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"But love doesn't make you rich
Just say, can you forgive me?
For all the time and nerves that I took from you
I love, but keep lying there and you're in my arms
But love doesn't make you rich
Just say, can you forgive me?
For all the love and the time that I took from you
I love, but keep lying there and you're in my arms."

Manon, Emma, and Lucas ended up making ravioli for dinner, something quick and easy.
While cooking, they chatted about their lives.

"Ouais, we still are in contact with Even and Isak, I still talk to them occasionally", Lucas said, taking another sip of his second glass of wine.
"Ah, ouais? That's great", Emma said while putting the ravioli in a bowl.
Manon took the Grand Padano out of the cupboard next to the microwave, hopping off the kitchen countertop with ease. "It's dinner time, baby! Let's get it!"

At the dinner table, Lucas got an uneasy feeling about his decision to go back home.
Sure, he wanted to be back in his boyfriend's arms, no question about that.
But at the same time, he wanted to stay at Emma's and Manon's place, at least a tiny bit longer.
So he decided to text Eliott, inviting him to come over.

"Is it okay if Eliott comes over for a little while?", he asked, looking up from his phone.
Emma nodded enthusiastically. "Bah ouais! Of course!"
That was all it took for Lucas to press send, smiling at his phone.
He then directed his attention to his plate.
For some reason, it wasn't as hard as it usually was for him to start eating.
His mind let him enjoy the moment, letting him eat his dinner in peace.

"Alright, a few meters, and then you're there", Eliott mumbled to himself as he crossed the pedestrian crossing.
The rain was pouring down in Paris, luckily he'd taken an umbrella with him.
After ringing the doorbell, he waited for the familiar buzz of the door before walking in.
He quickly walked up the stairs to the second floor, where Emma's and Manon's apartment was.

The knock on the door interrupted their conversation and Lucas got up from his chair. It had taken Eliott approximately 10 minutes to get here, therefore they hadn't eaten that much yet.
"I'll go and get it", Lucas said, quickly getting up.
When he opened the door, Eliott was struggling with closing the umbrella.

"Salut, mon amour", Lucas greeted, watching Eliott close the umbrella and hanging it back on its little hook, which was on the side of the backpack.
"Salut, Lu Lu", he then replied, bending down to kiss his boyfriend.
Lucas looked into Eliott's eyes. They didn't have their usual sparkle in them and that alone made his heart break.
In the background, the radio was playing "Papa Don't Preach" by Madonna, the melody reminded Lucas of nights he'd spent with crying and longing for love.

"I'm sorry, I honestly don't know at what point I started getting that feeling. You don't feel suffocating, mon chéri, and you never will feel suffocating to me. You're the best person I could've wished for, trust me", Eliott said after a while, cupping Lucas's warm face with his cold hands.
"Don't worry about it, it's fine. I think we need things to slow down a bit, I think that that's it", Lucas said, biting the inside of his cheek as Eliott's cold hands touched his face.
Eliott hummed before kissing Lucas yet again, sliding the tip of his tongue along Lucas' upper lip.

"Hmm, what did you guys have for dinner?", he asked in between kisses.
"Ravioli. Ravioli. But we haven't really started eating yet, so there's some dinner left for you on the table. But you have to be quick", Lucas answered, letting his tongue explore Eliott's mouth.
"Bah ouais, that's great! We have to get inside then!", Eliott exclaimed happily, pulling back from the French kiss.

Lucas let out a whimper, slowly following Eliott inside.
Eliott greeted Manon and Emma, sitting down on the empty chair next to Lucas.
"Thank you for inviting me over! Very kind of you!", Eliott said, smiling at the two women who were sitting at the opposite side of the table.
"Of course, you're always welcome to come over, the same goes for you, Lucas", Manon chirped.

She was wearing a light pink blouse covered with light orange dots, a black pair of pants that were designed to look loose, a red headband to tame her slightly curled brown hair, and her notorious red lipstick. The golden earrings she was wearing looked exceptionally pretty. Small transparent stones with brown dots hung from them, catching the light in the room and reflecting it beautifully.
Emma was wearing casual clothes, a pair of grey sweatpants with a red hoodie, a small amount of mascara on her eyelashes, and a bit of lip balm on her lips.
He watched as Manon tilted her head back as she was laughing at something that Emma had said, the adoration for her girlfriend shining in her brown eyes.
Emma was blushing, burying her head in Manon's shoulder.

The sweatpants reminded Eliott of Lucas' grey ones, and he smiled at the memory of when Lucas wore them on their first movie night in their apartment after moving in.
After he'd taken a sip of the wine Emma had praised so much, he directed his attention back to the conversation they were having.
Lucas put his left hand on Eliott's thigh, gently squeezing it as he was talking, enjoying the feeling of Eliott's muscles contracting under his touch.

After they'd finished dinner, Eliott and Lucas helped with putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
"Thank you guys again for this lovely dinner and this pleasant evening", Eliott said as he and Lucas were on their way out.
Emma dismissively waved her hand. "Of course, anytime, anytime. It was nice having you guys over", she said, smiling at her friend.
They exchanged a round of hugs before saying goodbye.

Eliott opened his umbrella, pulling Lucas closer as they held hands, walking back home through the rain.


[Word count: 1035 words]

Boy howdy, I'm incredibly tired despite running on 8 hours of sleep.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Liebe macht nicht reich", "Love doesn't make you rich" by CAZ.

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