9 Meetings and Greeting!

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(E/C)= Eye colour

(F/C)= Favorite colour

(Y/N)= Name

(H/C)= Hair colour

(S/T)= Skin tone

Everyone turned to look at you and Denmark. 'Oh boy. You two were going to get it.'

Finland had a deadly aurora surrounding him, and everyone else was staring you both down. You and Denmark, on the other hand, were praying that they didn't hurt you. You both were terrified with your lives, right now. 'Good thing we didn't hide the coffee. That would of been a one-way ticket to death.'

Finland smiled with a 'I'm know it was you' smile.

"So, care to explain guys?" Finland said with his aurora growing more deadly. Denmark had a panicked look on his face and you tried not to look so guilty as everyone was staring you down.

"What makes you think we did it?!" Denmark tried to reason.

"Because we know you did it." Norway stated plainly. Denmark grew even more panicked.

"Why would we do such a thing? I'm quite hurt that you all think so." He said, trying to act innocent. He still wasn't fooling anyone.

"You always do stuff like this." Sweden said. Everyone nodded in agreement. He gave you a 'we've been caught' look. You answered back with a 'were screwed' look.

As you both were having a conversation with facial expressions everyone gave off a very irritated look.

"Are you ready to explain, yet?" Finland said. You and Denmark gave each other one last look.

"Yes. It was me. I dragged (Y/N) into it." Denmark said. You gave a shocked look. 'That's not how it was. I wanted to do it! I even gave the ideas! Why did he lie?'

He gave a 'go with it' look.

Wow. You felt guilty.

He continued. "Yep. (Y/N) was trying to tell me that pranking you guys wasn't a good idea but I still did it. I made the fake picture of Ikea burning down and set out the mackerel for Iceland and Norway to fight over. It was quite hilarious to watch. You should of saw it! They were like wild animals! It even made Iceland call Norway, big brother." Denmark laughed at the end and Iceland and Norway sent a glare at him.

You were still trying to process why Denmark took the blame when everyone looked over at you.

"Sorry for thinking that you helped pranked us, (Y/N). We should of know better than to think that." Finland apologized with a warm smile. You were about to tell them that you did help him and even gave him the ideas but Denmark stopped you with putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Yep! She's too nice to do stuff like that!" Denmark stated with a big smile. "Go with it." He whispered so only you could hear. You gave off a sheepish, closed-eyed smile.

"Yeah, I guess so." You said, looking as innocent as a puppy. A light blush spread across each of their faces while they all thought, 'So cute..'.

But, sadly, you didn't see because you were feeling around for your phone. 'Wait. Do I even have my phone? I don't think I had it when I came here... Nope. Well, damn it.'

"What are you looking for (Y/N)?" Finland asked.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. For some reason I thought I had my phone, but I don't." You replied. He made a 'o' shape with his mouth and ran off upstairs. You all sat there in confusion before he came running back down.

"Here! I found this when we were walking around before we found you, not to long after." He said while holding up your phone. You gasped and a wide smile spread across your face.

"It's my phone! Thank you Finland!" You thanked the Finnish man. He smiled and said a 'It's no problem.' "Where did you find it, anyways?" You asked.

"Hm. I think it was outside the meadow you were in, in some tall grass. It happened to catch my eye so I picked it up to see if I could find the owner. I was going to ask you about it but I always forget." He said sheepishly at the end. You were still smiling about finally getting your phone.

"It's no problem Finland! I'm just glad you found it!" You said.

"We should exchange numbers incase we get separated at the meeting." Norway pointed out. You all nod your heads in agreement. '

That would of helped at the mall.'  You thought.

You all exchange numbers and you walk over to Hanatamago. You sit on the floor and start petting the small, white puppy. She happily jumped on your lap and you both started to play. As you happily sit there and play with Hanatamago, Mr. Puffin spoke up.

"Who's the chick?" He squawked. You picked up Hana and pet her.

"I'm (Y/N)." You answered.

"She lives with us now." Iceland said. Mr. Puffin looked down at Iceland and back to you. You set Hana back down and walk over to Mr. Puffin. 'If I remember correctly, Mr. Puffin loves being complimented.'

"Well aren't you cute?" You say, trying to befriend the puffin. He flew over and sat on your shoulder.

"You bet your ass there, toots." He squawked.

"Mr. Puffin! Don't curse at (Y/N)!" Iceland scolded. You just laugh and wave it off.

"It's fine. I'm use to it." You say.

"Oh come on tough guy, you're no fun! (Y/N)'s cool." Mr. Puffin teased. Iceland had an irritated face and you laugh. You pet the puffin's head and he flies back to Iceland and rests on his head. Iceland just sighs and gives him another treat.

"Well guys I think I'm going to head to bed." You said. They nod their heads and you go to your room.

You gather some pajamas and head to the bathroom to take a shower. You jump in and wash up. It's been a while since you took a shower and it felt really nice right now.

You finish washing your hair and dry up. You slip on your pajamas and comb out your hair. You head back to your room and lie down on your bed. Tomorrow your going to the World Meeting and you were really excited yet nervous. They are your favorite characters but what if they don't like you! Or maybe they find you annoying! You really needed to make a good impression tomorrow. You get up and gather the nicer looking clothes you bought and lay them out for tomorrow. Once your satisfied you lay back down on your bed and soon sleep comes over you like title wave.


You are awoken by the sound of someone knocking on your door.

"(Y/N)? It's time to get ready for the meeting today." Finland says through the door. You shoot up out of your bed..

"Yeah! I'm up! Thanks Finland!" You call back. His steps fade away, indicating that he left. You grab your outfit and go to the bathroom. You get dressed and brush your (H/C) hair. It actually looked really good today. You brush your teeth and do whatever to make you ready. When your satisfied you go out to the living room and make your way up to the kitchen. Breakfast is already laid out and only Norway, Sweden, and Finland are sitting down. You guess the others were still getting ready.

 They greet you and you answer back and sit down and begin eating. Iceland walked in and also began to eat. About ten minutes later, after everyone is done eating, Denmark runs in with a big smile on his face.

"You guys ate already?" He asked.

"Yeah. What took you so long?" You ask. He ran his hand through his hair.

"Well I have to have my hair look good!" He said. You just roll your eyes and walk to the living room with everyone else.

A little bit later Denmark races down stairs and you all head outside to the car. 'Oh god. The car.'  You thought while thinking about last time you were in the car with everyone else.

Everyone piles in like they did to the mall. You sigh. You really didn't want to sit on anyone. You crawl over Iceland and sit on half of his and Norway's lap again. Denmark silently pouted and you all drove to the meeting. You reach the huge building and gawked at how fancy it looked. Denmark laughs.

"If you keep standing there your going to get separated." He joked. You smile and catch up to everyone.

You walk inside and you marvel at it. It was really beautiful. Marble flooring, paintings hanging up, a couple of statues on some podiums, and chandeliers hanging everywhere, lighting the place up. You follow the guys, in fear of being lost again, they come to a stop in front of double doors with windows.

"If anyone asks, just say your with us." Norway said. They open the huge doors and you spotted a half full room with a bunch of countries talking together. They go over to their spots and sit down. You don't know what to do. You spot a water dispenser.

"I'm going to get water, okay?" You say. They nod and you walk off to avoid standing there awkwardly. You grab a cup and fill it. You sip and take a look around to see if you could see anyone familiar. They all looked familiar but were kind of strangers to you. They were to busy talking to each other to notice you.

Well that was until a certain Italian happened to spot you. He walked over with a charming smile gracing his face.

"Ciao bella. Are you lost?" He asked with a familiar accent. You look up from your drink to come face to face with no other than Romano Vargas. You smile sweetly and replied.

"No. I'm not lost. I came with the Nordics." You say while motioning toward the group. He had a look of confusion.

"Oh. Are-a you a country then?" You shake your head.

"No. I would explain it but it's a very long story. I'm (Y/N), by the way." You explain. You felt a presence behind you and turned around to see an all to familiar Spaniard. You heard Romano growl.

"What do you-a want, tomato bastard?" He hissed out. Spain had his normal, bright smile.

"I came to see who the chica was!" He said in a cheery voice. You smiled back.

"I'm (Y-" You were about to finish but Romano cut in.

"She's (Y/N). Now that you know you can leave." He interrupted. Spain put on a pouty face.

"Oh Lovi! Why are you so mean to me!~" He pouted at the Italian's lack of friendliness towards him. Romano huffed.

"Don't-a call me that you bastard." You awkwardly sat there quietly laughing. Spain's eyes shined and grabbed your hands.

"Hola chica! I'm Spain!" You smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Spain!" You say. You thought of some ways to make a good impression then it came to you. 'Romano loves to be called Italy, too! That should get you on his good side.' 

You turn to Romano.

"It's nice to meet you too, Italy." You say with a warm smile. You could of swore you saw his curl turn into a heart at the name. He had a look of happiness shine in his eyes. 'Yes! I think I made a good impression on him!'  You thought happily. You heard Spain laugh.

"Well it was nice meeting you (Y/N)!" Spain said while waving and turning to leave and sit down in his spot. You turn towards Romano.

"I should probably go too." You say with a friendly smile and turn to leave back to the Nordics. He nodded his head and also went back to his spot. You stand against the wall. Not knowing what to do and you hear Germany speak up.

"It's time for the meeting to begin." His German accent boomed through the room. The place went silent.


I have so much motivation right now. Definitely going update a lot today.

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