chapter 8

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“Breath in and breath out, breath in and breath out” Danny kept chanting to Scarlet. It seems walking halfway through the pack house Scarlet decides to have a panic attack. As funny as it Is, Danny had to keep a straight face and for his fiancé and help her or he’s going to have a serious beat down.

“Ahh….” Scarlet sighed. “It's gonna be ok love, I think the only thing you gotta worry about is not getting the life hugged out of you” joked Danny. She shot him a menacing look of all times, of all the bloody time, now is the worst possible time for a damn joke but even under all that annoyance she couldn't help but feel somewhat appreciative for his ability to make her calm down. Even if it's just the slightest.

His shenanigans manage to distract her from her worries on what her family might say or do to her upon her arrival.

(Blake’s pov)

"Finally finished..." Blake was pilling the last of his papers, proud that his desk is finally neat and tidy and he won't get his mother coming in nagging about the place being a total pigsty when all of a sudden, the door slams open and the papers fly.

"Mother fu-"

“Alpha! We have a situation.” said his beta, Brian. The once proud feeling vanishes and annoyance starts to seep in.

Angry he stands. “What is it? It better damn well be important Brian. Look at the mess you made!”

“Rogues, the border patrolling wolves spotted for now 2 Rogues. Both in a taxi male and female but we’re keeping a lookout incase there’s more of them hiding. Their headed this way.” he said. At the news of rogues, Blake's once annoyed mood vanishes and he's full on alert.

“There was no permission granted for them to be on pack lands. Watch them, if they do anything suspicious capture and bring them to me.” Blake uses his alpha command. “Yes alpha.” Brian bowes his head and leaves the office. Outside the office you can hear Brian starts barking orders to the others to prepare.

“Strange... Why are rogues here? Don’t they know they can get killed for trespassing in pack territory? Even newly turned rogues aren't that stupid unless they want a death wish.” he thinks to himself. The elders made the law stating if large numbers of rouges were to enter pack territory without permission, they would killed on sight but if it's only a group of 6 or less, they are to be watched, if found with any suspicious act they will be killed without questions.

  He plops himself back down on his seat and opens his drawer. A paper lying on the base obscured by some old letters, he takes out a picture and the paper from the drawer.

Though faded through the years it still holds the image of his mate smiling and sitting on a swing under a tree. He had taken the photo when she wasn’t looking. Her smile was so carefree and one of pure bliss all before he made his mistake.“I miss you so much Scarlet. I was stupid to have rejected you. I love you with all my heart, please come back” he whispers to the picture hoping that maybe it would somehow convey what he said to her. He knew she might not come back ever again after what he and his friends did to her, he should have stick up for her but no, instead he was a doucbag. Its been 3 years now but everyday he prays and hopes that she’ll return. He knows she wont forgive him. heck if he was her, he wont forgive himself. He looked at the paper on his other hand and read it again.

Ever since I was a little girl I've always dreamt of my mate. The happily ever after I would have had with my mate and like a little naive child I waited for you my dear. You were suppose to love and protect me but instead you choose your pride and friends over me, the one person who was made for you. I knew you were a man whore but when the moment I laid my eyes on you I knew who you were to me then. I could have felt disgust, jealousy or even hatred for how you did not wait for me but instead I choose past that and accepted you as my mate.   I don't know why you did it... why you rejected me. Not only did you reject me, you humiliated me. I was going to give you my whole heart tht moment and when you did that, I felt my every bit of my heart getting ripped out and stomped on without a care in the world. I saw it in your eyes, not even an ounce of regret. I love you and I hate you. Continue on your whoring life if it makes you happy.

Your ex-mate,


I stared in the paper with tears in my eyes. I didn't know which was more painful, hearing your mate say I reject you or I hate you. The day I rejected her, my wolf was furious at me. He stopped talking to me. At that time I didn't much care but now… I feel so stupid, so bloody stupid… I felt my heart ache while my wolf howls his agony of losing his better half. I clutch my chest trying to subside the shooting pain only for it to come back with a vengeance. I fall to the floor groaning with tears falling. Still clutching onto the picture and the other hand on my chest. “I'm so sorry Scarlet…” I croake.

“Blake, I just mind linked the patrolling wolfs to keep an eye the rouges and only take them in if they were suspected of any suspicio …” Brian opened the door and stopped in his tracks to see his alpha in tears.

Alphas don’t cry, but when they do its something very serious. “Oh shit! Blake, Blake what happened?!” he ran towards his alpha and crouched beside him to see if he was injured, no signs of injury. “I'm so sorry Scarlet, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry…” No matter how much you try calling him, Blake isn't in his office anymore, his eyes are glazed and he had this faraway look like he's in a different time. 

Brian sees the picture  his alpha is clutching to his chest and knew what this whole thing is about. It's always been happening since she left. His heart went out for his weeping alpha but at the same time the mistake has been made.



Well I just read my old chapter n damn I need some editing hahaha. But wow I feel like I came along way. From why crappy grammar n well english in general. I would like to think I'm better now. 😅

Im sorry my edits r so damn slow im a lazy cow haha. For the old readers n new thank you for reading n being so godly patient with me. haha

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