Hey guys. I'm a bit of a retard. I keep forgetting to upload the pictures I want. However, I told y'all in the last chapter that I was changing who Skylar was, well, I added the picture to the last chapter. I hope y'all like who I chose. Please let me know what y'all think on this chapter.
I yawned as I woke from my sleep. I could smell food being cooked. I looked over and saw the guys still asleep. I stretched and got out the bed. I pulled on a shirt and went down stairs to my beautiful mate.
She was showing a bit now, but I didn't care. If anything, the guys and I loved it because we knew one of our sons would be in there. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck. She shivered.
"Good Morning Cain." She said smiling. I chuckled.
"How did you know it was me?" I asked nuzzling her neck.
"Because I can smell you, dork. Plus, I know my men." She laughed softly. I looked at what she was cooking and my nose wrinkled when I saw the bacon. I hated bacon. I had no idea why, but I just didn't like it. Derek, on the other hand, loved it. "Plus, you're usually the second one up anyways." I shrugged.
"I can't sleep if I can't feel you in the bed, baby." I kissed her neck again and moved away to give her some space before she tried to bite me. She was so moody these days.
"Neither can I." I heard Ryder say. I turned and saw him and Derek standing there. I chuckled.
"She's got us wrapped around her finger." Derek said and kissed her neck and rubbed her stomach gently. Ryder leaned around him and kissed her cheek then moved so Derek could continue rubbing her.
"Ok. Ok." Skylar said trying to move out of her grip. We quickly took a couple steps away from her. We were learning fast. When she got that tone in her voice, it was time to run. "Derek, set the table please. The food is almost done." He raised an eyebrow at her command but walked to do just what she had said. I smiled snickering a little.
"Cain get the drinks ready." That instantly sobered me up. I pouted as I did what she told me to. Ryder simply sat down knowing if he even scraped his chair he would be doing something too. I smiled a little as I looked over at my pregnant mate. She was just so damn beautiful. I loved her with all of my heart and she could order me to do twenty millions things and I would do them without hesitation as long as I was able to come home to her.
She hissed and suddenly a bright light exploded in the kitchen. We quickly covered our sensitive eyes and I heard Skylar growl. Once the light went away we all three jumped to see if she was ok.
She stood there without a single scratch on her but I couldn't say the same for our kitchen, much less our food. I'm surprised the kitchen wasn't on fire from the work she had done to it. Everything was covered in a black soot while the food looked like burned charcoal. I gently pulled her away from it. Her eyes were watering.
"Hey, hey. It's ok, beautiful. Everything is fine. How about you go get cleaned up and we will go out to eat? Yeah?" I asked and she nodded. She walked away holding her stomach in a protective manner. Something she did frequently. I looked at the guys with my eyes widened slightly. We all three looked back to the mess that had been made.
"Maybe it's time to call Elder Jase again." Ryder said chuckling slightly. Derek and I laughed and I slapped Ryder upside the head playfully.
"C'mon dumbass. We've got a mate to take to breakfast." I said smiling. He gave me a wolfish smile that reminded me of when we were younger.
I sat at the restraunt with my three mates when I heard the door open. My nostrils flared as I smelled a scent that would forever be embedded in my senses. I didn't even have to look to know who it was.
"Uhm. Guys, I don't feel to good. Can we go outside for some fresh air?" I asked. Ryder looked up at me a little confused.
"Skylar, we are outside." I blushed as I looked around the back deck that we were seated on. "Is everythi-" His voice stopped mid sentence and I knew why. I could feel Marcus standing behind me. Everyone on the back deck tensed as they felt the mood on this cheerful morning turn deadly instantly.
"Well hello there, beautiful." Marcus said and I felt his hand touch my cheek. I closed my eyes to block the tears and tried to turn my head away but he grabbed my hair roughly. God why couldn't my life just be calm for a little bit? I heard a fierce growl but it stopped short when I felt something cold and thin being pressed against my neck. I opened my eyes and could see the fear in my mates eyes.
Marcus had pulled a blade on me. In front of my mates. In front of my pack members. And here I am, helpless and at his mercy. I felt a sting and I could smell blood as he made a light sliver against my neck. I shivered.
"Marcus what could you possibly want?" I asked feeling the blade scrape against me more. I ignored the stinging. I was really beginning to get angry. I could see Ryder untense in the slightest as we met eyes and he could see the anger building in them.
"Well I want you, of course. Heaven forbid I leave town without my girl, and of course, the first female elder in three thousand years." He said and leaned forward. I felt his tongue against my neck and it just ignited my fire further. I snarled at him and my body glowed a briliant green color. He gasped and turned back and before he could move I was straddling him.
My canines elongated and my eyes turned the darkest hazel they have ever gotten. His eyes widened in actual fear but it was too late. He had pissed me off too far. I sunk my teeth into his neck and he screamed out in agony but I wasn't letting up.
I could feel him getting weaker but when Ryder tried to pull me off, my skin burned him. He jumped back and shook his hand as the blisters began to heal. Once I felt Marcus pass out, I retracted my teeth and sat back. Blood ran down my face and my eyes didn't cool off in the least. My green aura stayed brilliant as I looked around. All I saw were fearful faces and it instantly snapped me out of my mood. My aura went to normal quickly. as did my eyes. My canines went back in and I slumped back on my heals, ignoring that I was still on Marcus' legs.
"I-" I went to say but people scattered. Tears welled up in my eyes. Derek tried to grab me but for once in my life, I vanished. I had no idea how I did it, but the next thing I knew, I was all alone, on a deserted island.
What the hell?
Hey guys, don't forget to check the last chapter to see what Skylar looks like. By the way, if there are any mistakes, I apologize, I hurt my arm crashing my gokart so I am lucky to have written this. I hope you guys like it.
Comment please(: Love to hear what you lovelys have to say(:
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