g r a c i e - o n e

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"Damn, girl. You work fast." Ari said coming downstairs as I finished cleaning up the living room.

I laughed a little. "Girl, I be trying to get this stuff done so I can go home and chill." I said wiping off the table and putting the books back on it.

"I see." she nodded. "Thank you for this. For real."

"No problem girl. Thank you for calling me." I said packing all my stuff back up.

"Here." she said handing me the money. "Tipped you big. You stuck with me now." she laughed and I joined in.

We said our goodbyes and I loaded the stuff into the back of my car and made my way back to my momma house.

I enjoyed cleaning up for people. It helped them start their week off with something clean and refreshing. If you would have told 15 year old me that one of my jobs would be cleaning up for people, I would have told you to get the fuck out my face.

I always hated having to clean up after other people. But, I get paid for it now so I'm cool with it. Plus, my clients are always so nice to me and make me feel comfortable.

I pulled into the parking garage for my moms building and made my way upstairs and put my supplies up. I was off tomorrow and planned on cleaning and switching my moms house around again. I couldn't help it and it drove my mother crazy.

My phone began to ring and I picked up answering the FaceTime call from my mother.

"Yes, ma?" I answered.

"Gracie, you got company?" she asked.

"No. Why?"

"Because somebody is in my parking spot once again. They even moved my fucking cone. You better go get them neighbors before I do." she said and her accent was thick so I knew she was serious.

"Alright. I'm on my way over there now." I said hanging up and making my next door. I knocked and Kingston answered.

"Hey wife." he cheesed.

"Move." I said pushing him out my way as I went into his house. "Which of you little fuckers parked in my mother's spot?" I asked looking at all of his friends.

"You always coming in here starting stuff." Jalen said.

"You the one parked in the parking spot?" I asked.

"No. Ion even got a car." he said.

"Alright then. Shut the fuck up. Somebody better go move they car before I tell Bianca all these niggas in her house."

"Tyree! Come on and move ya car!" Kingston said.

I rolled my eyes. I definitely was about to tell Bianca for real since these fuckers wasn't trying to tell and they knew the whole time.

Tyree came from the back putting on his shirt. "My bad bae." he grabbed his keys and I pushed him out the door.

"Tyree! Imma kick yo ass!" Ma yelled from her car.

"I was just keeping it warm for you." he laughed backing his car out her space.

"Bullshit." she pulled in. "My cone was keeping it warm. Now go park on the street."

"Ms Williams!" he groaned. "They gon' give me a ticket. Don't do me like that."

"If you get a damn guest pass, you won't."


"Them kids make me wanna punch them." I said eating my food.

"You?" she asked turning on The Chi. "They make me thank God everyday that you were a girl instead of the boy I wanted."

I just rolled my eyes. Of course that was her favorite story to tell. She never missed a day of telling me that story.

-whoot whoot
- how y'all liking the homegirl gracie g so far?
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-still the non editing qween🫠

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