m a l i k a - t h r e e

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I sat in courtroom looking around for my baby. It was breaking my heart that I didn't see him, and even if I did see him, he probably didn't even know who the fuck I was.

I'm certainly sure they not letting him know about me. Which was driving me crazy. I still couldn't understand how the court would let Kendrick take something that he only had 1 percent of making? Yeah, they say that you go half on a baby. But, no. I was the one that gave him everything that he needed.

I carried him for the nine months and one move of fucking self defense had me not seeing him for damn near a year. They didn't even allow me to get visitation. So, when I went crazy, that gave them another reason not to give me him. This was so fucked up.

"Alright. We're back here again. Why?" the judge asked. She was clearly sick of seeing us, but she was going to keep doing it until I had my baby back.

"Judge Sam, I swear, I hate to be bothering you but this lady is crazy!" Kenny said.

"How am I crazy? Because I want to see my child? You don't understand. Judge, do you have any kids?" I asked and she nodded.

"I have 3 of them."

"So you know how it feels to grow a whole human inside of you. The bond you create with it. You know for a fact the LOVE that you experience through the pregnancy. You went through it 3 times. I'm not understanding how I was basically the victim in this situation-" I was cut off by Kenny.

"How are you the victim?" he asked making a face.

"See, that right there." I pointed out. "He has no respect for me. Your Honor, this whole thing started because he was mad because I texted his friend to ask him was Kendrick cheating and his friend confirmed it. I was never going to confront him about it, I was just going to end it on a peaceful note.

He was the one that came into the house and started something with me about trying to have sex with his homeboy. He's the one that snatched MY child out of MY hands. He's the one that put HIS hands on ME first. He had no right coming in and snatching my child.

Yet he did. And everybody that's on his side wasn't even at the house! His bald headed ass, big back ass, lazy loopy pussy having ass momma had just left to go to the store, but she knew it was my fault. If he had never pushed me, and snatched my baby, I wouldn't have pushed him. I was defending myself!"

The judge just looked at me in shock. And Kenny looked at me in rage. All those things that I said were true. Including the stuff about his fat ass momma.

"Yeah, mush me in my head like you did that day. Show her how you get." I said looking dead at him.

"This is what I'm talking about! She's the one that's starting the stuff! She didn't have to say all that about my momma." he said and his fist were balled up.

"Oh really? Because his WHOLE family been dragging me on Facebook day in, day out. People I don't even know got my name in their mouths and is speaking about something that they don't know about." I shook my head handing her the screenshots that I had printed up.

"I don't even respond anymore because I know what's the truth. But, I won't continue to be the butt of all their jokes. I'm about to turn into Kendrick in a minute." I said with a slight laugh but he didn't find it funny.

"Since we bringing up stuff. You know I have a restraining order out against her and she isn't paying any mind to it. The other day, I took my son to the park and she was there and hugging him and stuff." he said, like he was still mad about it.

"And why can't I do that? That's MY child. Your friends already told me that you're only a father to him when I try to do something. Big Bitch always has my baby, not you. Then you got some nerve to want some child support from me. Your Honor, did you know that he doesn't have a job? Neither does his mother. So, how could they be taking care of Alex? I know, he sells drugs. Y'all won't get him for that though." I shook my head.

Kenny damn near jumped over the table and security had to get him. I was ready though. I had enough of him thinking he so big and bad. I had something ready for his ass.

"Order. Mr Remedy, You have to learn to control yourself." Judge Sam said looking at him while he was being held by security.

"You see the shit she's saying? This is why the crazy ass bitch will never see my child!" he yelled. His chest going up and down fast as he breathed hard.

"No, what this crazy ass bitch is saying is the truth. I have so much more. I want my kid back." I said and the Judge just looked at us both.

"She don't even have a stable home! She just got put out her mother's house! Now why would I lease my child to her and have him sleeping on the streets?" he said and that made me mad.

"Bitch-" I started but Judge cut me off.

"Miss Hawkins-" she started but I cut her off.

"Nah, don't cut me off. I'm sick of y'all trying to silence me. Y'all gon' hear what I have to say today." I said holding my hand up as she tried to talk to me but I wasn't having that shit at all.

"Bitch, I'm good where I'm at. And you're not leasing shit to me because my son isn't something that you can lease. Bitch, stop playing with me. You been playing with me for way too long and I'm not having this shit no more."

We went back and forth some more. No matter how much evidence I provided to show that I was the right and fit parent for Alex to come with, my "mad black woman" attitude powered over it all. So again, my son went home with Kendrick. I was becoming over it all.


kendrick bald headed ass.

- now that's how you clear a hoe !
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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