This is the part where you run # 1

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Third person POV

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the screen light up they could see klaus in a church "I was wondering whether you show up" klaus said turning around to see davina, then it shows davina "I'm the one who's been waiting for you to move your ass let's go" davina said before walking away and after a few seconds klaus turn to look at her with a 'wtf' expression

Everyone was laughing even klaus and elijah

It shows them walking together then to klaus "I'm afraid I'm not done torturing you darling" klaus said to davina " I'm not going anywhere klaus" davina said without fear "looks like it's you and me now" she told him, then it change to davina drawing a symbol while klaus walk around her "haven't you found finn yet" klaus said "I must say for a witch of your caliber your spells are not particularly efficient" he told her "I need to concentrate and it would help a lot if you'd stop standing over like a staker" davina said

Everyone was trying not to laugh after seeing the video but burst out laughing at how offend klaus look even elijah looks amuse

Then it goes back to davina and klaus on the church "we both have the same goal" klaus said "really" davina said looking at him like he was stupid " because my goal is to get kol out of your house alive which seems to be about number 10 on your list" she said "no, number 9 at least" klaus said with a smirk, then it change to klaus and kol " strange isn't?" Klaus said smiling at Kol, then it changed back to Klaus and Davina " what is wrong with you, he is your brother" davina said and klaus just smirk

"Really, number 9?" kol questioned
"That's the future kol" klaus said rolling his eyes
"I should be number 4 at least" kol said with a pout making the girls, caroline and bonnie to smile amuse

Then the screen change to klaus "a very special witch has been utterly ignored that seems a little unfair to me" klaus said with a smirk and after a few seconds he lift his hand with a small box then it shows davina "no" she said making his smirk fall, the scene changes to klaus holding a teenager "you should know I don't do well with demands" klaus said making davina to twist her wrist breaking his bones

Rebeka couldn't help but laugh at davina rejecting klaus "she told you 'no' brother" she said clearly amuse
"Let's continue" klaus say

The scene changes to davina standing over a pass out klaus before walking towards kol "the question is if he's not dead then what are you gonna do when he recovers?" Kol asks her "we've got an hour, maybe less enough time to chain him, bleed him, and dump him in the river" davina said completely serious "that's a bit harsh isn't it?" kol said amuse but a little scare

"You are scary" damon said looking at davina with wide eyes making all the men nod including klaus, kol, and elijah

Then it shows Camille walking towards them and looking at Klaus before turning to them again with a frown "should I even ask" she said, then it shows Klaus waking up "what did she do to me ?" klaus ask making hayley to roll her eyes "all you need to know in that I beat you again" davina told him

"I like you" rebeka, caroline and bonnie say at the same time making davina smile, klaus just look at them with caution knowing that if bonnie and davina we're allies he would be dead by now

The scene changes back to davina and klaus at the church "should you and I go crash their little party" klaus said before walking away, the it shows multiple scenes with them together, then to davina using his magic on him "enough games davina" klaus shout "you're weak" davina said looking at klaus who vamp speed to her and bite her making her scream and after a few minutes it start to burn him

"Smart" elijah told davina

Then the scene change to davina looking at a pass out klaus with a feed up expression before walking towards him and after a few seconds she slap him "wake up" she said slapping him again "that one time I need you" davina said and after some time klaus woke up "what happen is kol ok?" davina ask in worry "I'm fine thank you for your concerned" klaus said before the screen went black

Kol feel warm inside at the thought of being davina's first priority, and klaus was amuse by davina and their relationship

"Do you want to see more or are you ready to start?" anaya questioned everyone
Everyone look at each other before looking at anaya nodding their heads "we are ready" klaus say

( Animals Chittering And Hooting)

HOPE: When we're young, we're taught the definition between a hero and a villain, good and evil, a savior and a lost cause.

Just then the figure of a tall, teenage girl wearing a uniform with the letter "S" emblem in the left breast of the blue blazer is seen as she neared the cast-iron gates and they could finally see the girl's features. She had creamy skin, with curly auburn brown hair, with high cheekbones, a slime nose and sexy full red lips.

She was tall, with a small waist and a body any other girl would die for but what drew everyone's attention were her eyes, they were deep baby blue with a hint of mischief that reminded everyone of Klaus and Rebekah's.

"She is beautiful" Rebekah said making everyone nodded except for elena, jeremy, and matt

Unknown male: When we are young we're taught how to survive, we decide if we are weak or if we are strong

A mysterious figure is seen walking to a balcony. They couldn't see his face but they can see that he is a tall and well built teenage boy with a sharp square jaw wearing a black suit, with black hair.

"Wow" elena, caroline, and bonnie said in awe
"he looks like another elijah with the suit" rebekah whispered to caroline who nod without taking her eyes off the screen

"Who is he?"Elijah questioned looking at anaya
Anaya just looked at him for a moment before saying "You will see" with a mysterious smile making Elijah more intrigue

Hope: But what if the only real difference is who is telling the story?

Damon and stefan look at each other before looking at the mikaelsons 'maybe they aren't the villains' they thought

The tall girl keeps walking to the cast-iron gates with purposeful and powerful steps

Unknown male: The only thing I know since I was little is that I have to survive but first I have to Destroy or embrace my demons, and live with the darkness.
There is not in between

Everyone feels a shiver go down their backs after hearing the deep authority and power the voice of the mysterious teenage boy held except for the girls, Klaus, Elijah, and Kol. The originals we're thinking about how a teenage boy can hold so much power and if he was a threat to their family.

My name is Hope Mikaelson.

Klaus couldn't believe that this girl was his daughter

My name is Alexander Mikaelson

After he said his name everyone froze and stared with wide eyes especially the mikaelsons remembering what anaya told them about alexander

Hope and alexander: I come from a long line of the villains in the tales you've heard about vampires, werewolves, witches, and everything in between.

Alexander: And something I know from experience is that life hurts a lot more than death.

When Alexander say this with pain in his voice klaus, Elijah, Kol, Rebaka, Freya, Hayley, Davina, Camille, Damon, Enzo, Alaric,and Bonnie feel their hearts break into a million pieces, they feel relate to the boy but they we're a little scare of knowing what he mean by experience but they keep a blank face in the outside, while the other didn't understand it fully since they haven't experience something so deep that leave you scars on the inside that can't be washed away.

Hope: The school behind these gates protects the secrets of people like me. And tonight, under the light of the full moon, we will be opening our doors to someone new.

The screen shows a serious hope in the cast-iron gates looking to the moon

All Saints Church- Atlanta, Georgia

Landon Kirby and his foster brother Rafael Waithe, are walking down the streets toward the Catholic church in their neighborhood.

London chuckles before saying with an exasperated tone "Rafael, seriously, it's not right."

"It is what it is, Landon." rafael replied letting out a tired sighted

"You're not Catholic." Landon told him "You shouldn't have to confess your sins."

"I tossed a lawnmower through the patio doors, bruh." he said, shaking his head. "If apologizing God gets Hector and Maria off of my back, so be it."

"He is a strong werewolf" klaus said making everyone to look at him but klaus just ignore them

"Buenas tardes, Father Pietro" rafael politely said
"Buenas tardes Rafael" the father said "Please, pray with me" he said

Rafael turns to London

"Landon you can leave now" rafael said looking at landon
"It's okay, we can take it from here" Father hector told landon

"I'm good Hector" landon said with an awkward smile
"Landon, this is between your foster brother and god, ok?" Father hector said nervous

"Hey I got it bro, just wait outside" Rafael said, making Landon open his mouth to complain but stop when he saw the look Rafael was sending him, as Landon got outside fathers Hector nod to Maria indicating her to put chains at the door.

"He didn't want to leave him alone" damon said feeling bad for landon

"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord with thee" Hector starts praying after seeing his sister close the doors "Blessed art thou amongst....." he continue

"What's going on here?!" rafael said feeling bad before felling to the floor grunting and after a few minutes he start screaming in pain

"They thought he was possessed by the devil" rebeka said amuse

Outside the church

Landon is seen hearing music, then it shows a car approaching and stopping in front of the church and after a few moments hope got out then alaric

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