Chapter 3 Dumbo Is Jealous

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4 days later

"Ufff!!! Why does Mrs. Kate has to give us Math homework everyday??!!" Kookie whined,as he was too tired of doing those big big word problems.
"What to do kooks, you know her. One student not doing the work is out of the class". Jackson replied.It has been 4 days and Jackson comes to Y/n's house everyday for doing homeworks or assignments.He is getting pretty close to kookie and Y/n and
Jungkook also finally understood that Jackson is not a meddlesome.

Now these three are becoming very good friends and ofcourse why not?? Jackson is such a great and friendly person.

"Yeah!!! Till now, she is the most annoying teacher I've e-" Y/n was cut off when there was a knock on her door. But before she reached it, the door automatically opened, revealing her mom.
"You all look so exhausted. Here are some yummy snacks for you guys". She placed the tray while each of them thanked her.The three kids jumped into the food with excitement but suddenly, Y/n's mom told them something which made them even more excited. "Hey.. why don't you all go to the park this Friday after University. You know there you all can have a fun time and can also relax. You people will feel good.
Away from studies and have a bit of freedom".
"That sounds so great mom!!" Y/n replied with happiness in her eyes.
"We should do this outing!! What do you say Jungkook??" Jackson questioned him while he was day dreaming about something that he doesn't even know himself.
"Hello??... Mr. Jeon??" Therefore Jackson waved his hand in front of kookie's face, bringing him finally to the real world.
"Huh oh what happened???....."he asked making everyone in the room look at him confusingly.
"Sometimes I really don't understand you kookie..... Idiot do you want to go to the park this Friday after University??" Y/n said.
"Uh yeah sure hehe" kookie smiled awkwardly.
"Fine then. It's settled. We will meet one another at central park" Jackson responded,
and was about to go to the washroom when Y/n called him.
"Umm Jackson,I need to ask you something" Y/n looked at him while he said " yeah sure, anything" he smiled making Y/n smile too but making Jungkook feel jealous. Well we know him. He doesn't actually want her to talk privately with any other men
except himself. But although Wang was there good friend, he still felt bad that what is so important thing she has to tell Jackson but not him.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Why am I feeling so jealous?? I bet she wants to tell something important to him but why am I not liking this??

But true fact is that I'm having a very weird feeling these days.

I'm thinking is Jackson started liking Y/n or does Y/n like him??

Or what if they both like each other??!!!!
Then what will happen to me!!!

I can't survive a second without her.

No man, he is just a new friend of yours and hers.

Don't over think dumbass........ But what if they really start dating??!!"

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