Takeru's Point of View
(Five Minutes Earlier)
Her breathing became soft and even. Her flame that was like a whisp disappeared soon after. I trailed my hand through her (long, short) hair and listened to the old house creak. I had been worried when we first set off on our mission. (F/N) had seemed like she never left the streets. I wondered if she would ever tell me about Haru.
I was angry and frustrated that he had hurt her the way he did. I couldn't help the feelings that came when she talked about him and what he had done.
My thoughts turned to what she had tried to say earlier when we were waiting on it to become night. I wanted to know what she had tried to say. It had sounded important.
(F/N) murmured in her sleep and sighed into my hand. She was so strong to get away from this life. It had to be hard living like this. I wish I had the same strength she did. She cared about others before herself and would do anything to see that they didn't get hurt.
I looked over the closet we were in, It was big enough for us to both stay in comfortably, and was surprisingly clean with dust here and there. I thought back to the older woman who had suggest that I fight for money. Why did we even need to get jobs from these people? Was it to get closer to the people and get information?
(F/N) had been so kind to step in when the woman was suggesting I fight. She had put a stop right then for me. She really did seem to care.
On the way here (f/N) had said that the white-clad had taken people from the streets to help with their mission and if we wanted to know where they were without making them aware then it was best to go undercover as Captain Honda suggested.
I thought about (F/N) again and her being in Asakusa. I had called and Sister Iris answered. She explained that they were off on a mission and would be back soon. I had felt worried after getting off the phone. I was tempted to leave my station and head to Asakusa. What had stopped me was Hajiki.
My stomach rumbled and I winced. We had forgotten to eat before we left or maybe we were just in a hurry to get our mission done. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall.
I want to get stronger for (F/N)...
Reader's Point of View
I woke up before Takeru again. I felt better but still ached from my wounds. I sat up slowly and nudged Takeru awake. He woke quickly, having slept softly, and was up and ready to go. I heard the rumbling from his stomach. I felt bad for having staved him.
"Let's go to the convince store right outside this area," I suggested, "I'll get us some soba noodles and maybe they will have strawberry sandwiches."
Takeru nodded and grabbed his bag as i grabbed my own. I moved the dresser out of the way and opened the closet door. Sun beamed in from the broken window and I looked around the room for signs that someone was around during the night. I went to the bedroom door and unlocked it and turned to see if Takeru was following me.
He bumped into my back as I stopped suddenly, I lost my balance until Takeru's arm wrapped around me quickly, "I-I'm sorry."
"T-Thank you for catching me," I stammered as he slid his arm from around me.
I turned and started walking again. I felt my face was on fire. I imagined him kissing me from behind me as he tilted my head back. I shook my head and walked out of the house. I jumped the fence and waited for Takeru to land on this side.
We walked quite a few blocks to get to the store. We both went in together and I got cheap foods you would normally eat while on the streets in case someone saw us eating. I even got six water bottles for us. After our stuff was warmed up and ready to go, we left and went to a nearby park. I sat under a tree with Takeru.
"You know how you said you liked me right?" I asked after I took a bite of my Soba noodles, "Did you mean it as relationship-wise?"
Takeru coughed and choked on his water, "W-What? I umm..."
"I get it if you don't want to talk about it," I said and smiled at him, "I'm happy with us being like this."
"(F/N)," He said my name like a soft touch, "I..."
"I guess I just want to know what we are is all,"
"I'm sorr-"
"Let me talk!" He grabbed my face and covered my mouth quickly, "I-I want to be with you."
"Y-you do?" I asked as I tugged his hand away from my mouth.
"I was trying to say that b-but you don't stop talking when you get nervous sometimes," Takeru blushed and moved away from me, "I tried calling you while you were in Asakusa. Sister Iris had told me that you were away... I was wanting to take you out again... To seal t-the d-d-deal."
"You called?" I smiled and covered my mouth as i blushed, "I didn't know you called, sister iris must have forgotten to tell me."
We sat together and decided our next moves for the afternoon. I explained that we could go and break down boxes for money. A lot of people did that even though it doesn't pay well. We had to be seen doing something. Even if it was something like that. Takeru understood completely.
He told me that the people turning infernal in company two's section was always near the bad parts or just outside of them. Which gave them the clue but they couldn't just barge in down there. I agreed and explained that people don't always like to talk down here.
We ended up finding a place that would let us take boxes they didn't need and we broke them down for a recycling company that would pay for them. I had to show Takeru the best way to break them down and after a few times teaching him he had got it.
Night had finally come and we had enough money for food tomorrow. I had tucked the money we made into my bra and teased Takeru as he blushed. He huffed and pouted a few minutes after as we walked back to the building we had met Aoi and the old hag in.
The older woman was slowly walking towards her spot when she yelled out to us as we entered, "So you are here after all."
"You said to be here," I smiled as we met up with her, "Where's Aoi?"
"He was busy with something," She sighed as she leaned and sat down on her worn blankets, "He was sure you wouldn't come back."
"Well looks like he was wrong," I huffed and sat down across from the woman.
Takeru sat down beside me and was watchful. I peered at him. His brown hair was slightly disheveled from our working today. He had expressed his worry about bathing. I explained we would visit a bathhouse as soon as we got enough money up. He looked down at me and I felt my face heat up. He chuckled lightly before turning back to the woman as she spoke.
"Apparently a person had stolen something from Tatashi, " The old woman let slip as she was chatting away, "That's why Aoi is away right now. I hope he remembers to bring this old woman her threads."
"Ah," I murmured and tucked my chin on my knees, "So they are looking for this guy now huh?"
"Yup," The woman huffed and dragged her project she was working on in her lap, "Aoi and the others said the guy ditched town."
"If i stole something I would too," I watched the old woman work her hands as I sighed, "I remember watching people get beat to the brink of death from stealing."
"Remember?" The woman looked up at me and then sighed and put down her work, "Look girl, I can tell you haven't been on the streets in a long while. If you ran away with this lad because his momma said no then I suggest you go back. Being out here because of something like that isn't good. "
"W-Wah!" I shook my head and waved my hands, "It's not like that!"
"Then what is it? I could tell you used to live out here," The woman sighed, "but you were lucky to get away. Why would you come back?"
"You're not wrong..." I relented.
"(F/N).." Takeru whispered.
"It's fine Takeru," I smiled at him and laid a hand on his arm, "Cats out of the bag anyways. Ma'am...It-"
"It's Haggu by the way," The old woman grinned at us, "You never asked my name yesterday."
I nodded, "We are from the fire force. We were sent to find out some information about the white-clad."
"Explains why you were asking about Haru then," Haggu crossed her arms, "Aoi doesn't like you. He told me that as soon as you left. He figured you were here for something."
"I'm sorry if we seemed..."
"Weird? Lost?" The woman interjected, "Because you seemed all of them. We figured you both ran away."
"I was going to say if it seemed like we were intruding," I deadpanned.
"Aoi and I talked a while after you left," Haggu went back to working on her clothing she was mending, "We both agreed that we would force you to talk to us but seeing as you willing talked I'm sure I can get Aoi to agree to help you. He hates the white-clad as much as you guys seem to."
"He hates them?" Takeru asked and leaned on one of his legs.
Haggu nodded and her hands moved quickly, "He watched a lot of people get hurt by them. He was surprised you knew as much as you did."
"I wouldn't be surprised," I glanced at Takeru as he spoke.
"We plan to find them and stop them before any more people get hurt," Takeru's face was stern and his thin eyes watched Haggu.
"I'll talk to Aoi," Haggu frowned, "Takashi just recently seen these guys and was talking with them. Aoi thinks he's been working with them."
"I think you need to learn not to talk too much," A new voice came from behind us.
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