I glanced over to my beautiful mate. Her face was scrunched up in concentration while her hand mindlessly rubbed her stomach. I looked back to the test that was in front of me. The teacher was walking around the classroom making sure people weren't cheating. She saw Skylar struggling with her test. I couldn't blame Skylar for struggling. It had been a couple weeks since she came back home, but she was determined to come to school.
"Skylar?" She whispered not knowing that my werewolf hearing would let me know everything she was saying to my love. Sky looked up at her in questioning. "I understand that you haven't been around for about two months, if you want, you can stay after for some tutoring. I won't count this test against your grade." The teacher said. Skylar sighed in relief and smiled up at the teacher.
"Thank you so much. It is just, dealing with everything the past two months haven't given me enough time to study. Much less actually come to school." Skylar responded.
"That is ok. I will help you the best I can, but I will need you to help me as well." She said. Skylar nodded. "How far long are you?" She asked looking down to my mates extended tummy.
Five months. I said in Skylar's head. I knew she wouldn't know. Time flew by too quickly on the island. Skylar's face paled a little and she looked to me then back to our foods teacher, Mrs. Blackwell.
"I am five months." Skylar whispered. Mrs. Blackwell smiled.
"Well, I wish you the best pregnancy." She said then went back to walking around the class room. The bell rang twenty minutes later but Skylar stayed seated until everyone walked out. I stood and raised an eyebrow at her.
"You ok, baby?" I asked nervously. She nodded and got up.
"I'm fine. I just didn't want to risk anyone bumping into me. I'm afraid I might rip their heads off." She said. Mrs. Blackwell chuckled at the "joke" Skylar made. What she didn't know, was that if someone endangered her pups, the guys and I wouldn't have a chance to kill theperson because our little one would have already.
I walked her to her next class that she had with Cain. I gave Cain a look and he understood completely. He wrapped his arms around Skylar and blew a rasberry on Skylar's neck.
She laughed and held Cain close. I smiled and went to my class.
I kissed Cain. I couldn't stop smiling as we walked into the class room. He always knew when I needed something to get my mind off of my problems. I walked in and was suddenly envolped in a tight hug. I about clawed the person until I realized that it was my short, brown haired friend, Ivy. She pulled back and gasped.
"You're pregnant!?" She squealed and all eyes turned to me. My eyes widened and my entire face went red. Cain quickly wrapped an arm around me before I could run if.
"It's ok, baby. Ignore the looks." He whispered in my ear then shot a glare at Ivy. She blushed shyly.
"Sorry, i'm just really excited." Ivy said. I smiled a little and made my way to my seat. I grabbed Cain's hand and didn't let it go. "Is it yours?" She asked looking at Cain. He raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, HE is mine." Cain said pointedly. Technically he didn't like, which I was grateful for. Though, I'm sure no one in this room would understand if I told them that I was having triplets and each one had a different father. I sighed and relaxed as Cain stroked the back of my hand. The teacher came into the classroom and called attention. I settled into my chair and paid attention the best I could.
Thankfully school was over. I don't think I could handle one more stare from another classmate. I walked between Derek and Ryder, but a step ahead while Cain was a step ahead of me. I knew they were gaurding me, but I couldn't find myself to care. It was better for them to be overprotective than for me to kill someone for merely bumping into me.
I licked my lips and climbed into the backseat of the car. I laid my head on my back pack and Cain pulled my legs onto his lap. I yawned and my arm drapped over my stomach. I hear Derek crank up the car, but I couldn't tell you what happened after that. I was too tired to even remember my name.
Hey guys, I know it is short, sorry. I have just had so much to do, with being a Senior an all, so please don't be upset. Let me know what you guys think, and if any of you have any suggestions. Thanks(:
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