Chapter Thirty-Eight: Emilia's Wedding

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Viola shifted uncomfortable as she glanced over at her parents, they weren’t happy that their eldest daughter was coming to Emilia’s wedding and even less so that she had brought a date with her.

Viola had been grateful that Joseph had offered to come with her to the wedding, he could tell that she was anywhere but comfortable to be in the presence of the parents that had taken her estranged husband’s side of the separation.

The brunette sighed as she shifted her hold on Thiago, who was dressed in a suit that her sister was insistent that he wore; Viola had managed to keep her second pregnancy away from her family, although she had told Joseph that she was pregnant again.

Viola was now ten weeks pregnant and the brunette knew that it wouldn’t be long before she started to show again; she sighed knowing that she would have to avoid her parents if she wanted to ensure that she could move on from her pending divorce.

Thiago was sixteen weeks old and Viola knew that he would probably never see his father again, she doubted that Lionel would bother to track her down when he discovered the truth or he would set everyone right about what had happened.

“Why are you here?” Annabelle asked disgusted as she glared at Viola, the brunette flinched at the tone that her mother used to speak to her; she sighed as she looked down at Thiago to keep herself calm.

“Emilia asked me to come,” Viola said softly, she had done enough begging with her parents to listen to what she had to say; however it had all fallen on deaf ears and the brunette knew that they would never forgive her until Lionel learnt the truth.

“How can you show your face after what you did to Lionel? Don’t you have any shame?” Annabelle snapped as she glared at her eldest daughter, she couldn't believe that she had done this to them; they couldn't bring themselves to face the shame that their daughter had caused whenever someone from the Messi family called them.

Joseph offered Viola a reassuring smile, he knew that this was hard for her and he had vowed that he would be by her side no matter what happened; he didn't even care that she was still in love with her estranged husband.

Viola smiled back at him, she was wearing a multi blured ikat maxi dress paired with nude pointed heels; the brunette was glad that she had someone like him in her life.

The two of them had been dating for nearly a month now and Viola knew that this was helping her get over her marriage to Lionel.

“Why don’t we go and find our seats?” Joseph said sensing that Viola’s parents were going to make a bit of scene about her being at her sister’s wedding; the brunette nodded thankful that he had come with her to support her today.


“Congratulations,” Viola said as she hugged her younger sister and then her new brother-in-law, the brunette smiled at the two of them as she ignored some of the whispers about her presence at the wedding.

“I wish you both better luck with your marriage than I had with mine,” Viola said softly making her sister look at her sadly, she could see that Viola was hurting about what had happened between her and Lionel; it was clear that Joseph was just a rebound and that she still loved Lionel.

Emilia hugged her sister sadly, she didn't want her sister to suffer and she wanted her to be happy.

“I better be going… Thiago needs a nap and I think I have outstayed my welcome,” Viola said as she spotted the look that both her parents had worn; she couldn't wait for the day that they learnt that she had been innocent the whole time.

Emilia didn't protest knowing that Viola had made up her mind, the brunette didn't want to cause problems by staying too long and Emilia understood that since she could see that it would only cause problems if she were to stay longer.

Joseph congratulated the newlyweds while Viola collected Thiago, she glanced at her parents who were pretending not to be pleased that she was leaving the reception; the brunette sighed knowing she’d never forgive them for turning their backs on her.

“Are you ready?” Joseph asked softly making Viola nod her head, she couldn't wait to get home so that she could relax before work the next day; she loved her job and was glad that she had found it when she had.

The couple left the reception quickly, they ignored the looks and the whispers from some of the guests as they went; Viola paused for a second when they were out of the dining room while Joseph collected his coat from the cloakroom.

“Viola, is that you?” said a voice making the brunette stiffen before she turned to see Maria Sol Messi walking towards her with her boyfriend, Andres Lopez, following after her.

Maria Sol smiled as she quickly moved to hug her sister-in-law; she couldn't believe that she had managed to find the brunette while Lionel was struggling to find her.

“Where have you been? We left messages with your parents and you never returned them,” Maria Sol asked making Viola look at her confused.

She didn't know what messages the young woman was talking about; the brunette shifted her hold on Thiago making Maria Sol look at the little boy.

“My parents disowned me after Lionel threw me out, I haven’t spoken with them since,” Viola explained making Maria Sol purse her lips, she didn't like where this was going and she hoped that her brother hadn't cause more trouble for the mother of his son.

“We know about Antonella switching the paternity tests, we’ve been trying to find you for weeks; Lionel’s been worried sick about you and Thiago,” Maria Sol said as she smiled at her nephew, she was pleased to see that the two of them were perfectly well.

Viola glanced over her shoulder at Joseph, she sighed knowing that she couldn't just drop her life in New York this time to go running around the world for Lionel.

“Sol… I can’t go back, I’ve moved on with my life,” Viola said shaking her head, her sister-in-law stared at her before she realised who the man with Viola was.

She blinked wondering how she was going to tell her stupid brother that he might have lost his wife completely.

“I won’t keep Thiago from Lionel, but he can’t expect me to drop my entire life again after what happened last time; I have a job that I love here, I have a life,” Viola said shaking her head.

She looked over at Joseph, she knew that she was taking a big gamble but she wasn’t about to allow Lionel to hurt her again.

Maria Sol looked at her sister-in-law sadly, she knew that Viola wasn’t going to allow Lionel to walk all over her again; the brunette had done everything for him last time and it had only gotten her hurt.

“Please Viola, I’m not asking you to drop your life here… I’m asking you to talk with Lionel,” Maria Sol begged knowing that her brother needed to speak with his estranged wife; he hadn't seen her in nearly two months and it was clear that he was suffering without her in his life.

Viola sighed as she looked at Thiago; she didn't want to allow Lionel back into her life if he was only going to hurt her again and she didn't just have to think about Thiago, she had to think of her unborn child as well.

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