The following day Soviet Union was able to travel home. The weather conditions were favorable. The sun shone brightly.
Reich and Soviet were with Duke. The leader had become a little more open and showed more of his smile and he wasn't wearing a uniform now.
They walked quietly together along the tar road. Soviet Union was now more relaxed and a little walk in the sun was very good for him. Both were quiet and yet it was pleasant. Reich wanted to break the silence at some point, but was unsure.
Duke jumped around enthusiastically. He loved everything about the walk and was excited to run around and sniff because of the guard dogs the Schutzstaffel used.
There were Third Reich flags everywhere.
A little rest didn't hurt the two Countryhumans one bit.
"Reich, it's really nice here!", said the big Countryhuman. "Do you think so?", asked the one being addressed. Soviet confirmed it: "Yes, everything here is full of life and colors!" The other nodded in agreement while smiling happily.
The trees and grass were a fresh and vibrant shade of green. Soviet hasn't been able to see such colorful tones as often in recent years because he lived higher up north. The birds sounded beautiful to Soviet while Reich listened to them arguing.
The fresh mountain air was very relaxing, while the sun was warm and there was a cool breeze.
They walked along the path relaxed, while the dog ran around enthusiastically and sniffed.
It was such a beautiful day that people in the valley went swimming or just spent time outside, like the two Countryhumans.
Soviet was very quiet and liked it here. He asked Reich: "May I visit you again soon?"
"Of course!", the other answered, "If you want, we can talk about it over the phone."
"Yes, with pleasure! I will call you in the next few days.", he announced.
The three continued their walk and eventually went to the cinema that was there. They watched a film together and then went back home to Reich, laughing.
Soviet Union has started to like Reich in a short time. They weren't really friends, but they both still felt good around each other.
"See you then, Reich!", Soviet said goodbye to him. He smiled and said: "See you soon!"
Both stood outside the house and shook hands. Soviet Union let go of his hand and calmly walked to the waiting car.
As the car started moving, Reich waved at him until he disappeared from his sight.
Third German Reich then went back into the house and into his office.
The Countryhuman was packing up for a trip to his headquarters.
He wanted to discuss how to proceed and what should now happen to the British Isles and its occupied territories.
Third Reich had completely forgotten about the Countryhuman Britain.
He took his papers and took them into the next car. He transferred to a train that took him north.
A few hours later he was there and walked into the building, with everyone greeting him and him sitting comfortably in his seat.
They prepared everything. Everyone sat down at the table.
One of them had a special gift for Third Reich, which unfortunately put everyone else's life in danger.
Reich straightened his tie and said after a few minutes: "So, point one, what do we do with the territories occupied by Britain? My opinion would be that we liberate half from the Brits and we occupy the other half for goods so that we can arm ourselves sufficiently for defense and for more prosperity for the people."
The others mostly had the same opinion, but not the one of the Countryhuman. Third Reich picked one and asked: "What do you think about that?"
"My leader, I think we should keep all occupied territories.", he said.
Then Reich spoke again: "We cannot do that. India is currently fighting to be freed from the British. I received a letter from the leader of this peaceful revolution and I am convinced that we will just waste precious people there, I also agreed with Ireland that he would get his part back.
This will definitely make us more respected in the world and find some allies. Furthermore, we have lost so many men in the war that we can hardly claim all of Britain's territory.
I think we should focus on England and the territories in Africa."
The others needed some time to think and Reich announced: "I will make my own decisions! No more parroting! I am a free Countryhuman and I will run my company as I see fit!"
The people at the table didn't like it at all. The Countryhuman talked about it like it was a great thing, but it would make life a lot harder for all the rich people.
"I will help this country to a new age of splendor and prosperity and make peace with the world! We will become a stronger empire than we ever were!", Reich enthusiastically stood up, "We will fly to the moon, we will visit the stars and explore the deepest parts of the sea! Finally we will be able to be powerful and free again!"
"And what should we here do after that?", asked one.
"We will be able to live our lives! I can finally be free from the chains! Maybe one day I will become a father! I'm sure you all will pursue your wish!", said the wandering, fantasizing Countryhuman.
One said: "We're just doing our work for our dream! We just want the money! There are women everywhere, you just have to choose one! And you already have a woman with you who is young and attractive! You get the most money out of all of us because you were born into one of the highest wealthiest families! How can you be so ungrateful!"
"I don't want to be part of this family! And I want to decide for myself and not have such a young wife. I'm sixty two and she's not even half my age!", he objected, before saying, "Sometimes I'm surprised that she's about ten years older than everything my family likes." The thought immediately makes him uncomfortable.
"What are you complaining about?", said one of them.
Another said: "Let's forget about that and concentrate on our work!"
"It won't be necessary!", said Reich.
Surprised, the crowd of six uttered: "Excuse me?!"
"I will lead this country as I see fit!", said the Countryhuman and went closer to the table again, "You are all dismissed with immediate effect! I will find other people for this job myself!"
Everyone already knew this to a certain extent and four left the room, the other two stood up and shouted at him that he is crazy.
Third German Reich had his eyes closed, looked a bit conceited in his posture and gestures and ignored the two of them.
Shortly afterwards, the suitcase that one of the people had brought in exploded. The explosion caught the two people and blew up the table, a large part of which flew into the Countryhuman and brought him to the ground. The others flew a few meters and the furniture that was within reach was destroyed. Reich was injured from the impact and some blood was splattered against him from the other victims.
After a while, Third German Reich regained consciousness.
The injured man opened his left eye because the other one was hurting on his eyebrow and the side of his head. His skull was buzzing and one of his legs was also affected.
He slowly raised his head and looked around with one eye open and one almost closed. He couldn't understand what had happened yet, he was still too dazed for that.
It was a little more tiring to breathe with the piece of wood on him. He could taste his own blood because he had bitten his lip hard as he fell.
He was disoriented and nothing happened. Everything was quiet, disturbingly quiet. No birds were chirping, no cars were driving. He could only hear his own breathing and movements.
If he had been sleeping normally and this fear had arisen, he would play dead, but he wasn't in his bed.
The injured Countryhuman moved his arms slightly and took the piece of wood, which was slightly charred, away from him. He took his legs towards him.
"A-Are you still alive?", Reich asked into the room as he could only see one. After his words there was dead silence.
Third Reich crawled to the first man who only had very short hair. He had wounds on his head.
Third German Reich shook him gently, but there was no movement. The Countryhuman trembled more in fear. The man wasn't breathing and Reich felt for his pulse, but it was no longer there, causing Reich to recoil in panic.
He breathed faster again and stared, trembling, at the corpse in front of him.
It took some time before he slowly pulled himself together to find the other one, but he was buried under parts of the wall and everything in his path was too unsafe for him and to avoid hurting himself, he gave up.
In a panic, Reich shouted: "Is anyone here?!" He just wanted help. He was alone and afraid.
Everything was quiet until the birds singing slowly returned.
Third Reich went out through the broken window. He wandered through the forest on the road that had brought him here.
He walked with his injured leg for quite a while until he collapsed on the side of the country road.
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