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one
Rowan watched a little girl help her parents run the little flower shop that they owned. Hanging around her waist was a little belt with a thick, leather glove for birds to land down on so she can feed them seeds.
Hanging on her arm was a little basket filled with different types of flowers, flowers she picked out herself to hand out to random people as they passed by. The first time Rowan had passed by, he tried to leave as quickly as possible to avoid the memory of Lyria, the child caught up with him and handed him a flower, she only said, "You look like you had a bad day. Take the flower and remember there will be good ones in the future."
She rushed back to the waiting arms of her father, her father caught her and carried her back inside the shop. Ever since then, Rowan was oddly attracted to her. She could've been no less than five-years-old and yet Rowan was attracted to her.
Whenever Maeve didn't have anything for him, he would return to the little shop as a hawk to make sure nothing had happened to the sweet little girl. She was happy and cheerful as always. She noticed Rowan high above, perched on a tree branch so she ran back inside to grab some seeds and rushed back out to climb the tree until she sat right next to him with a hand filled with seeds.
Her mother called her back so she can help her mother with planting the new order of flower seeds, as she climbed back down, she had slipped and Rowan has never shifted that fast to catch her before she hit the ground. That's how she found out he was a full Fae.
That didn't stop her from rushing out to greet him with a warm hug and a huge smile. He and Lorcan were passing by one day and Rowan was thrown back by her. Lorcan gave Rowan a disapproving look while Rowan glared at him.
Present day, the tavern in the market where the flower shop ran was fairly popular so it wasn't a surprise when the cadre had appeared in the market for the tavern. Gavriel was very curious to meet the girl Rowan was so attracted to, Y/n eagerly met Gavriel and handed him a flower too.
Fenrys was also there, he was teasing Rowan the entire way there and earned a kick to the groin by Y/n, she ran back to Rowan once she was done and he couldn't have been prouder.
As much as Rowan wanted to stay with Y/n and her family, he had to go to the tavern, he didn't want Maeve to suspect her and her family. An hour in, he could hear screaming, and someone else shouting, "The L/n Flower Shop is on fire!"
Rowan was on his feet and out of the tavern, he blew the fire out with his magic. Y/n was saved, one of the males had dashed in and grabbed her, he was planning on saving her parents too but they told him to take her first and promised they will get out through another way.
Gently, Rowan had cleaned the dust and ash from Y/n while Gavriel and several other males started to dig around, looking for Y/n's parents. They didn't make it. Her father had thrown himself over her mother to protect her from the flames but it didn't do much.
Nobody knew how the fire started, some say Mala had started it because of something the L/n's had done, others say it was something else. Rowan brought Y/n back with him to Mistward, he pleaded with Emrys and Malakai to take her and raise her as their own and they agreed, they wouldn't let a poor child live on the streets right after losing their parents.
It was a difficult change for Y/n, Rowan placed her in the care of two demi-Faes she had no idea who they were but she trusted his decision. She helped Emrys and Luca in the kitchen by doing smaller jobs, her favorite is licking the spoon once Emrys was done making some sort of sweet.
Rowan was around more often in Mistward to check up on Y/n and she was pleased to see him, sure it wasn't the same as before but she still greeted him happily and cheerfully. She missed her parents, she missed helping them at the flower shop, she missed handing out flowers to strangers, but she'll adapt to her new life.
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