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"No, no, yes I do (yes I do)
I'm a hip shaking mama, I love you (I know)
No, no, yes I do (yes I do)
I'm a hip shaking mama, I love you (I know)
No no, yes I do (yes I do)
I'm a hip shaking mama, I love you (I know)
No, no, yes I do (yes I do)
I'm a hip shaking mama, I love you (I know)"

Saturday morning rolled around and Lucas couldn't be more excited.
Luckily, he got to sleep in, which his sleep-deprived body was more than happy about.
Eliott, on the other hand, couldn't spend another minute in their bed.

The gold-yellowish sun rays tainted Lucas' torso in many beautiful shades of a creamy yellow, he looked otherworldly.
It got too much for Eliott sometimes, existing next to his god of a boyfriend.
He knew that he didn't look too bad himself, at least Lucas had told him so, yet he couldn't really believe that. Not completely at least.

His feet hit the cold floor as he got up, the coldness climbing up to his shoulders, making his teeth clatter against his bottom lip.
The room looked fine, so he made his way right to the kitchen.
While drinking a coffee and smoking his morning cigarette, he thought about the party that they'd be attending later that day.
Usually, he tried to avoid parties because he sometimes felt awkward around other people.

Of course, Lucas would wake up if he didn't feel Eliott's arms around his waist anymore, of course, he would.
He stalked out of bed, making his way to the kitchen where'd he suspected Eliott would go, as he always did when he woke up before the other.
His arms wind themselves around Eliott's waist, hugging him from behind.

"Bonjour, mon amour", Eliott whispered against his coffee mug, whipping his head around to face his koala of a boyfriend.
"Bonjour, sweetheart", Lucas whispered back, pressing a kiss to Eliott's shoulder blades.
"Don't you want to come back to bed with me?", he then asked.
Eliott nodded a few strands of hair tickling Lucas's forehead.

Back in their bed, they both relished in the presence of each other.
The sun rays warmed their skin, the cold air in their bones evaporated.
Lucas wanted to cling onto that feeling as long as possible, this feeling of drunkenness, this feeling of being high on love. Their love.
Eliott felt the same way, yet there was something that stained their relationship.
And he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was at fault for that, for feeling iffy about himself and Lucas. Their relationship.

To Lucas, their relationship had always been about supporting each other, understanding each other's needs, and unconditional love.
Maybe the honeymoon phase wasn't as long as he'd liked it to be.
He felt sluggish, willing to drink up the sweet liquid of love for the rest of his life.

Eliott took a few deep breaths. He rolled around to face Lucas again.
"Hello beautiful", he whispered and Lucas smiled softly.
"Says you, the god himself", he replied, his lips pursed.
Eliott nodded before cupping Lucas' face, peppering it with kisses.
"I love you so much", he said in between kisses, a burst of love shooting through his heart.
"I love you so much", Lucas replied, his head whipped up, startling Eliott a bit.

Lucas got up again, eyes scanning the floor for his phone that he'd tossed to the floor earlier.
After he'd found it, he sat back down again, fingers flying across the keyboard.
Eliott peeked over his shoulder, discovering that Lucas was searching up a song on YouTube.
"What'chu doin'?", Eliott asked after a while but Lucas didn't reply.

As the first few melodies of a song slipped from the speakers of Lucas' phone, Eliott couldn't help but smile.
"The song 'My Lover' by Not3s made me think of you when I heard it in a shop the other day, luckily Yann knew the exact title, otherwise I'd be still looking for it today", Lucas told Eliott whilst climbing onto his lap.
"I'm happy that you're my lover", he added, swaying his hips gently to the rhythm of the music.
Eliott laughed softly, burying his face in the crook of Lucas' neck.
"I'm glad that you're mine, too."

Since Yann had completely forgotten to send the boys a time at which they should be at his place, everybody ended up getting there at different times.
Eliott and Lucas got there at 7 while most of the others arrived at 8.
The alcohol was already buzzing through Eliott's body after his second beer, so he'd decided to stop after that.

Lucas, on the other hand, drank a bit of his beer and even a few shots.
The others were drinking quite a lot, far more than Lucas with his few shots and a few sips of beer.
'Party Whack' by Jancky and absent was bursting out the speakers of Yann's JBL box, the sound waves deafened not only Eliott's ears but also numbed his body.
Lucas was jumping up and down to the music, Basile, and Yann as well.
Arthur joined Eliott on the couch, watching the others.

"Not that much of a partygoer either, huh?", Arthur asked, Eliott, nodded.
"It used to be fun until it wasn't", he replied, looking down at his hands.
Arthur hummed. "For me, it's simply too loud."
Eliott nodded, he didn't know what else to do.

As the night went on and the alcohol consumption increased, Eliott couldn't keep track of the number of times he'd asked himself when everything would end.
Unfortunately, the buzz of the night couldn't make him ignore his thoughts.

They got back home at around 2 or 4 in the morning, neither of them had kept track of the number of times they'd danced, giggled, and laughed with each other and their friends.
Exhausted, they went to bed, too tired, and too caught up with kissing to take off their clothes.

They'd come off sooner or later anyway.


[Word count: 1013 words]

Boy oh boy, I do be sad tho.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Holdin' On" by Flume.

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