𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐓 𝐖 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 𝐘 - 𝐅 𝐈 𝐕 𝐄

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A/N: This one is a long one, so daily reminders to drink some water and to eat something...

Can't really tell you guys to get some sleep bc that'll be extremely hypocritical of me lol

Anyway, hope you enjoy and tysm for reading <3


𝐇𝐄𝐑 πŒπ”π’π‚π‹π„π’ π’π‡πŽπŽπŠ 𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐄 continued to stand her ground. Her breathing picked up, once more, as she continued to stare at Ben and Genie; she knew that if she broke eye contact with them she would most definitely look around the room. She didn't want to look at the people around her because she knew that she was only going to see one thing: Fear. She was Chernabog's daughter and she had Fairy Godmother's wand in her grasp, making everyone around her powerless. She could easily overpower them all, except for maybe Genie. With a simple swish, the bracelets would be gone and she would finally be free, and yet, she couldn't move or mutter a single word.

She licked her lips before looking at the ground, feeling her grip on the magical object loosened. Her eyes blinked, forcing away the tears that had gathered in their brim. She ran her hand down her face as she let out a scream. Nothing was going as planned, right now. Everything was so simple and they had gone over it so many times that Y/N had lost count of the number of times that Mal said the word: "Wand". Yet, here she was... messing it all up for everyone all because her brain and heart were in two different places.

Her whole life, she wanted and dreamed of things that were impossible for someone like her to accomplish and it crushed her heart. Once she got older, she learned how to deal with the pain because her father would constantly give her a large dose of reality to crush her dreams and everything that made her an innocent, naive child. She doesn't get to choose, not even then. She was the daughter of Chernabog, the daughter of the Devil and so, by default, she was just as evil as him, according to the geniuses of Auradon. Her face had been sealed the moment her mother decided to leave her on his doorstep, allowing him to corrupt her mind and create a monster.

"Reality doesn't work like that, Ben," Y/N mumbled, shaking her head, slightly. "People like us never get a choice."

Y/N looked down at her wrists, her eyes scanning the bracelets as she watched down move around her wrists with every little movement she made. Within the first hour of her being there, the Kin of Auradon and its people demonstrated perfectly well that she will never have a choice regarding her well-being. They forced her to put these, not even allowing her a say in the matter or a choice.

Genie took a deep breath as he watched Y/N, his heart rate picking it up with every passing second. He knew that he was losing her with every ticking second that flew by within the blink of an eye. They were wasting time, standing around and asking useless questions. He knew that Ben was only trying to help and he applaud him for that, but at the same time, this kid had no idea what he was doing. The situation was much bigger than the king had in mind; they were other parties and factors in play.

"Then, what do you want, Y/N?" Genie asked, taking a step forward. He had no idea what he was doing, but by asking questions that avoided subjects that she didn't want to talk about he had a fighting chance of saving her and the other kids. "What do you want to happen, right now?"

A shaky breath escaped Y/N's lips. "I need to kill you."

"That wasn't the question, Y/N." Genie shook his head, taking another step toward the girl. "What do you want?" His voice was soft as he spoke and his eyes were gentle as he kept eye contact with the girl in front of him.

Y/N shook her head, tears spilling down her cheeks. "No." She sniffled loudly, trying to stop the tears. "My fatherβ€”"

"Isn't here now, is he?" Genie stared at her, waiting for her response. "Y/N, I swear to Mount Olympus that I will protect you, no matter what, okay?" He held out his hand. "But, I can't do that if you're trying to blow my head off."

Y/N blinked a couple of times, hoping that it'll help her clear her mind in some way, but it didn't. "I..."

She thought of every ticking moment she spent in Auradon and the moments she spent on the Isle. Everything she's ever done flashed before her eyes as she stared down at the wand, her hands shaking. However, there was one thing that stuck out to her: The feeling of freedom.

She knew that she hasn't had the complete taste of it, yet, but the few moments she spent here in Auradon where she wasn't looking over her shoulder every few seconds in fear were probably some of her favourites. The feeling of the wind against her face whenever it decided to make itself known on a sunny day. It never failed to make her smile and the smell of the fresh air that came along with it brought her a piece of serenity, something she could never obtain while staying on the Isle.

But this was all a selfish thought and she knew that she couldn't afford to put herself forward, right now. Jay would always come first in her mind, no matter what. She was so close to getting everything she set out for the moment her father allowed her to come to Auradon. The plan was coming together, the wand was within her grasp and Genie was at her mercy, but she knewβ€”deep downβ€”that she was only trying to convince herself of this. She knew that once the villains take over Auradon and the rest of the world, the things she found comfort in this horrible world would be gone.

Being a villain meant you have to be evil and cruel, but she wanted to add something else to the list: Selfishness and that was exactly what she wanted at the moment. She wants to be selfish.

"I want to be selfish." Y/N looked at the people in front of her, her eyes hardened.

Genie stayed quiet, waiting for the girl to elaborate on what she meant. His eyes were focused on her as he held his arms by his side, not feeling concerned for the safety of the people around him because he knew better. He knew that if he went into a defensive stance it would make Y/N's decision much easier for her because she would most likely feel threatened by him.

"I want Jay to be safe. I want to be able to feel the sun on my skin, no matter how hot it gets." A small smile appeared on Y/N's lips as she started listing off the things that popped into her head. "I want to be able to breathe in the fresh air. I just want to be free and to feel at home somewhere." Y/N's smile faltered, reality settling back into her mind as she looked around at everyone, seeing and sensing the fear they had as they kept their peering, judgy eyes on her. "But it'll never happen." Because they say I'm evil.

Ben started to walk towards the transfer students, his strides were a little too fast for Y/N's comfort. "But it can happenβ€”"

"No, it can't!" Y/N yelled, her body facing the newly crowned king. "Look at them, Ben! Do those look like happy people to you?!" Y/N laughed in hysteria as she felt her eyes lose their E/C colour and pick up a yellow colour. "This is the path that was laid out for me. This is how my story goes..."

Genie chuckled. "Doesn't have to be, though. If you were actually following the path that was shoved down your throat, then I'd already be dead."

Y/N furrowed her brows together in confusion as she listened to the older man talk. She thought that she would've been used to Genie's choice of words most of the time, but like always he proved her wrong.

"Your heart is rewriting your story. It's that feeling in your head that's preventing you from doing all of this in the first place." Genie continued, his chest now fully pressed against the tip of the wand, but there still wasn't a spec of fear in his eyes as he continued to look at the scared girl in front of her.

A small sob escaped Y/N's lips as she found the will to meet Genie's gaze. "Then what do I do?"

"Listen to whatever that instinct is telling you to do. Listen to your heart."

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and allowed her senses to kick in. She listened to the noises around her, trying to find any form of sigh that the Universe was trying to give her regarding the whole situation. Her arms slowly lowered by her side as she finally allowed her muscles to relax. Her grip loosened on the wand, but not enough to let the wand slip within her fingers. A small gasp escaped her lips as she felt someone grab her hand. She looked down at her hand before slowly looking up, her eyes meeting Jay's. A small smile appeared on her face as she looked back at Genie and Ben.

"So, what's it telling you?" Genie asked, a smirk appearing on his face.

Y/N turned around to face her friends. "It's telling me that we will never be who are parents want us to be, no matter how hard we try." A single tear rolled down her cheek as she chuckled. "We aren't evil, you guys." She looked over at Carlos, a smile on her face. "Rubbing Dude's belly and taking him out for walks make you happy." Carlos smiled, thinking about the dog. "Evie, if you have to change who you are for a boy then he's not worth it." She grabbed the girl's hand, squeezing it, gently. "Be who you are and follow your heart, you'll find your Prince Charming." Evie started laughing, slightly, tears filling the brim of her eyes. "Mal, it's not gonna be worth selling your soul away to Chernabog for a stupid title, okay?"

"Yeah, I figured. I'd be leaving too much behind here." Mal smiled, looking down at the ring Ben had given her in the carriage.

Y/N laughed before turning her attention to the boy standing next to her. "Jay, playing tourney and eating victory pizza makes you happy, not being a thief." A serious expression appeared on Y/N's face as she licked her lips, slightly. "Seeing the blue sky every morning makes me feel happy, you guys. Not running rampage through the streets and making everyone miserable. Being able to spend time with you guys every day makes me happy. Not committing crimes and trying to be evil just for my father's sake." Y/N took a deep breath before looking over at Jay. "Being around you makes me feel really happy and if I had to pick one person to spend the rest of my weird life with it would be you, Jay, because you are my home."

Y/N placed her hands on his chest, leaving little space between both of them. Their breathing synced as they continued to stare into each other's eyes, admiring the colour and comfort within them. A small smile appeared on Jay's face as he slowly leaned towards Y/N, his eyes gazing from her lips to her eyes, silently asking for permission. Y/N continued to lean towards the former thief before their lips finally crashed with one another. A small smile appeared on Y/N's face as she pulled away from Jay. She continued to stare into his eyes as he rested his forehead against hers, smirking in return.

Jay's arms wrapped around Y/N's waist, pulling her closer, causing a small giggle to escape her lips as her chest collided with his. "I'll gladly come to see the blue sky with you every day, no matter the time." He placed another kiss on her lips before resting his forehead back on hers.

Y/N directed her attention back to her friends, a small smile on her face. She felt Jay pull her into a side hug, making sure to keep his arm around her waist and her body close to his. "I don't want to be evil anymore." She held her fist out, silently pleading with her friends to join her. "I choose good."

A grin appeared on Genie's face as he watched Y/N, a feeling of pride washing over him. He looked up at Fairy Godmother who had a similar expression on her face. He walked toward Ben, placing a hand on his shoulder. A silent exchange was shared between both of them before they directed their attention back to the transfer kids.

I knew you could do it, kid. Genie thought as he crossed his arms, his gaze still fixated on the kids in front of him.

Jay looked at Y/N, a smile appearing on his face. "I choose good, too." He touched his fist with hers, demonstrating his support.

"Same here." Mal joined the couple, his fist gently bumping against Y/N's.

Evie smiled before placing his fist against theirs. "I choose good."

"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be?" Carlos asked, a smile appearing on his face, causing the girls to start laughing. "Because they're gonna be really, really mad." He started laughing along with them.

Ben smiled. "Your parents can't reach you here."

"And even if they tried they'll have to get through me first." Genie grinned as he cracked his knuckles.

Carlos looked at the older man with concern before turning his attention back to his family. "Okay, then. Good." His fist joined their circle.

A laugh escaped Mal's throat before she turned her attention towards King Ben. "Come on," she spoke softly before motioning for him to come and join them.

A small smile appeared on the King's face before he slowly walked towards the group, adjusting his suit while he was at it. He took his place beside Mal, extending his arm and gently bumping his fist with the rest of them.

"Genie," Y/N called to the older man, motioning for him to come over.

Genie grinned. "Move aside, people. I'm joining a cult." He stood beside Y/N and placed his fist next to hers

A glowing sensation came from Y/N's wrists. The girl looked down in curiosity before quickly pulling her hands away from her friends, afraid of what could possibly happen. She still had no idea how her unknown power worked and she wasn't willing to take any risks, especially not now. The words that were engraved around the bracelets started to glow one by one, almost as if some unknown entity were reading them. A clicking noise echoed through the silent hall, causing a small gasp to leave Y/N's lips as her eyes widened in panic. However, that panic was quickly replaced by a smile as she felt the cuffs loosen their grip on her before falling to the ground, the glow that emanated from them leaving, as well.

Looking down at the ground, a large grin appeared on her lips. She felt the skin of her wrists, causing a laugh to escape her lips. It was a strange sensation, one that she thought she'd never be able to feel, but now... now she was finally, truly, free.

Mal laughed as she watched the girl's expression before resting her head against Ben's shoulder, feeling content with the situation. A small smile appeared on Jay's lips before he gently placed a kiss on Y/N's head. Y/N turned to face him, a grin forming on her face as she rested her forehead against his. They both closed their eyes, allowing themselves to take in everything that was going around them. They would all be able to finally relax and enjoy their lives without worry.

Y/N slowly opened his eyes, her E/C ones meeting Jay's brown eyes. A feeling of contentment rested in her eyes as she found comfort in them. She didn't even notice the sound of the crowd applauding them from behind, but she did know something certain: Dark Brown was now her favourite colour.

"Y/N, get behind me!" Genie yelled, causing the teens to snap out of their daze. "You too, pretty boy."

Following the older man's directions, they both took shelter behind Genie's back. The sound of a window shattering filled their ears as they watched a black fume of smoke pour through the shattered window, a green fume of smoke following close behind the black one. Both fumes made their way across the room, scouting its area, almost, but Y/N knew better. She knew who was behind this and what it was about to become. Jane must've broken the barrier, allowing a small use of magic to slip through the barrier and allowing a pair of villains to escape their prison cell.

The green fume took the lead, heading towards the middle of the room while the black smoke stayed above, resting on one of the stone pillars. It was watching the green one, waiting for its next move and would most likely attack once it realizes what was going on. The green smoke created a whirlwind in front of the altar, causing a large gust of wind to travel through the hall, forcing most of the attendants to look away.

The whirlwind, slowly, settled down, revealing a wicked, evil fairy who had a large grin plastered on her face. "I'm back!" Her staff was in her hands, the green rock that was embedded into the wooden carving was glowing a neon green colour.

"It can't be," Mal whispered, her gaze fixated on the older woman before her. "Go away, Mother." Her voice came out louder before, not feeling afraid of her mother's wrath.

Maleficent started laughing, a poor attempt to cover up for her daughter's foolishness in front of her master. "She's funny." She turned to face Fairy Godmother, a snort escaping her lips. "Oh! I'm soβ€”you're very funny." Maleficent took a step towards her daughter. "Don't blow this, kiddo. Chernabog is watchingβ€”"

"Enough!" A male voice boomed through the hall, catching the attention of every living thing attending the event.

The fume of black smoke swirled around the room, once more, before landing in front of Maleficent, taking away the attention that was directed towards the fairy. The fume swirled around, creating another whirlwind before transforming into Chernabog. The man's eyes were singing their disgusting bright yellow colour as he glared at every single person who met his eyes.

Y/N frowned, keeping her eyes on the man in front of her. "Father, what are you doing here?"

"Completing the task that my daughter found too difficult to complete," Chernabog sneered, his hands catching fire as he directed his focus toward the man standing next to his child.

Y/N eyes widened. "Mal, take the wand." She quickly tossed the magical object toward the purple-haired girl before lighting her hands on fire, matching her father's power.

She had no control over the other power and she didn't even know how to use it. Her fire would have to settle for now as a defensive move and she could only pray to the Gods of Olympus that she figured out how to summon those yellow energy balls sooner rather than later.

"No!" Ben cried out as he watched Chernabog direct his hand towards Genie, an evil grin appearing on his face as a fireball shot out of the palm of his hand.

Y/N defended Genie, shooting a fireball at her father's, causing a small explosion-like noise to echo through the room, both fireballs nowhere to be seen, anymore.

"If you want to hurt him or any of my friends, you'll have to go through me first." Y/N held her ground, her hands still ablaze as she kept eye contact with the Devil.

From behind, Maleficent pointed the tip of her wand towards Y/N, the giant rock glowing bright green as some sort of green magical dust appeared around it. Mal's eyes widened in panic as she quickly tossed Fairy Godmother's wand back to its owner, hoping that the older woman would be able to put a stop to all this mayhem with the help of the Guardian, but she was quickly proven wrong.

Fairy Godmother caught the wand with ease before moving her arm around in a circular motion, magic leaving the wand as she started chanting her spell. "Bibbidi-bobbidiβ€”!"

Maleficent turned to face the Fairy, a look of disgust on her face. "Boo," she completed the sentence before pointing her sceptre to the sky, completely forgetting about the girl that was fighting her master.

A surge of magic travelled through the crowd, causing all the nobles of Auradon to freeze in their place, a look of shock and fear on everyone's

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