Hey guys whom ever read this!
I decided to make some for school and some for in public if you're daring enough~! >:D MWAHAHAHAH!! I'll probably do the other ones in a new book or whatever...LETS GET ON WITH IT!
35: go up to your friends and ask "what team?!" If they said "WILDCATS!" Then keep those friends unless they are jerks. Then don't
36: wArNiNg OnLy If ReAlLy DaRiNg!¡ take off your sock and throw it at someone. Yell "2319!" And laugh your butt off
37: draw illuminati on a piece of paper and drop it on the ground somewhere highly populated
38: Hug your show off friend and whisper to them "you are now poisoned" and skip away
39: Jump on a tall persons back (friends would be best) and say "die Titan!" Then draw on their neck a red line and jump off of them
40: pocky game with someone but break the end and just eat the rest, leaving the pocky to drop
41: offer jelly beans to people
42: (0) just be as serious as you can when you pass a note to your best friend saying a very funny thing that will make them laugh but you won't laugh at because you're the bomb
43: suggest stuff I should do lol
44: pick up your short friend and call them simba
45: do the dinosaur
46: be the weaboo trash we all are on the insides ;^;
47: become South Park trash
48: get a tom baker scarf (you can buy one or make it or something but you don't need it, it'd be awesome though) and then ask everyone if they want jelly babies when you have them in a sandwich bag or paper bag. As you say this though, you must shake the bag slightly. MUST
Um. I have bad writers block (ー ー;) sorrynotsorrybutactuallysorry
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