The Sharpest Lives

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Frank's POV

Working on a Sunday felt weird, having that weekend off and just goofing off in a skirt made me feel so much better. I assume it had the same effect on Gerard. He was singing, he was dancing, he didn't care about what I saw, he was in his moment. We both fell asleep in the skirts and even ended up wearing them the whole weekend. I was smiling, staring at the shelf in front of me that blocked the door, I just wanted it to be lunch.

"So you had fun on your weekend off?"

"Don't start, I'm keeping my mindset on Friday, I don't need you to bring me anywhere else."

"Ooh, had a fun Friday?"

"You have no idea."

"Get laid finally?"

"Something even better."

"What would that be?"

"None of your business, it was just a me thing-"

The bell rang, notifying us that a customer was there. I made myself look busy and then Gerard walked in and smiled. God, that smile made my heart melt. He waved and I held up a finger as a customer came over to check out, what a bummer. It was my last customer before my lunch break started, which I was so happy for. I ran from the counter and hugged Gerard, smiling into the trenchcoat he wore.

"I have your lunch, Frank... And I'm wearing a skirt."


"Mhm, just under the coat, it's the long red one."

"You didn't show me that one. It could've matched with my top on Friday."

"But the black skirt looked better."

"True. Anyway, thanks for lunch... I knew I was forgetting something."

"And I knew you forgot about it. Just got off work though. Have a great rest of the day, Frankie. See you when you get back."

"Bye, you're going to send me a picture of the outfit though, right?"

"Will do."

I sighed as he left and I went to the breakroom. I sat down, opening it, and seeing a crispy salad, a soda, and a note. "I know you love a salad, but there's a little surprise to make work bearable ;)" and to which I saw something wrapped up in the salad. I pulled it out and it was a strong shot of whiskey in a cute little bottle, but it had a small picture attached, both of us in skirts. I took the shot and hid the picture in my phone case, just when my coworker walked in.

"So, that tall drink of water is your roommate. I'd love to take a drink of him. Is he single?"

"Don't even think about it."

"Too late for that, he looks too kind to be with a stuck-up asshole like you."

"For your information, I only act like a stuck-up asshole because you crave the interaction, I never do."


"You are way too happy for the mornings."

"Fine, I'll leave you alone."

"Thank god."

She left, pissed beyond what I meant to do, but I was finally alone. I looked at the soda, opening the tab and getting hit with carbonation the first sip. I ate the salad, the dressing didn't make it soggy and it didn't burn the back of my throat, which surprised me that Gerard was capable of that. Not only was he a fucking amazing cook, but he also had some wizardry up his sleeve.

I was sad that my lunch break ended, but at least I had a good memory to keep me going through my last hours. I was smiling, it felt foreign to me in my workplace, but my manager loved it. Called it "enthusiasm". I just wanted to hug Gerard again, I wanted to see him. We had bonded more over the weekend, it was funny to even think we fought over something as silly as what happened months ago. I know it was not the best time to talk about it, he was still in a skirt at the time. It made me laugh, he looked adorable in the skirt he wore, we even traded on Saturday, which made me laugh a little more.

I had an upbeat attitude, it scared my other coworkers and it wasn't just the one that was always upbeat. I was stocking shelves, a little bit of a bounce in my step as I even stocked the back wall. I had a song stuck in my head, the one Gerard played on Friday. I'd never forgotten it. I was stocking the shelves some more, secretly singing it in my head. I just really couldn't wait to go home.


"Frank, are you okay?"

"Yes, sir. I feel much better today."

"You seem... Happy."

"Is that a problem, sir?"

"No, not at all, it just concerned your coworkers today. They asked me if you were alright."

"They can ask themselves, I'm a-okay. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to make sure I don't miss my ride home."

"Of course, see you tomorrow, Frank."

I nodded with the same smile I'd worn all day, grabbing my jacket and closing my locker. I walked out and as I got outside before getting in the backseat with Mikey. For some reason, he sat in the back with me. We were on our way home, it was quiet, but that allowed me to realize that we weren't going home. I looked at Ray, then Mikey, both were looking at each other.

"What's going on?"

"Just a scenic route, something to brighten up a Sunday."

"Well, I assure you, my day was fine. What is really going on?"

"We were wondering what happened to you guys all weekend. You and Gee."

"Yeah, Mikey and I barely saw either of you and I swear a Metallica song was playing on repeat at 5 in the morning on Friday."

"There were at least 5 to be correct, but what's the big deal? So what if we jammed out until early morning?"

"We were just worried."

"No need, we were just jamming."

"Mikey told me Gerard was standing at your door, went back, and he was gone. All of a sudden he heard yelling, then nothing else. Then little steps of running, a door closing and then loud music."

"Where were you in all this?"

"Asleep. I was taking a well-deserved nap after work."

"Ooooh! You guys are wondering if we did anything, aren't you?"

"My brother is fragile, I'm making sure you didn't take what he won't give away."

"I wouldn't. Besides, he doesn't like me like that. He's handsome, kind, and mature, but he's not into me-"

"-like you are to him?"

"What? No no, you got me all wrong-"

"Really? The looks you give him? The sparkle in your eyes when you see him? You make coffee for him when you're the first to wake up. You made him feel better. I haven't seen my brother this happy. Man, there must've been at least 5 ladies that wanted his number on Sunday, he turned them all down politely."

"Wait what? Then what do I do?"

"Ask him out, he's head over heels for you, and you only."

"I-I'm not sure... He could just be happy to have a friend?"

"Totally. And he loves that friend enough to turn down 5 very nice ladies? Just think about it."

They shut up about it. But everything that they said was right. I saw those girls crowding Gerard as paparazzi would to a celebrity, it made me a little jealous, I wanted him to be mine, not those slutty girls. My thoughts stopped at that, I made them do that because who was I kidding? Gerard with me? I would have more luck getting with Mikey than with Gerard.

Once we got home, I sprinted up the steps, taking two at a time and then shutting my door. I locked it and then flopped onto my bed, curling up in the blankets and staying in the dark. I breathed deep and hard breaths, I was still panicking because the thought of asking out Gerard scared me. He didn't see my glances, he couldn't know what I was feeling. It hit me hard, like a rock; I liked Gerard more than I realized.

"Hey, Frank? You okay in there?"

"Yup, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"... You want proof?"

"Kind of."

I got up, unlocking the door and smirking as I leaned against the doorway. The facade of confidence. Gerard was surprised nonetheless, but I couldn't see past that, I couldn't see what he was thinking. Maybe he could see past me. I almost gave up, but I was under inspection, it wasn't an option at the moment. Before I knew it, he did what I did to him. I was pressed up against my door in the same position, and I could see how uncomfortable it was to have someone's knee right between your legs.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"You're easy to read, Frank. You forget to not let your face give you away."

"Someone has been practicing. Now, get your knee away from my crotch."

"I didn't hear a please, Frank, something has got you in a fit. Maybe if you ask nicely, I'll let you sit."

"F-fine, can I please sit down? Please."

"There you go, was that so hard?"

"Not while the ability to not have kids is at stake."

I was let go, guided to the bed. I had nowhere to go, I was trapped in my bedroom. I attempted to slide away, I was caught and then Gerard held onto me. I squirmed, trying to get away, but I wasn't that strong. I gave up, staying on the perch of Gerard's lap. I made myself comfortable.

"So, I'll ask again. What's wrong?"

"My manager asked if I was okay..."


"I was. But he said my coworkers were concerned because of how upbeat I was, I'm not sure if it was an insult."

"Well, I don't think you should take it as one, but there's something else, isn't there?"

"No, but thanks for the whiskey."

"Wait what? Oh my god, did I do that?"

"Please say it was you because the picture of us in skirts was attached to it."

"That I did. I meant to give you something to try, it was something to put in the soda I gave you, but I think I grabbed the other one."

"It was some strong whiskey though."

"You drank it while you were at work? Frank! That's so irresponsible."

"I know, I know. But I had a pretty good day today."

"That's good, but no more drinking at work, you dork."

"Then make sure you don't give me whiskey and I wouldn't be so irresponsible."

I leaned into Gerard, playing with the skin on his hands, the soft skin underneath my fingertips. It was silent, I was already tired, but I didn't want to fall asleep on him again. I kept waking myself up, Gerard was silent, I didn't like it since it was unnerving me. I carefully took his arms and separated them, grabbing my guitar and plugging it in. I sat in the chair next to my amp, softly stroking the strings into a melody.

I felt Gerard pick me up, then put me down again. I was sitting in his lap. I still carried on, the strings making such a quiet tune that made me relax. I was slowly slipping into a feeling I didn't recognize, one that hadn't occurred when I played before. My soft playing became quiet, fading out and then silence again. I leaned against Gerard's shoulder and put my guitar down on its stand after unplugging it.

"That was beautiful."

"... There's this feeling with it."

"Really? Could you try describing it?"

"There was a shiver, then that warm burst of the morning... Then there was that feeling that is there. It's separate. I-it's kind of like sparks, then the aftercooling feeling of water on your skin, except on the inside."

"Sparks, huh?"

"Kind of."

"You have my interest now. What were the sparks like?"

"This is gonna sound stupid, get ready... As if I could reach out and feel the fire. A strong spreading warmth down my body and stopping when it faded."

"It doesn't sound stupid to me."

Gerard's breath on my neck almost made me glad I was tired, but I wanted more of those sparks too. Not the ones that I described to him, the ones he was giving me. I reached up to slowly feel his face, the soft and cooling surface just brushing past the pads of all 10 of my fingers. When I got to his lips, I carefully rubbed my thumb over them. I wish I didn't have my back to him. I could feel his soft lips, a little wet from saliva or water. The smile that I could feel just made it all that much better to feel his face.

I got up and brought Gerard out of the chair, bringing him to the bed and pushing him down on it, back first. I got on top of him, chuckling a little and placing my hand on his heart, it was beating like a drum, rapid and in the same pattern. I wrapped my arms underneath him and put my ear to his heart, keeping my body against his and staying like that. I made it so we were lying down on our sides, my face still in his chest.

"Could you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

"I can stay in here if you want."

"... Yes, please."

"Are you gonna let go?"

"No... Is that alright?"

"Of course, just sleep well, okay?"

I nodded, snuggling into his chest, and hugging him tightly before he put his arms around me. I felt safe next to him that I forgot that we needed a blanket. I grabbed the end, putting it over us and letting Gerard situate it on his side. I curled up and shut my eyes, the fatigue taking over my body as I soon fell asleep in Gerard's arms.


"Frank. Wake up. I have to pee."

"Hm? Sorry."

I let go, seeing him leave, and then immediately was sent into a coughing fit. I looked up at the ceiling, and to be honest with myself, I felt like shit. I didn't feel like getting up. I started coughing again, then I was reaching for a trash can. I couldn't stop, mouthful after mouthful of the gross taste went into the trash can. I felt a hand on my back and then arms picked me up to lay me down again. I felt a cold hand come to my forehead, the temperature feeling so good.

"Frank, you can't go to work today. You're burning up."

"H-hand me my phone."

I waited for a little, coughing a little from the taste in the back of my throat. I held out my hand, being given the small box-like thing and immediately typing in the password, getting it wrong a few times. I looked through my contacts and clicked my manager's first. It ringed for a little and then it clicked, letting me know he picked up.

"Hello? Frank?"

"H-hey, sir."

"Are you alright?"

"This time, no. I can't come in today, I'm sick."

"How sick?"

"Well, I'm burning up, I just puked up my guts-"

"Alright, alright. That's all I needed to know. I knew something wasn't good with you, you were looking pretty pale yesterday."

"Thanks, sir. I'll make the time up when I can."

"Bye Frank, get better."

I hung up and proceeded to vomit again, this time Gerard held my hair back so I didn't get anymore puke in it. It was a while before I finally was able to just spit a little and sit up. Gerard sat down on the bed and sighed. He looked at me and I looked at him, barely but I could still see him. I went into the bedside drawer and grabbed some Pepto, taking some and then sitting back.

"Frank, you need a shower."

"I-I can't stand, I feel so tired."

"I would too if I just threw up twice in five minutes."

"I-I can't."

"What if I help you?"

"You are- no, that's a bad idea."

"Frank... What if I was in there with you? You don't have to, but you really need to shower, you have puked in your hair and you're covered in sweat."

"Oh really? Hadn't noticed. I will take a shower, with one condition; no looking."

"I promise."

I was still skeptical. I was sick, but I wasn't an idiot. Gerard helped me stand, took me to the bathroom, and then sat me down to grab some clothes. He came back with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, how convenient. Gerard started the water and then started to strip, closing the door and locking it. He helped me take off my clothes, which wasn't hard since they were baggy this time.

"I already took out your trash by the way."

I nodded, the clothes were thrown to the floor, I was then helped to stand to take off my boxers and so I wasn't at eye level with Gerard's package. I was so tired, but at least I didn't feel like spewing my guts anymore. Gerard threw something pink aside, and I knew it was his underwear. He helped me into the shower, it was so warm across my back, but my cold feet didn't appreciate it.

I shut my eyes a little, it was hard to keep them open. I felt his hands, they started at my hair that kept growing, it was just getting down to my chin. The soothing water rolling off of me felt relieving as he washed my body, letting me wash my legs to uphold his promise.

It didn't feel awkward, it felt weird sure, but it wasn't awkward. Gerard had seen me down to at least my pants. After he was done, the water shut off and the curtain was pulled back. I basically had my eyes closed the whole time, and I'm pretty sure I started to fall asleep by accident. Gerard was drying me off, still keeping his promise and keeping the towel around my front while drying my legs.

I was able to slip on my boxers, making it easier on Gerard. He dressed me and told me to keep my eyes closed while he got dressed too, which wasn't a problem seeing as I was too tired to open them. He dressed quickly, picking me up and soon putting me down on the bed and covering me with the blanket.

"Could you stay with me? I don't like being lonely..."

"Of course, how about I grab my laptop and we could watch a movie?"

"That sounds like an awesome idea."

I laid in my bed and curled up, I was kind of cold without Gerard. It was soon changed as I felt him with another blanket and his presence with the laptop. He tucked me into the blanket and put the laptop on his lap, allowing me to just cuddle into his side and lie my head on his chest. He kissed my head and I smiled.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because you're so sweet."

"It was a forehead kiss, Frank."

"But you agreed to stay with me! That's very sweet because you have no idea if I'm contagious."

"That's not a deal-breaker I would give up watching a movie for. You're sick and I'm determined to take care of my friend."

"Buddies, just watching a movie... Nothing gory right now though."

"I know, we don't need to change the trash liner again."

I giggled a little as I snuggled up into Gerard some more, but I really wanted to say something about the friend thing, but then the car ride home popped up in my brain. I knew he didn't like me like that. He really did think of me as a friend, one that he would turn down beautiful girls for. Or he could be looking for a girl he likes instead of one he had just met. Mikey was probably right, he wouldn't give up his V-card for just anyone.

"Hey, earth to Frankie, movie?"

"Oh, what?"

"I was asking what movie you wanted to watch."

"Oh, sorry-"

"What was going through your head? You seemed distracted."

"Just a little something that was concocted in my head, it's a little vague really."

"Does it have to do with picking a movie?"

"Kinda, just not in the way you'd think. Anyway, I'm up for about anything."

"And the exception being gore."

I nodded and stared up at Gerard's face as he searched through the movies. His eyes were fixated on the screen as mine were on his face, his eyes, his lips. I moved my head to the crook of his neck and just gently put my face against his skin. My lips were near Gerard's neck, so close that I could move my lips and lay a kiss on the skin. My fingers began to glide over the soft skin, circling an area that seemed interesting to me. It was dark, but only a shade darker than his skin, but it made me upset a bit.

"Is this a hickey?"


"Oh? It kind of looks like-"

"I know, Mikey looked at it one time and asked the same question. He doesn't even remember me having it when we were teenagers."

I hummed, feeling Gerard move a little. I smiled as I let my breath ghost over his skin, the little muscles tensing and then relaxing, only to do it again when I did it once more. I smiled and felt Gerard tap on his computer, but it was obvious that something was going on. My body felt feverish, I couldn't move and I didn't feel like moving anyway.

"F-frank, your

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