Chapter 18 Blackouts

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  My alarm went off waking from an awesome dream. I carefully flipped the covers off of me I walked towards the door I turned to look at Riley still sleeping. I smiled then continued. I walked down the hall to the bathroom that we put in not long ago. I flipped on the light as I reached for my tooth brush. After covering my tooth brush with toothpaste I was startled by someone clearing their throat. I lifted my head looking at the mirror I spotted Scarlet standing behind me.

"Uhh hey Scarlet"

"What are you doing up Austin"?

"I could ask you the same thing"

"You woke me up now why are you up"?

"I have to go to school"

"Ooh Mr. Bad boy is going to school"

"Hey haha wait how did I wake you I didn't even wake Riley and how are you already up and dressed"

"What do you mean dressed in wearing a robe"

I cocked an eye brow up at her

"Oh really"?


"Then why do you still have make up on and why are you wearing a dress hmmmm"?

"Uhh G well"

"HA am I to smart for yah"?

"Oh whatever just hurry up I need to take a shower"

"Well lucky for you I don't need to take a shower so let me brush my teeth and the bathroom is all yours"

A few minutes later I walked out of the bathroom surrendering it to Scarlet. I walked back to my room to change but  came to a stop when I walked in seeing Riley already sitting up waiting on me. I smiled at her as I pulled off my t-shirt and threw it at her.

She giggled catching my t-shirt

I walked over to a trunk at the end of the bed to grab a pare of my black jeans .

"Go back to bed Riley"

I pulled off my shorts to put on my jeans. I pulled them up and click me belt together.

"Why would I go back to bed"?
An accent jumped into her voice confusing me

"You have an accent"??

"Umm, yeah"
She grinned a little

"And you never told me"

"Well it comes and goes but anyway why do you want me to go back to sleep"?

"No reason Riley just go back to bed"

"So you want me to go back to sleep when I know your going somewhere"?

She smirked crossing her arms on her chest and sent an eye brow up

"How do you know I'm going somewhere"?

"Well first off your getting dressed and two you just told me"

I just about smacked myself

'why did I fall for that'

I just fell for the oldest trick in the book ugh.

"Damn it"

"Where are you going"?


She cut me off

"Look we both know that your gonna tell me sooner or later so just skip the hole back and forth and just tell me"

I sighed she was right I mean as much as I didn't want to tell her she was going to find out sooner or later.

"Fine I'll tell you" I paused a brief moment hopping she would change her mind and not want to know anymore but she never did "I have to go to school"


She sounded like she didn't believe me. Was this really such a strange thing that I was going to school?

"Yeah so is that weird or something I mean I'm 16"?

"Well no it's normal it's just strange because the hole time we have known you, you never went to school"

"Oh ok I guess that makes sense well I got to go if I'm gonna make it"

"Wait, is it possible I could go with you"?

"Why do you wanna go to school"?

"Because I have pretty crappy education and I need a place for Andy to go for school"

"Umm ok I guess but you have to hurry up"

       She jumped off of the bed running to grab some clothes. She walked back in the room wearing a black t-shirt with rips on the sleeves and down the sides she had black skinny jeans her eyes done with black eye shadow along with black eyeliner under her eyes. I grinned at her looking at her from head to toe starting from her combat boots ending at her eyes.

"That was fast"

She rolled her eyes as she moved her arms up crossing them over her chest.

"Well are we leaving or are we just gonna wait around"?

I grabbed a black leather bag and threw it to Riley she caught with ease then picked up her leather jacket. I grabbed my black string bag with electric blue trim and flung it over my shoulder.

"We're leaving"

I smirked as I grabbed the keys to my motorcycle and Zooyork jacket.

      We pulled up to Myers Park high school and watched people run out of our way. They all knew me and had the brains not to bother me. I swung sideways into my parking spot I hit the kick stand and with one fluent motion it flipped out landing on the ground. Riley swung her leg over the seat then placed it onto the ground I did the same as she looked around taking it all in. Girls gasped and whispered as they looked at Riley while guys looked her over as they whistled at her.

"Hey baby can I show you around"!?

It was Beckett my rival I shot him a glare in witch he ignored as he made his way over to Riley. He wrapped an arm around her waist as she shot him a look that read 'oh really'.

"Yeah no it's ok bub"

He gave her a surprised look then quickly recovered.

Riley's point of view

"Look babe no one turns me down"

"Oh really well uh I just did and I'm proud to be the first to do so"

I wiped my hair around smacking him in the face. I spun around grabbed Austin's hand and marched into the school as girls whispered and guys continued whistling. Austin shot people glares and flipped a few people off but I just ignored them as I dragged him through the school.

"Riley slow down"

I stopped dead in my tracks realizing how fast I was going.

"Who was that"?

Austin scoffed at my question

"That's Beckett he's a faget"

He rolled his eyes in the proses of answering my question.

"I take that you don't like him"?

"I hate him"

He shot the words out emotionlessly


He stopped just standing there quietly looking at me with a confused look on his face.

"I don't have to explain anything to you"

The sharp word cut through me like a knife filling me to the brim with anger.


He looked at me stunned with a blank face. People whispered and gasped as they walked by.


He tried to cover my mouth but I wouldn't let him. When he kept trying I punched him in the gut. Kids ran from the hall knowing this wasn't going to end well. I stood facing him with my fists up ready to swing again. Austin gasped as he started to crawl to his feet.


He gasped my name


"I'm sorry"

I spun around walking away from him in the now empty hallway. I slammed the door opened to my first class it was advanced chemistry. Everyone spun there heads towards me stunned by what I had just done.

"Umm are you the new student"?

It was a guy standing in the front of the room behind a big desk with a black counter top and a sink.

"Uh yeah"
I spoke bluntly still mad at Austin I just didn't give a damn what happened next.

"Well would you say your name and something about you"

"I'm Riley"

That was all you said before I walked over to a desk much like the one the teach was standing at just slightly smaller.

"Something about you're self please"

"I don't need to tell you a damn thing"

I answered as I dropped my bag down into a seat next to Beckett. The teacher shot me a glare as he went to his computer and started rapidly hitting buttons.

"I bet he has a diary"
I mumbled to myself Beckett laughed at my comment as I tried to figure out what I was supposed to do. A few minutes after the teacher walked away from his computer then back over to the big desk in the front of the classroom.

"Ok class so as I was saying before I"-

"Swear to god you say before you were so rudely interrupted I'm gonna make your life a living nightmare"

I didn't even look up at him I just sat there at my desk filling out papers listening to other kids in the class laugh at the teacher.


"No I will not shut up or get out of your classroom"

There was more laughter but I still just sat there filling out paper work not flinching at him or even looking up. He then got tired of talking to me when the laughter got louder.

"So you still gonna turn me down on a tore around campus"?

"Yeah I don't need anyone's help"
There was an emptiness of emotion in my voice that was unintended but suited how I felt right now.

"Ok well I'm Beckett and you are"?

"I'm Riley"

"So your hot what do you think grab a bit with me maybe go to the movies"?

He direct I'll give him that but I still don't know his deal. What did he do to make Austin hate him?

"Look dude I hate to shader your rep three times in one day but I'm gonna say no.. Again"

"Ok I'll give yah that and I'll leave you be.. For now anyway. So what's your deal"?

"My deal"?
I snapped sounding mad not meaning to

"Woah woah I didn't mean anything by it I just meant whats your story"

'Yeah back down bitch'

"My story uhh well it's complicated"

"I like complicated"

"Umm well ok so I have my own g"-


It was the bell I stood up without another word making my way out of the classroom. I walked through the halls blasting by people knocking my shoulders into people. THUD! I ran into someone knocking me off me feet onto the floor as they did the same.


It was a blonde girl wearing a short bright pink skirt white tank top silver strap heels a fish tail brad pulled to the side and like 20 pounds oh make up on.

"Uuuggghhh watch where your going you goth looking bitch"

"Here sense you don't know me yet I'll let you off on a warning and let you say sorry"

"Umm excuse me you must be new here"

      She snapped her fingers telling two other girls to come to her sides. The one to her left had brown hair, black skinny jeans, an electric blue shirt, a white flat bill with a black bill, converse, and a little less then 20 pounds of make up. Another girl stood to her right with red hair, a black           t-shirt, a pink skirt, pink converse, and of corse 20 pounds of make up.

"Girls tell this new bee who I am"

"This is Lexi"-

I cut off the red head the brunet being to smart to try and talk down to me.

"Look bitch I don't know who you think you are or who your bitch group leader thinks she is but I could kick all three of your asses with in a few seconds"

That's when the brunet came into the picture. She shot a sucker punch to my face but I was to quick for her. I shot my hand out in front of my face caught her fist spun it spinning her around holding her arm behind her.

"Y'all wanna stop now"?

The blond leader stomped swirled then stormed off the red head following her. I gritted my teeth growling out a threat.

"Don't make the mistake again"

I pushed her back sending her forward then running off to her friends. I turned around finding myself face to face with Austin.

"Hey baby girl"

' "hey baby girl"
John stood behind me his body on the back of mine as he slightly rubbed up on my back. He ran his hand down my back to my ass then around to my front. I stood there not flenching the slittiest bit. He walks around in front of me pushes me back onto a wall as he slipped his hands up under my shirt. He unclipped my bra at which point I lost my humor with him. I pushed him back putting my hands up. He came back at me at which point I sent a swift kick to his gut with my heel. He fell to the ground gasping for air as I walked away from him'

I came back to reality being set down on my feet. I backed up with a slight gasp setting my hand on my head.


Austen's voice sounded shaky and nervous as he walked over to pick me up. I backed away again putting my free hand out front of me.

"I need to go"

My voice was shaky as I started to look around rapidly trying to find a place to run to. Austin ran over to me picked me up and ran out of the school. I was set back down onto my feet in the parking lot next to the motorcycles.

"You ok Riley"?

I still stammered now slightly leaning on a red mustang parked next to me. I slowly sat down on the ground my back running agents the side of the car. My hand set on the front of my forehead. I heard something that sounded muffled I looked around trying to figure out what it was when Austin grabbed my head spinning it to look at him as he yelled something.

Austin's point of view


I yelled her name multiple times but she just looked around like she was looking for something. I grabbed her head spinning her around to face me.


I screamed her name again and again but she just looked at me confused saying nothing.


I turned to find my eyes landing on Beckett as he walked towards me. I stood up ready to fight fists already clinched.



I glanced back at Riley expecting to see her still sitting on the ground leaning on the car. Instead I found her standing up fists clinched so tight that blood ran off her hands from her long nails digging into her palms. I looked at her surprised that she was standing especially in the stance she was in glaring at Beckett. Beckett's eyes looked up and down Riley from her combat boots to her strait blonde hair seeing the anger that shown through from the inside.

"Look girly I don't loose so I suggest that you back down now"

"I don't loose either so this should be a fun fight"
She growled back tightening her clinched fists

"Wait Riley"?

I was taken aback at the fact that he knew her name now. I was then quickly angered even more. I stood up next to Riley fists clinched in the same stance as her.

"Woah woah why do you know her name"?
I was mad there was no hiding that, he would now know he could make me mad by saying something about her.

"Yeah I know her, she's hot Austin how would I not know a hot girls name"?


Riley was still mad. I looked her in the eyes standing in front of her. Her eyes seemed faded out she wasn't as if she was seeing something else; but what?

Still nothing she didn't acknowledge me at all

Riley's point of view

I looked around a minute later Austin just yelled at someone but I can't see him I'm in a empty parking lot when John walks up. I stand up after hearing him call me a bitch and just keep yelling. I'm in my fighting stance as he just stands there looking at me.

"Look girly I don't loose so I suggest that you back down now"

"I don't loose either so this should be a fun fight"
I growl back madder then I have ever been at John.

He came here to where I'm starting over he's going to mess it up I'll kill him first.

"Wait Riley"?

'What why is that a question what the hell is going on?'


He said nothing just stood there.

Austin's point of view

I grabbed Riley's shoulders and shook her but she didn't flinch or react. After a few minutes Beckett walked over to me as I looked at her.

"What's wrong with her"?

"I don't know"

"Should we get her out of here"?


Riley started to yell then all of a sudden stopped. She turned to look at me then collapsed into my arms letting out a big gasp of air.


I was irritated when I noticed that Beckett said her name at the same time as me.

"Get me away from here"
She whispered in my ear as she clung onto me

"Can you ride my motorcycle"

"I don't know but I don't give a damn just get me the hell out of here"

"We can take my mustangs if you want"

I looked at Beckett half wanting to punch him and half wanting to say yes.
What did Beckett do to make Austin hate him?

What's wrong with Riley?

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