《Chapter 9》Danger in your own home

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It took some time before Third Reich got up and got dressed. He seemed completely different. His dog noticed this. Reich didn't pet him or laugh at him, but was still and quiet as he just made his way downstairs, appearing so emotionless.

The Countryhuman went on his way and the others looked at him, it wasn't often that the people of the house saw him like that. This particularly worried Soviet Union. Third Reich walked past him without a word and then touched the edge of his own neck once with his palm because it felt uncomfortable.

He went to have breakfast and asked to eat alone.

He also went to his office alone and didn't let anyone in. Not even his dog was with him at the moment, but he was lying in front of his door.

Alone in the room, he looked out. It rained.

He spent hours in his office and it became dark.

By feeling he walked slowly to the large window.

It was slightly steamy outside and the humidity had increased significantly compared to the last few days, which meant he couldn't see far into the distance. He quickly recognized himself in the glass.

He looks out into the rain sadly and fearfully.

It was time! He sighed. Now was the time to do the right thing or the wrong thing!

He looked intensely into the mirror. He would die cruelly or he would continue doing what kept him locked up.

He couldn't allow himself to get more blood on his hands! Now was his chance to do something!

Now he had the chance to change the history that was written for him and the whole world for the better and he wanted to try to do this all by himself!

He won't be able to trust anyone anymore. The whole world will want to kill him.

Hopefully his people will not be against him.

He had to destroy the entire system! Third Reich had to introduce a new currency! He had to turn off the news! Reich had to dissolve the party! The SS had to disappear!

Was this even possible? Just one of these? He had to try if he was going to try to save 90 million people!

Third German Reich made the decision!

He would do it, but he believed more that it would soon be his time to die.

He was scared out of his mind, but he would get through it. He already went to his desk.

He hesitantly opened the drawer and took out the threats. He read a few points as he would need them later, before he slowly began to tear up the first letter. Halfway through he gained more energy and strength and a few moments, after the difficulty he had with the paper, he had turned each piece into ignitable paper for his oven.

Inwardly he regretted this step, but for now he is feeling better and has gained more strength again. He finished writing the other treaties with the countries that had declared war on him.

He made an appointment with his secretary for a speech that he wanted to give in Munich.

The Countryhuman wanted to do more and set a few people to find Britain and the rest to stay hidden.

He brought drivers and other people. He didn't trust anyone anymore.

Third Reich walked out of his office and told everyone that they were moving out immediately. They were shocked and confused.

Soviet refused and Reich could do nothing.

He was too shocked at everyone being kicked out that he couldn't tell how the other leader was doing.

Reich and Soviet were the only ones left in the large house. The guest didn't quite know what to do, while the other Countryhuman put everything on alert and only briefly left the room with his dog because he was afraid.

Midnight came and Third Reich ate his Flädlesoup or also called pancake soup together with the other leader.

He could clearly tell from Third German Reich, who was sitting at the other end, that he was stressed and afraid of his future. His eyes were full of fear and worry.

Duke was with his owner the whole time. The dog protected him.

Third Reich watched the red man eat a little, even if he was afraid of him.

Soviet Union didn't yet understand what was happening around him and with the other leader.

After eating, Reich disappeared again.

Soviet Union went to his office to talk to him.

"Reich, why are you throwing everyone out and hiding?", he asks him gently and uncertainly.

"You know why!", was the answer he got.

The guest responded with, "No, I don't know! You didn't tell anyone what was going on! You just threw everyone out on the street without any explanation!"

"They were driven to a hotel!", Reich corrected him.

Soviet said: "That's not what I really wanted to know. Why did you do that? It was unnecessary!"

"I can't trust anyone!", he replied, "So they had to disappear from my environment and I would like you to do the same. Soviet Union return to your home!"

Soviet wasn't sure what to do himself, but he listened to Reich's words that the man of the house didn't need to stress himself out any more or something would really happen.

"Good, I'm returning to my homeland! Please arrange a flight and a ride while I pack my things.", he asked calmly.

Third Reich nodded and phoned.

Soviet Union didn't really want to go yet because he had a bad feeling, but now that he knew why he should go, he would leave too. Duke followed him.

A few minutes later, Reich got up and walked towards the door. But a chill ran down his spine as he took a step away from the door. The large dark window made him tremble at whatever might be hidden behind it. He looked at the window. His head saw wide eyes and a grinning smile behind the window of a huge monster that wanted to devour him.

His heart was beating wildly. He was shaking and had a lump in his throat.

The lights suddenly went out in his office, causing the Countryhuman to panic even more. All over his office his head saw in the darkness small black figures the size of a hen, which looked like they had sharp teeth. Everyone of them was dangerous and scary, but they were in every corner, at his tables and chairs.

Reich wanted to run away in a panic, but he was in too much panic and had the speed of being half slower than a snail. He was so slow that the shadow creatures would hopefully mistake him for a statue. He was breathing very slowly, but it felt more like he was holding his breath.

He was so stressed he could almost cry. Trembling, he touched the door handle and slowly pushed it down before he pulled the door open as quickly as he could, fled out and let the wooden door slam shut loudly.

He was shaking and felt as if he had gone diving and was finally able to breathe, which made him breathe heavily and quickly. His eyes became wet and he hugged himself. He was very scared and started to cry.

He quickly walked up the hallway, but he felt like he was being followed by shadows the whole time.

The homeowner was on his own, no one was with him.

At some point he stopped and heard a step heavier than his not far from him.

"S-Soviet?", the Countryhuman asked uncertainly behind him. However, nothing came back.

Had he imagined it?

He moved forward again, but stopped after a meter.

Those steps again.

Someone was following him!

He ran as fast as he could.

An armed man ran after him.

Third Reich opened the last door of the hallway and unfortunately for him, ended up on the balcony.

"Final stop!", said the familiar voice of Britain.

Third German Reich turned to him in shock. The other Countryhuman pointed a pistol at him.

It was over! He would die!

Reich collapsed, his legs could no longer hold him and he cried desperately.

So pathetic, Britain thought.

He was about to shoot Reich when he felt an animal's mouth on his right arm. Duke wanted to save his owner. The dog yanked at his arm.

"DAMN!", he roared and took his gun in his other hand, he wanted to try to shoot at the animal's head, but another hand intervened.

This large hand grabbed Britain's hand that was now holding the gun and pressed it to the blue Countryhuman's head before he pulled the trigger and Britain didn't even have the chance to realize what was happening.

Soviet looked at him emotionlessly as he died and the corpse fell onto the dog, who let him go and barked at the corpse.

Soviet calmed Duke, who then went to Reich, who had become unconscious from the bang.

Soviet Union put the other Countryhuman to bed and took care of the body.

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