» wouldnt mind

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They hate me! I'm just a stupid furry to them! They will never like me! Just a useless mut.

My tears started to roll out as I herd my phone ringing I ingored it sobbing apon my floor.

"Stupid wolf!" I scream tugging harsh on my tail.

All I could do is ball up and sob shaking afried to answer much of anything. Many rings of pepole who want to ahold of me.

I just didn't answer making my sad puppy nosies in my glory as I cry and make a puddle of my tears.

"Why was I born like this even my parents hate me got this, this stupid abnormalitie" I sob and sob.

My phone didn't stop blowing up it had of been hours. I sighed seeing the four I got Mc enaged to blowing up my phone on a snap gc.

I answered but stayed quiet.

"Sappy everything alright?" Dream asked.

No answer.

"Sapnap come on we're worried" Karl said softly.

I'd whimper softly.

"Darling, we don't care what you are or how you look it's okay" punz said softly.

I turn the camra on facing it at the ceiling.

"Pup? Hey its okay.. just let us see you bueatiful" quackity  said softly.

My tail wagged hearing him say that and I slowly showed my eye.

"Sweetheart wore u crying?" Dream asked.

"M-mhm" I said quietly.

"Was It what the mean brit said?" Karl asked.

"M-mhm" I say with a whine. "I-i though  you all hate me now"

"We could never. Say? Let's met up soon so we can hold you" punz Sudjested.

My tail wagged to the idea,  "i- like that idea"

"Alright pup well be there as soon as we can be then." Q said clearly packing up.

I could hear everyone packing in the background.

"Anything  for u" they'd say.

I'd smile and let them see me lay there on the camra tail wagging.

"Such a cute wolfy" Karl said softly.

My tail wagged more.

"To be fair we will have to invite george.." q said.

Me ears and tail  went down, "a-alright"

"Hey don't worry we'll protect you we will not let the mean man hurt you, it's four v 1" punz said sweetly.

My ears perked as I made a little happy nosie tail wagging at  speeds of no other; I just smile.

"Awe you like punzs sweet voice"  Dream giggled.

I herd a few car doors slam.

"You sent us packages a few months ago" Karl said.

I'd giggle, "I bet  you loved the pic"

I sent them a pic of my ass tail I made look like a thong.

"Of coruse. But not as much as we lovee you" they boomed.

"Yk yall got that picture spically geirge got  a middle figure with maccorine" I giggled.

"I mean we could if you wanted" Dream hummed.

My tail wagged more.

"I wouldn't mind haveinfg four very hot mates" I'd giggle out.

"Not to mention   the cocksize~" q wishpered.
Well then

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