chapter 7

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"Hi I'm velvet"
Silence took over the room
A cry eropted

" Omg hi I'm your Nona " I was engulfed in a hug " hello it's nice to meet you but your squeezing me to death"I chach my breath

" No need for introduction I read the family history book I know all of you and who you are "

" Ooh I like her already" ant Mia said

"Who's ready for dinner " sabastian said we went and sat down it had shrimp I'm allergic to shrimp

" What are you not going to eat you ungrateful bitch " Valentino said" no because I'm allergic to shrimp you pompus asshole " " I'm going to my room to take a nap

Sabastian POV -

" Valentino wtf
Why would you say that get me all your electrics and car keys your grounded "

What am I going to do with this boy

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