Chapter 5

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After tucking Nia in for the night, I headed back out to the living room, making a quick pitstop in the kitchen to fill two glasses of wine. Jade happily took it before I joined her on the couch waiting for her to turn on our favorite cooking contest show we watch every Sunday night.

“Do you think they know who is going to win the first round before they move to the second?” Jade asked before taking a drink.

“I don’t think so, but I do think the potential winners have to share what they plan on cooking so they have the ingredients in the pantry.”

Jade nods, “That makes sense, can you imagine them dropping the bomb that they wanted to make sweet breads, but none existed in the fridge?”

“Sweetbreads shouldn’t exist at all,” I retort.

“Oh come on, you wouldn’t try a dish with them if a world-famous chef cooked it?”

“No way, J. I do not think the thymus gland belongs anywhere near my mouth.” 

She cracks a smile, “At least it would be some sort of gland in your mouth.”

“Eww!” I swat her with the back of my hand, “How did you turn this conversation into something so dirty?”

“It’s a gift, what can I say?” she replies with a shrug.

After the first round of cooking is over, we guess who we think will win and patiently wait for the answer after the commercial break. I glance at my phone, just checking to see if Monty sent another text and Jade catches me. “Expecting somebody?”

“What?” I toss my phone onto the coffee table, “No, just checking the time.”

“Shut up, you know what time it is. Spill the beans, girl. Did you match with somebody from the app?”

“Can we talk about that app? Do you know how many penises I’ve seen since I let you sign me up for that thing? I think I should be awarded some kind of financial compensation.”

“You’re deflecting, Ris. Everybody knows dick pics some with the territory. Did you see anything you liked?”

“Oh my god!” I covered up my face, “Why are you the worst person ever?”

“You know for a fact I’m not, but I love that you’re hiding something.” Covering my face was a mistake. Jade took advantage of the opening she swiped my phone from the coffee table. By the time I realized what she was doing, she was already on her feet and moving behind the chair to put some space between the two of us. “Let’s see what you’ve been up to, Miss Iris.”

“Jade, come on,” I plead for my phone back. She doesn’t give a shit, typing in my security code to access all my private information. I regret using her birthday as my passcode. Here I thought it was a great idea for somebody close to me to be able to access my phone in an emergency. “I swear to god I will post those pictures online of the time you stuffed your bikini in tenth grade.”

“Oh please, I don’t give a shit about that anymore. Everybody would be able to see that I totally grew into that size.”

“If by grew, you mean paid for boob implants,” I snicker.

“Bitch,” she says with a laugh. “Iris Natalie Howell!” I cringed, knowing it wouldn’t be good after she used my full name.

“It’s not what you think!”

“You’re talking to Monty King? He gave you his phone number!”

“Um, okay maybe it is exactly what you think.” I fall back onto the couch and rest my head back, “Tell me I’m being a stupid girl, Jade. It’s crazy, right?”

Jade plops down next to me and hands me my phone. She knows my secret (one I wasn’t planning on keeping from her anyway) so there is no reason to keep my phone hostage. “I told you to go online and get your flirt on. I figured you’d start with somebody safe, but damn, you jumped right to the big leagues.”

“You’re supposed to be telling me it’s crazy.”

“I don’t think that is what you really want me to tell you. So you’re going to call him tonight?”

“Geez, how much of the message did you read?”

“Enough,” she shrugs. “I scrolled through and got the gist. My question is why are you sitting here with me when you could be on the phone with him? Do you think that’s an updated picture? If so, that boy aged well.”

“I don’t think I could use the word boy when I’m describing Monty,” I giggled. “I didn’t ask about the pictures, but I assume they’re recent. He was in the military, I’m sure staying in shape is important to him.”

“Damn, I know I only met him once in high school, but holy shit.”

“Yeah, but stop drooling over him, it’s weird.”

“Why? Is it because you like him?”

“Jade,” I sigh, “I can’t like him. The entire situation is weird.”

“Because of Nia?” She asks.

“Everything including Nia. I’ve been thinking about it all day and every road leads back to Maddox. There are words for girls who crush on their ex-boyfriend’s brother.”

“I think you’re overthinking this, Ris. Sure, you dated Maddox for a long time, but that was ten years ago. You haven’t talked to him in almost a decade. You didn’t actively go out and try to find his brother. From what I read, he is the one that messaged you. Of all the girls on the app, he recognized you and sent you a message. If he isn’t feeling anything strange about starting up a conversation with his brother’s ex, you shouldn’t feel weird either.”

“It’s just a fling anyway, right?” The idea of a fling tastes bitter on my tongue. I’m not that kind of person. If it were a stranger, I think I could try, but with somebody I knew, it would be too awkward to just meet up for sex.

“That’s the spirit!” She claps my shoulder with her hand like we’re celebrating my epiphany. Now go call him, but make sure your vibrator is charged.

“Oh…my…god!” I shove her away and cover my face again to hide my blush. “I’ll call him after our show is over, but JUST to talk…you perv.”

“You’re so uptight, you could use an orgasm or two.”

“Shut up, Jade.” 

My best friend may be annoying, but she did make some good points. My relationship with Maddox ended so long ago and in the worst possible way. I don’t have any lingering feelings for him. If anybody should be giving this situation a second thought it’s Monty. Maddox is his brother, getting involved with me means bringing his niece back into the fold and he hasn’t mentioned a thing about that in the few times that we’ve talked. Maybe he doesn’t see it as an issue. Plus, we’re just talking and doing a little flirting. What harm is in that?

As much as I tried to psych myself up, I was still nervous making the call to Monty. Is he waiting for my call? I sure hope so. If not, I’m going to feel like an idiot. I channel my inner Jade, not giving a fuck, and tap on Monty’s number. 

After just two rings, the call connects, “Hey there, Iris.” Gosh, his voice was so smooth over the phone. My mind flashed to Jade’s comment about the vibrator and I was so distracted by it that I forgot to say hello back to him. “You there, sweetheart?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, sorry.”

“Where did your mind go there, Iris?” Monty chuckled.

“You don’t want to know,” I mumbled under my breath. “How was your day?”

He chuckled again, I’m not sure if he heard my first statement, but for my sanity, I would pretend that he didn’t. “I went out for a bit of a hike. The weather’s nice, ya know?”

“Oh yeah, this is my favorite time of the year. Makes those hot summers worth it.”

“You know we’re talking about the weather right now. How lame are we?”

It was my turn to laugh now, “Yeah, I’m sorry, Monty. I’d love to tell you I’m not this awkward in real life, but that would be a lie.”

“I can’t imagine that is the truth. This is a little weird, huh?”

“Maybe just a little. I know high school was a lifetime ago, but sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday.” Especially when I have to see the eyes of my high school boyfriend every single day, but I don’t dare bring Nia up right now.

“So let’s try to get away from all that bullshit from all those years ago. How does that sound, Iris? Tell me what you’re up to these days.”

“I guess just working a lot. I had a few odds-and-ends jobs after college, but then I was lucky enough to get hired by a construction company working in their front office.”

“Construction?” He repeats.

“Yes, but I work inside the office.”

“Ahh, so you’re not running around in a hard hat at all?”

“No,” I giggle. “Only when I have to go out to a site, but that is rarely.”

“Damn, I bet you look cute.”

I shake my head, even though he can’t see it. “What are you doing now that you’re not in the military?”

“I found a job working in security. I ended up in Idaho, but they recently relocated here. It’s a really great job and it was worth the move to keep the job.”

“It did mean getting to come back home, at least.”

“Meh,’ he grunted, “I didn’t care too much about that.”

“Oh?” I ask for more within straight up asking the question.

“I’m sure you are aware that I was never that close to my family. It’s one of the reasons I joined the military, to begin with. Keeping my distance was a good thing. When I came back it was limited and I got to make a clean break when I left. Now? Well, my parents are already bugging  me about coming over.”

“And I’m taking it that you don’t really want to?”

“No, not really. It’ll be alright.”

“Maybe it’ll be different this time around since you spent so many years away.”

“That’s cute, Iris,” he snickers. “Look at you trying to find the silver lining.”

“That’s me!” I reply.

“The cute part or the silver lining part?”

“Clearly I was referring to seeing the silver lining.”

“Well, I saw those pictures and I think you’re pretty cute. Actually, I take that back, you’re sexy as hell, sweetheart. I’m shocked nobody’s locked that down yet.”

“Locked that down? I’m nobody’s property, Monty King.”

“No, no you aren’t. This is probably inappropriate to ask, but have you been in any serious relationships since…you know?”

“Since your brother?”

“Yeah, I was trying to avoid talking about that elephant again.”

“I understand. But the answer is no. I put all my time and energy into finishing school and life. Now I’m busy working and it just hasn’t been a priority, you know?”

“Yeah, it’s kind of been the same for me. I saw too many guys have to leave their families and women behind when they were deployed or stationed someplace overseas. I didn’t want to do that. It was easier to just have something casual here and there.”

“Is that what you’re looking for, casual?” Oh god, why did I ask that? Now I sound desperate.

“Not sure I’m looking for anything right now.”

“You were on a dating app, Monty!” I scoff.

“It’s a fucking hook-up app, sweetheart. We both know that. The better question is what were YOU doing on it?”

“My roommate dared me. She thinks I need to date. I keep telling her I’m not ready to get out there, but apparently this app is supposed to be the way of dipping my toes in the water.”

“And how is that going for you?” He asks.

“I don’t know, you’re the only person I’ve talked to so far.”

“You don’t seem too disappointed by that.”

“No,” I answer honestly, “It was a pleasant surprise.”

“Happy to hear that. I have a question for you.”

“Okay….” I reply suspiciously.

“I’m going to be in Chandler to attend…” he pauses for a moment, “a thing. What do you think about meeting up for a coffee beforehand?”

“Like a coffee date?”

“I didn’t want to use the d-word and scare you off.”

“I think I could handle a coffee date. Or know, coffee with a friend.”

“Yeah,” he gruffs, “A friend. Is that a yes then?”

“Yeah, Monty, it’s a yes.”

“Nice. I’ll text you with the details, alright?”

“Sure, I’ll let you know if it works for me. Hey Monty?”

“Yeah, Iris?”

“Can I call you again later this week?” I bite on my bottom lip and wait for a reply.

“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t,” he replied in a deep sultry voice that traveled straight to my core. Dammit, I was going to need that vibrator after all.

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