Oikawa POV
At 2:38 pm I attempted to cover up the lump with bandage.
At 2:46 pm I settled with an oversized sweater to hide it.
At 2:49 pm I contemplated texting him.
At 2:51 pm I shut my phone off.
At 2:58 pm I stood in front of my mirror just looking at my reflection.
At 3:00 pm I felt sick in the stomach.
At 3:05 pm I called him.
At 3:05 pm I hung up before he picked up.
At 3:10 pm I heard a knock at the front door.
"Oikawa? Hurry up before I change my mind and leave."
I twisted the door handle, swinging it open, the arthritic hinges squealing. With an angelic glow backlighting his figure, Iwa-chan looked like a godsend come to make me pure. If not for the slightly pissed expression on his face.
"Took you long enough," He rolled his eyes, stepping past me into the warmth, flashing me a smile as he brushed past.
Feathered wings flapped in my chest.
"We gonna watch that show or what?" Iwa-chan took a seat on the sofa, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table. Making himself at home already, it seemed. Typical.
"You sure you wanna?" I laughed. "The first episode is already pretty intense."
He arched an eyebrow. "I don't know if I trust your definition of intense."
I scoffed at him, pulling out my laptop. "Fine, just don't blame me when you get scarred."
At 3:22 pm I was leaning towards Iwa-chan's body warmth.
At 3:34 pm I had my head on his shoulder.
At 3:35 pm I felt a flutter in my stomach.
At 3:36 pm I wasn't focusing on the show.
At 3:37 pm I was only looking at Iwa-chan.
At 3:38 pm I made eye-contact.
"What are looking at?" he snorted.
"Nothing," I gave him a close-eyed smile.
"You're weird."
"I know."
"Good. Don't want you thinking you're mentally stable or anything."
"Yeah okay that's enough."
He laughed, and a shiver trickled up my spine, my shoulders raising. The show was still going, but that wasn't important. Nothing playing could be more important than the reality. Than this moment.
Until a thwack to the back of my head made me yelp. "Keep watching the show, dumbass."
I rubbed my hair, muttering profanities at him. "How romantic."
He winked at me.
This –
This boy.
This boy right here.
He ended up staying until the sun was long past set, but we didn't care. We gave up on the Promised Neverland after the first episode (apparently because I'm 'just a pussy' but Iwa-chan can't act like he didn't flinch during the scream scene) and just talked and ate for hours.
A warm feeling buzzed in my stomach, filling me up with warmth. I was happier than I've been for a while. Until . . .
"Oh sorry," He said, standing up. "Gotta go now."
"All good," I smiled. "See you on Monday, I guess. If I'm not sick again."
He looked me up and down. "Mm. Speaking of which," Iwa-chan put the back of his hand to my forehead, making my skin turn bright red. "You feel cold. Which means you don't have a temperature. Which means you aren't sick. And, come to think of it, you didn't sneeze or cough at all while I was here. Which means you lied about why you're staying home."
I felt my face flush harder. "Pfft, you're kidding right? You're seriously interrogating me because I didn't sneeze? I stayed warm all day; the cold cleared up before you got here."
"Yeah right."
"Seriously, I don't know why you're acting up so much."
"Because I want to know what's going on."
"Nothing! Nothing's going on!"
"As if. Oikawa, I've told you this before. You can tell me anything."
"I know that."
"Then why aren't you talking to me?"
"Because there's nothing to talk about!"
"There is. I know there is."
"How? How could you possibly –"
A cold silence surrounded us, the air buzzing with Iwa-chan's echoing shout.
I didn't go quiet because he raised his voice.
It wasn't that at all.
It was because he was keeping something from me. He was lying to me. Just like I was to him.
What goes around comes around.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Oikawa, I –"
"You can go now," I said quietly, arms parallel to my body. Shadows hung over my eyes as I looked up at him.
His eyes widened, but was smart enough to not bite back. "Yeah. Yeah, okay. See you on Monday."
I waved at him as he shut the door, leaving my house in a shaken silence. The only thing that moved was the unsettled dust.
But I didn't cry.
My eyes stung and my body was shivering harshly, but I didn't cry.
I've cried so much after noticing my symptoms, it's like the tap in my body that holds all my tears has run dry.
Even lying in bed, the clock blinking near midnight with neon green eyes, I still wouldn't cry. I couldn't. It was like I'd lost the ability. I was broken. I thought as many horrible thoughts as I could but tears still wouldn't break free – it just ended up making me feel sick in the stomach for the second time that day.
Why couldn't I cry?
Why did I have to feel so much without being able to release it?
Why couldn't I get the endorphins that came with letting those tears out?
Why, why, why, so many questions left unanswered.
The seconds on my clock were getting dangerously close to midnight.
There wasn't any amazing revelation like in the movies. I didn't bolt up in bed, thoughts running wild as I realised the truth about everything, the clock striking midnight. There was none of that. I just watched the numbers flick to 0:00 am with a tired look on my face, squinting at the green light.
But there was one thing I realised.
One thing that became apparent in that moment.
I'd make a rather boring main character.
(A/N: *inhale* boi we're almost at 400 readssss! How tf?! Tysm guys, I'm so glad you like my writing and hopefully I don't disappoint with the rest of this bookkk!)
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