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A tall man with red eyes and silvery-white hair stood over him. Bright lights that seemed to sear his eyes backlit the man, and his thoughts about who this mysterious figure could be were muffled by the cotton that seemed to fill his head. Suddenly, a high-pitched tone screamed in his ears, and he began to thrash uncontrollably. The man's face twisted into a look of horror and worry as he took him by the shoulders and addressed him by a strange name. Something along the lines of "Homey Rowan Umpire". When he continued shaking and thrashing, the man's cried grew more frantic. He tried to ask the albino what he'd said, but the screaming tone he'd heard a second ago grew louder, causing him to fade away, but not before realizing he'd been on a gory battle field what felt like moments before. "Impossible," he thought, "I'm only a child, I couldn't be a soldier." Or could he? Truthfully, he didn't know who he was, let alone what...

"Gilbert. Gilbert! GILBERT!" Prussia heard the doctor, but refused to respond. His brother was broken. He was slipping in and out of consciousness and had been for a week. The countries didn't know what to do, let alone the human doctors. All the medical tests said he was in perfect health too, so everybody just assumed he'd slipped into a coma, with no indication of when he would wake up. All they knew was that the teen had just...collapsed(t least that's what Prussia had told them.) Prussia had no idea what to do anymore, so he had just folded in on himself and discontinued talking altogether.

The doctor who had came in on Gilbert shaking the comatose boy senseless told him to calm down and tell him if anything changed, and proceeded to vacate the room. Inside Gilbert's head, a million things buzzed about, but in the middle of the whole mess, a plan was forming. One that no other country could know about, because they wouldn't understand & would never allow, even if it meant getting the holy Roman Empire back. Prussia, that man who usually didn't care about anyone but himself would make the ultimate sacrifice for his brother if it meant getting him back; he would commit suicide for him.


Hello :) thanks for reading this, though it's not very good. The cause for me not updating in months is the fact that I wrote all of what I have and will post in a journal about a year ago, and I haven't watched hetalia since then, so I never even thought about this. Deeply sorry, but I will post what I have for those who would like it.

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