TFM 31๐Ÿ’š

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Raelynn "Isle" Carter
A Few Weeks Later

"Alright Mrs. Burton, everything seem to be fine. You're free to go" the doctor said

I nod and got up before walking out the door and outside to the car. I got in and drive off...


I pull up and got out the car before walking inside.

"Let me show you sum" Garret said standing up

I nod and follow him upstairs down the hall to a room. He open and I walk inside

G.J's nusery

"Awww it's cute" I said smiling

"I knew you would like it" he said before pecking my lips

"How yo appointment go?"


He nod before grabbing my hand and lead me to our room. Once we walk in, he smash his lips onto mines. We start having full blown make out session. He pick me up and carry me to the bed before laying me down. He take his shirt off and start kissing me again. Before his phone start ringing; he sigh and answered it.

"What you want Shara?" He said




"Aight I'm on the way" he said hanging up

"She's in a labor, come on" he said putting his shirt back on

I nod and got up before brush my hair and following him downstairs to the door. It was good thing G.J was staying at my moms for the night. We got in his jeep and he drive off..


I sigh as I wait Garret to come back.

"Rae" Garret said

I got up and follow him to Shara's room. Once we walk in, I took a seat and got out my phone.

"I'm be right back, gotta pee" Garret said walking to the bathroom

"How G.J?" Shara said

"He's fine" I said paying attention to my phone

"That's good"

I nod

"We can at least try to get along?"



"Look I know when we both got babies by him. But I think it's best if we keep distance. Beside I can't even trust you enough to get along with you"

"So that's why you came?"

"No I came because Garret wanted me to"

She nod

Garret walk out the bathroom and sit down next to me.

"You wanna hold him?" Shara said

Garret nod before getting up and picking the baby up

"What his name?"


Garret nod before sitting back down

This for the birds

He smack my thigh and yelp

"I love you Raelynn" he said looking at him

Ugh I hate when he do that, it's like he can read mind or something.

"I love you too" I said

"I'm marry you one day"

I smile before peck his lips
Money burst out laughing as the waitress to come

"You hell" Money said

"Hey I'm Sarah and I be your waitress. Can y'all start off with some drinks?" She said smiling at Garret

"Uh give me a water" Garret said

"I'll get a Sprite" I said

"We not Sprite, we only got Sierra Mist"

Same damn thing!

"Give that than and stop looking at my nigga thanks management"

Garret smack my thigh and I yelp

"Behave" Garret said

I roll my eyes

"I get sweet tea" Money said

"Water" Mila said

"Water" Light said

"Water" Remi said

"I be back with your drinks"

A few minutes later, she came back and sit our drinks on the table.

"Ready to order?"

"Yeaa let me get chicken Parmesan" Garret said

"Chicken Alfredo"

Mile em order their food and she walk away


"Alright here y'all go" she handing everybody their before grabbing mines and throwing a little on the table

I jump out my seat before grabbing her ponytail and pulling her back. I start decking her ass before she start swinging. I was eating those as I keep punching her.

"Raelynn chill" Garret said grabbing me and picking me up

I kick her in the face as all of us walk out. He walk to his jeep and open the door before putting me in. He close the door and walk over to his side and got in before driving off...


Once we got home, we got out the car and walk towards the door. We walk inside and went upstairs to our room. As soon I turn around he smash his lips and start making out. He lift me up and carry me to the bed before laying me down. He slip off my shirt and bend down before sucking my neck making it bruise. He take off my jeans and boy shorts.

"Turn around" he said looking at me

I did as told before he arch my back and ram inside me.

"Didn't I told you behave? Huh?" He said still pounding

"Yess" I moan loudly

"Yes what?"

"Yess daddy" I said inching up some

He pull me back before ramming again.

"Stop running" he said

A high pitch moan escape my mouth as he pound inside me. He pull out and stand up.

"Come on let's get in the shower" he said

"I can't" I said

"What you mean?"

"I can't get up, you broke something" I whine

"Oh shit" he said before helping me get dress

He pick me up bridal style and walk out the room and outside to his jeep. He put me in before running to his side and got in..
"Are you sure you fall?" The doctor said

"Yes" I said

"Interest; it look like the cause of it is from aggressive ramming"

Garret burst out laughing

I mug him

"I'm give some pain killers, take it once a day and you should be back to normal"

I nod before getting up

We walk outside to his jeep, got in before he drive off

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