A few days passed. The Countryhuman woke up at noon and his dog was already running around his house again.
Third German Reich slowly got up and went to the bathroom, then he went downstairs, had breakfast and walked the dog after lunch.
He was very nervous to see his old colleague again. Now in hindsight he would have preferred not to do it, but the big Countryhuman was already on his way to him. All Reich could do was wait, which really worried him and he tried to distract himself with music and drawing so that he wouldn't freak out about the visitor.
The house and its residents were prepared for the arrival for their Countryhuman visit. Reich, on the other hand, wanted to hide or escape.
Soviet Union had just switched from train to limousine.
He was unsure about the invitation. In addition, he was very suspicious, so suspicious that he took several weapons with him and hid them in his clothes and suitcases.
The unusually tall Countryhuman didn't want war, but he was unsure whether he could really trust his colleague that much, especially since Third Reich had now won against Great Britain and just one might not be enough, but he only had the war which Britten started because he declared war on him. Besides, this was about a peace treaty, so he couldn't possibly refuse. Peace was what he wanted and probably what Reich wanted too.
With the non-aggression pact, Third Reich had already proven himself to be someone he could trust. He wanted to give him a chance now, but if it didn't happen, he would still have his weapons.
Soviet Union wanted to find out more about him in his house, which could assuage his suspicions.
Whether he still drew, read or whether he still didn't like going for walks? Third German Reich was someone who preferred lying or sitting to keep himself busy, but since he had a dog this had changed, which Soviet didn't know. Reich now loved going outside and playing with his dog. Every now and then he would go to playgrounds alone with his dog and swing or use the other activities to feel like a child again, because his inner child was so playful and he couldn't live out these things as a child like he does today.
Third Reich went to the balcony and Duke ran down the stairs onto the lawn, where he grabbed his ball, lay down on the grass and chewed on it.
Soviet Union was not far away and could already see the buildings in the protected area on the mountain. He stared wide-eyed through the limousine windows, fascinated by the beauty and character of the area.
Third Reich looked into the valley with the large village, the beautiful Königssee and the enchanting forests. He looked towards the small street in front of him and saw the escort driving the limousine to the mountain. The leader went into the house, into his office, but left the doors open for his dog.
Soviet enjoyed driving up the steep and winding path, looking out the window and through the trees to see how high he already was.
Reich was way too nervous and a little panicked. He tried to make himself look as good as he could and tried not to pass out because he was stressing himself out so much.
After a few minutes, Soviet Union was driven through the gates of the protected area.
Duke came into the house and went to see his owner who was so stressed.
Soviet arrived in front of the house and was let out, allowing the man, who was at least two meters tall, to be admired in his full height.
Third Reich was stressed.
Soviet was slightly nervous because he didn't know what to expect, but he looked so calm that you couldn't tell. The door opened for him.
Reich heard this and sat down. He heard the deep footsteps, which fell silent for a moment as the guest presumably took off his jacket.
Third Reich quickly hid his glasses. His dog heard the stranger and gave a bark at a normal speaking volume. "Duke out!", he ordered him. He made even quieter sounds.
Shortly a huge man entered the room, which was Soviet, who stood up shortly afterwards because he had to bend down because of the door. Reich's heart sank.
Of course his dog noticed this and barked at Soviet Union, who looked at the dog in surprise. "Duke sit!", Reich ordered, which he did, "Now out!" He became quiet.
Third German Reich stood up and went before Soviet. He sounded like he was confident. "Welcome, USSR! Sorry about my dog, he is very protective, but he is not a danger, I swear, he is completely harmless and he couldn't hurt a fly!", he assured him.
Duke had never bitten anyone. When challenged, he always retreated because he didn't want the leadership role.
"It's okay!", said the giant, "It's nice to see you again, Third German Reich!" They shook hands without showing the other one his uncertainty.
Reich signaled to his dog, pating lightly his thigh twice with his hand, which made Duke know he could get up and walk over to Soviet Union and smell him.
Reich removed his hand from Soviet's, who was watching the dog examine him. When he reached Soviet Union's hand, he licked it with his big tongue and the guest stroked his head with his hand.
Reich smiled a little. Soviet found the dog cute and felt more comfortable, he quickly trusted the dog, who really enjoyed being petted. When Soviet got to the back of his floppy ear, he pressed the spot to his hand. The big black and brown dog always loved a good scratch behind his ear.
Reich also felt better that his dog would befriend him. Until now, Duke has always been right.
Soviet Union leaned down a little towards the dog, who immediately took the chance and jumped briefly and caught his mouth with his tongue.
Third Reich was afraid again. Was Soviet Union angry?
His guest started giggling and wiping his lips. "You're cheeky!", said the big Countryhuman, giggling.
This greatly surprised and amazed Third German Reich.
Duke was thrilled with his new friend, who smiled a lot through the dog.
Half a minute later, Reich became uncomfortable standing around and asked his guest: "Shall I take you to your room?"
Soviet looked at him and immediately the Countryhuman, who was a little more than a head shorter than him, wished that he hadn't opened his mouth. The attention from the person opposite felt even more uncomfortable and threatening to him.
"Of course!", he answered cheerfully.
Third German Reich nodded and led the way. Soviet Union went after him.
The guest had already noticed Third Reich's behavior. He felt his insecurity, but Soviet Union didn't know whether this was normal and he could ignore it or whether the other person had a plan.
The dog stayed close to the two Countryhumans.
Third Reich arrived at the guest rooms and opened the door. Soviet's luggage was already in the room. One Countryhuman walked away from the door and the other went in and closed the door before settling in.
Reich noticed that the other one needed his time, but he still waited the five minutes before the door opened again and Soviet stood in front of him in a shirt and thin trousers. He had noticed that he should dress even more lightly.
Third Reich showed him around Soviet Union looked at everything curiously.
When they arrived at the balcony, Soviet stood at the stone railing. He looked towards the valley. The view was incredibly beautiful.
Reich immediately knew how Soviet felt at this wonderful sight.
"Reich? Are you sure?", asked the tall Countryhuman. Confused, the other one came closer and asked, "With what?" "The peace treaty! I know Britain was in our way and peace would be better, but you might get yourself into more problems.", he said.
"Soviet Union, I'm sure I want to do that!", said Reich, "I know there will definitely be problems because of it, but I can handle it! I've always managed it!... Even if they can be very 'convincing'."
"Still, be more careful!", he advised him. He nodded and also looked into the distance from a little distance to him.
Soviet Union was certainly right, Third German Reich thought, he was in big, deep problems. Unfortunately for him, or fortunately, he didn't yet know how big these would be.
Little did he know, would he be cruelly killed? Would he be threatened? Third Reich was afraid for his life. They could easily kill him.
Why wasn't he dead yet? Didn't he realize he was dying or did they have other plans? He would find out soon and feel what it was like to disobey again.
After a few minutes, Reich left the balcony, leaving Soviet alone to go to his office and draw as he wanted to distract himself.
He drew a siskin with paint. This time he tried to make him look very cute.
Without him noticing, Soviet Union had followed him and was watching him draw the little green bird. He approached him and he didn't even notice him. Third German Reich was too deep in his drawing to notice his guest, who was watching him with great fascination, while calm music played that brought the artist so deeply into this phase.
It took a while before Reich jumped in shock when he realized Soviet was standing next to him, watching him draw.
The Countryhuman with glasses looked up at his guest, who broke the awkward silence: "You're really good at drawing!"
Reich unpleasantly didn't know what to say and said: "Thank you!"
A few moments later, Soviet left Reich alone again as he walked out of the room. He didn't want to disturb the other.
Nothing exciting happened anymore. Reich ate earlier than Soviet and they stayed out of each other's way. Soviet could sleep well while Third Reich was plagued by nightmares.
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