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when i caught up to him it was too late. he and the drunk man were in a fist fight.

at least Mattheo was winning.

the drunk guy had a bloody nose, a black eye, and seemed to be so drunk he was missing almost every shot he took at Mattheo.

Mattheo had a busted lip but that looked like all.

a small crowd had formed around them, some tried to stop the fight while others egged it on.

Mattheo took a swing at the drunk man, and hit him in the mouth, the man fell to the ground. but Mattheo didn't look like he was done.

but i was.

i grabbed Mattheos arm before he could hit him again, pulled him gently upstairs. he didn't want to leave but once he saw it was me, he relaxed a bit.

i pulled him into my room and sat him down on the bed. then i walked into the bathroom and grabbed a wet washcloth.

i walked out and sat next to mattheo.

i reached out and dabbed his bloody lip, i also noticed that the scar on his nose had opened back up. i cleaned his face, and didn't talk.

when i was done i gave him a kiss and walked him to his room. i could tell he was still mad. but i didn't think he'd go back downstairs.

i went back to my room, and immediately fell asleep, i didn't even bother to undress. i woke up an hour later and decided to see how Mattheo was.

i walked to his room, and knocked. no answer. maybe he was asleep. i didn't believe that.

i took out my wand and opened the door. i could hear the shower running. i noticed a broken chair on the floor, and several indents in the wall. i sat on Mattheos bed and waited for him to come out.

when i at last heard the shower stop i called his name to let him know i was there.

the bathroom door opened and he stepped out, he had his towel around his waist, revealing a hidden layer of tattoos. he had a well defined torso and chest, but i had already expected that. the tattoos surprised me.

he walked towards me noticing that i saw them.

"what does this one mean?" i asked him, pointing at a snake around his collar bone.

"it's the symbol of Slytherin, and my family." he answered, his voice gruff.

"and this one?" i asked tracing the outlying of a skull with flowers blooming in its eyes.

"the nature of death."

"can you turn around so i can see the ones on your back?" i asked.

he nodded and turned.

i gasped. although there were tattoos on his back, there were also several large scars, starting just below his neck and going to his lower back.

"what happened?"

"my father." is all he said, sitting beside me.

"do you see him often?"

"all summer, every year."

"i'm sorry"

"don't be"

"you should come stay with me this summer"

mattheo turned toward me. "you want me to?"

"of course"

he kissed me.

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