A holiday

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After the 2013 season ended, Harry and I were free to do what we wanted. So we decided it was time to get out of England for a while.
"You know what, Hayley?" Harry asked as he was making scrambled eggs for breakfast.
"What?" I asked, and he turned to face me, with a grin on his face.
"We need a holiday." He said, and my face lit up.
"Where to?" I asked, and he served up the eggs, before sitting next to me.
"I'm thinking America. We could see some American football, or just take a trip to New York!" He said, and I grabbed my laptop, immediately searching for flights and places to stay.
"How about Florida?" I asked, and he nodded.
"Sounds good! We can go to Disney!" He said, and I laughed.
"Perfect. I'll sort out the flights and I'll find a villa we could stay in. Maybe a pool, ensuite bedrooms... how about a big garden for Buddy to be free?" I asked, and he laughed.
"Sounds just right for us." He said, and I turned the laptop to him, so he could see the villa I'd picked out. He clicked on something, then typed some stuff in, before passing it back to me.
"I've booked it. We go for 2 weeks, starting Monday next week. I'll book a jet for us too so we can travel alone." He said, and kissed my cheek.
"Thanks, babe." I said, and got up, before putting my plate in the sink.  I turned to face Harry, who had followed me, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"This is gonna be great, Hayley. We finally get some time away to relax." He said, moving his hands down onto my arse and pulling me closer.
"Yeah, and imagine all the time we'll have together..." I muttered, before kissing him gently.

When we arrived in America, it was everything I'd hoped for. It was sunny, hot and beautiful. Our villa was perfect too; we had a whole house to ourselves, with a huge pool and lots of space for Buddy to run around. As soon as we arrived at the villa, we let Buddy straight into the garden, before grabbing some drinks and sitting in the garden together.
"This is great, Harry. We've got all the space we want, and no fans about to pester us!" I said, and he laughed.
"Yeah. It's good to finally relax." He told me, and we clinked our glasses together. We spent the next few days settling in, before we took our trip to Disneyland. We went around on all the rides and had heaps of fun. When we were outside the castle, we took the most beautiful picture of us two kissing with the castle in the background.
"That's gotta be framed and put up at home." I said, and he smiled at me.
"Definitely. As proof we've been here." He said, and I laughed. We stayed late into the day, and watched the fireworks as the sun set, sitting on a bench with my head on his chest. Harry was running his hands through my hair, his free hand holding mine. It was a perfect day. When we got back to the villa, we let Buddy out for a while, before we got in the hot tub.
"Thanks for booking all this, Harry. It's the best holiday I've had so far." I told him as we sat together, with no space between us.
"We're only 4 days in, Hayley. We've got tons of time yet." He said, and I laughed.
"Yeah, but still... I wouldn't have had a chance like this if I wasn't with you. You've changed my life." I said, and he kissed my forehead.
"You were the one who influenced me to go for Spurs, Hayley. This was all for you." He said, and I smiled. That was the moment I realised I really had found my soulmate. I moved over so sit on top of Harry, and kissed him. He began to kiss my neck, and I smiled.
"I love you, Harry." I muttered, before kissing his forehead.
"I love you too, Hayley." He replied, before pulling me closer to his face and kissing me again, his hands on my waist. And our moment got steamy immediately.

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