Pairing: Lorcan Salvaterre x reader
Warning: character death
Note: let's just say the bottle of emotions is shattered
Requested by: no one
Lorcan scowls at the female softly speaking to Rowan, it was easy to tell she had blades on her, he can see the hilts of the blades. As if she can tell he was looking at her, the female looked up and her e/c eyes met Lorcan's onyx ones. Her eyes were cold and dead as if she's seen much worse things than he has. Perhaps that's why Maeve offered her the blood oath, because of what she saw and her lust for blood and war.
He's seen her fight, she was a whirlwind of blades. Her men gave her the name of Queen of Blades, the males that try to bed her get either badly injured or nearly cut to pieces. She's an emotionless Fae female warrior, she has no intention of letting anyone in, not one person has made it past the thick wall she had built up. Gavriel tried, many times, she saved his life and now he owes her a life debt yet she refused to accept no matter what.
She became Maeve's favorite quickly, she's barely been a blood-sworn for several years and yet she quickly gained Maeve's favor making jealousy boil in Lorcan.
If you enter her bedroom, there is a wall of weapons, mostly blades, but occasionally some other weapons like a whip, or a crossbow. Each and every weapon of hers was incredibly well made and designed as if the best blacksmith owed her many favors. She's normally seen brutally training her men, making sure that she does not tolerate sexism or any sign of lust for her.
What Lorcan and the rest of the blood-sworn didn't know is how broken she really is in the inside, but she didn't want to reveal any flaws, any weakness and so she continued showing no emotions, only harsh and coldness. When she slept, she can't help but wake up with tears streaming down her face, the blood, the war, the constant nagging of death. That's why she hardly sleeps so that the nightmares never come.
Lorcan and her legion were put together, he can sense the tiredness from the female yet he said nothing. One of her men saw that Lorcan had noticed and told him that she hasn't been sleeping lately, claiming she doesn't need it. It's obvious she needed sleep, a lot of sleep. Lorcan tracked her down easily, she was by a lake, softly murmuring things to herself, he caught, "Hellas, I pray my daughter is in your care. I pray she is well." Lorcan stilled, she had a daughter? And why pray to Hellas?
"I know you're there, Salvaterre. There's no reason for you to hide," she snarled, Lorcan huffs to himself. "Your men told me you haven't been sleeping," Lorcan said. "When did you start to care?" She spat. "Would you rather have a burnout?" Lorcan snarled back. "Maybe I do!" She snapped, Lorcan couldn't help but slightly flinch, he was not expecting that tone nor the tears. "I lost everything. Everything! I might as well die in the war that Maeve sends me away for, at least I'll see my daughter again."
Lorcan hasn't been able to see her the same ever since that day, the emotions she bottled up was broken once he spoke to her. Not once did she look at him, not once did she speak to him, not once did she ever go to war with him again.
One day, Gavriel returned from his own war that he fought alongside with her, he brought a bloodied sword, a sword she wielded. "What is it?" Maeve demands. "Your majesty," Gavriel started with a raspy voice. "She was killed during the battle. I found her sword dug into a male's chest, he must have been the one who killed her."
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