The Hunt Begins

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The Hunt Begins

Armed with the information given by Jeremy and Frank, they moved to the nearby city that the three guys searched on, seeing people crowding close to them due to their status. Yaya searched the skies with Fang as Boboiboy looked at the stalls, Ying looking outside with Gopal. Suddenly, Ying nearly tripped on something, making her realize that it was a makeshift trapdoor, pulling it with enough strength, but not enough to fully open it, "Gopal! Boboiboy! I found something!" The two rushed to her, both helping out.

Gopal told the two in the skies to come over as the two entered, seeing a dimly lit cave. Carefully searching, the two soon moved back, hearing people talking. "When do we attack, boss?" "Soon. those two were useless, this is why I can never trust stupid former thieves." One said with a scratchy tone of voice, the two peered to see several men surrounding the sides and some knelt before one sat in a makeshift throne. His eyes went wide when the three in the middle were suddenly shot spontaneously by the cronies of the man, laughing as Boboiboy realized they were cops.

His eyes landed on several corpses on the ground, scaring him with the sight of blood. Ying swallowed the lump in her throat as they moved back, accidentally knocking over one of the bottles of beers on the ground, making a clicking noise as it fell to the ground. "What the–who's there?!" Boboiboy sighed as the two nodded, soon revealing themselves. "Who are you, huh?! Who sent you?!" "Like you'd know." Ying said as it made the man grow annoyed, commanding his men to attack. "Boboiboy Pentasplit!" In a flash, Dark, Blaze, Redmoon, Cyclone and Solar came out. Ying dashed about, dodging the bullets they shot as she kicked them off, pushing others off their feets, but as she was about to chase their boss, she was blocked.

"Solar Sword!"

"Dark Scythe!"

The two attacked mercilessly, keeping tabs on the people in the room, Dark's heterochromatic eyes of purple and brown shifting as he was engulfed in shadows, flying up as he slashed others whilst Solar aided Cyclone in defending Ying who'd secretly scoped the area. "Fire Chakrams!" He yelled as he sliced up some men, throwing his chakram at one as it pummeled the figure back, retrieving the weapon as Redmoon stood before the rest, "Silent Star. Dancing Red." He whispered as the figures on the floor grew scared, losing control of their bodies as they were forced to fight one another, much to the amusement of Redmoon. Unaware of someone pointing a gun at him, a bullet flew in the air aimed at Cyclone, but a flash of pink, "Gravity Pull!" The bullet got pulled to the floor, alarming the rest as Yaya and Fang arrived, she glared at the guy who'd just shot.

"How dare you!? Shooting at my man!" She punched him as he got shot back to his allies, fumbling in pain as the area was cleared. Fang went to Ying, "you okay?" She nodded as Yaya was swiftly looking at Boboiboy's figure, seeing any visible discomfort, pleased to know there wasn't. "We need to go, Fang." The rest turned to him, "The cops are on their way." Boboiboy showed a tracker he put in one of the cars. They rushed to escape, leaving the guys with a note.

Arriving at the hotel, they went to the kitchen, hoping to find their friend only to find a note. "Out for food?" Ying read out loud, but the three others huddled, sensing something wrong as Yaya flew up to his room. The moment she opened the door, her loud yell was heard, alarming the three and followed her up. Their eyes were widened by the condition the room was in. blood on the wall, some debris on the floor, the area riddles with burn spots and food on the floor. Fang saw a piece of paper on the ground, making him grab it, reading.

'Jeremy's group. They got into my room. Ochobot is trapped in the closet. Please save me!' -Gopal

Their auras grew darker, anger on their faces as Boboiboy's gaze darkened. He turned his heel as the others followed. "Those jerks." Fang uttered as he and Boboiboy looked at one another, "Split up. Find him. Ying, you take care of Ochobot. Yaya, track him down here." The two left as the girls rushed to search through the machines they had. With anger riddled faces, Boboiboy turned into Thunderstorm, searching the town despite the eyes on him, "When I find you... I'll kill you all." Thunderstorm uttered as he dashed about, carrying complete rage and vengefulness in his mind.

To Be Continued...

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