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Kie's POV:

I went inside and walked by my parents who were pissed at me for spending all day with the pogues and then coming home on the back of JJ's bike. They hated JJ the most. I went to my room and went to bed. The next day was Christmas Eve and I woke up in a great mood. My extended family was all over and we were all just hanging out all day.

My mom came over to me and said, "We need to talk about JJ"

"Mom, there's nothing to say about him" I said defensively

"Really? Because when you left for boarding school, I found you half-naked with your tongue down this throat."

"Mom, that was a long time ago and I didn't leave for school, you drug me there" I said annoyed that she was bringing this up now

"Kiara, don't have that tone with me, missy. I am your mother and you need to respect me and yourself. You are a beautiful girl who is well off in life, it's time you start acting like it. That means no more pogues, especially not JJ Maybank. He just wants to sleep with you sweetie and he's a messed up kid. Stop acting like a slut and start acting like the girl I raised you to be."

"Are you serious right now? I am nineteen years old, meaning I no longer have to listen to you. You don't know a damn thing about JJ and I am not a slut mom. I have a boyfriend, remember Cole?"

I walked away from my mom and I was fighting back tears. I started walking to JJ's house, the only place I knew to go. I knocked on the door and he said, "Look who decided to ditch the kook Christmas"

He saw me crying and he hugged me and asked, "What happened?"

"Unresolved issues with my mom. She called me a slut because of what happened.." I said trailing off as I didn't want to talk about this

"I'm sorry, Kie... But I'm glad you're here because I was just about to start a gourmet frozen pizza and watch a Christmas movie"

"That sounds perfect," I said smiling

JJ decided on the grinch and we sat on the couch and ate the whole pizza together. We talked about everything and about nothing. I was still in jeans and a sweater so I asked JJ if I could borrow his clothes. He told me to take whatever I wanted. I went into his room and grabbed a pair of his joggers and a long sleeve shirt. I came back out and I caught him watching me as I sat down on the couch next to him.

"Thank you" I said

"No problem, so what should we watch next?" He asked

We watched the Polar Express next as JJ has never seen it.  It was the most perfect night. It was around 1am now and JJ and I got up and he walked me to his bedroom and said, "You sleep here and I will sleep on the couch"

"No, it's your bed. I'll sleep on the couch, you sleep here." I said going to leave the room and he stopped me and told me that I was staying here

He left the room and shut the door and I went and laid in his bed. It smelt like him and it was comforting. I've never really been in JJ's house before and now I was sleeping in his bed. I fell asleep and the next morning, I got up and JJ was making pancakes. It was adorable. I helped him and we ate breakfast and JJ handed me a small box and told me to open it.

I opened it and inside was a ring. It was silver and it had a wave with a turtle in it. It was beautiful. I looked at him and he looked proud and happy.

"J, it's beautiful... But I don't have anything for you" I siad feeling extremely guilty

"I didn'thave anything for you either until this morning. It was my moms ring. She wore it everywhere from the time she got it when she was a teenager from her boyfriend. She left it when she left me and my dad. He gave her the ring. I know it's kinda fucked up, but it's the one piece of her I have left and I want you to have it. You love the ocean and you love turtles."

I had tears in my eyes and I said, "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely" He said smiling

"Thank you" I said hugging him and then I put the ring on and JJ was more excited to see me wear it than he would have been if I had a gift for him

We hung out all day and he asked me if I was going to go home.I told him I had no desire to go home. My parents knew I was with him and I didn't care. That night, I was laying in bed looking at the ring he gave me. It was increidble and I was exhausted and I was trying to fall asleep. I finally doozed off and then the door opened and JJ stood there and he said, "Sorry, I'm just grabbing my phone charger"

"J, don't sleep on that uncomfortable couch again." I said moving over and he laid down next to me without protesting which I thought was weird but

We both were laying next to eachother and I rolled over and so my back was to him and I suddenly couldn't stop thinking about the hammock. A few seconds later he wrapped his arm around my waist and he pulled me closer to him and we were spooning. I put my hand on his and he held me a little tighter. Shit, this was a bad idea. I knew we wouldn't be able to control it.

He moved my hair so my neck was exposed and he whispered in my ear, "Tell me to stop" as he started kissing my neck and I couldn't tell him to stop. I moved so my lips touched his as he kissed me. We were making out and he pulled my shirt off and started kisisng my chest and leaving hickeys all over my body. My breathing was getting faster and my heart was racing. He took off his pants, leaving him in his boxers and he quickly ripped my clothes off and we were having sex. I looked into his eyes and he said, "Fuck, Kie I'm so in love with you"

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