Dominic Draglance

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Jacov ended up lending me the book about the princess of Dragons. I was up in my room reading it. It has been a week since Zecar showed me the Kingdoms. The story seemed much more real now that I knew where everything was. How interesting Vortex was in reality.

I was sitting in my room reading the book. It was calm and quiet. Suddenly, someone threw open my door. I looked up to see Zecar. I froze, scared. Why was he throwing open my door like this?

"Have you seen a kid with red hair anywhere?" He asked, out of breath.

"Did you find him yet?" Jacov came up behind him.

"No. Luce! This is important." Zecar yelled.

"I don't know anything." I answered.

"Let's search her room." Jacov forced his way in.

"What's going on? I'm lost." I demanded.

Zecar was looking in my bathroom. Jacov looked under my bed. I watched as they tore through everything.

"Guys, what is going-"

"I found him!" Zecar yelled.

A young boy with amazingly bright red hair and brown eyes was shoved out of my bathroom. He landed on his stomach, Zecar standing triumphantly over him. Jacov jumped up. Both of them stared at the boy.

"What's going on?" I asked for the third time.

"This kid here saw you in the window. He ran away from us early this morning to get the chance to see you." Zecar leaned onto him more. The kid just laughed.

I felt my cheeks set on fire. I slowly covered my mouth. This kid...he saw...he saw...

"I just changed into a new dress twenty minutes ago." I whispered.

"You sneak!" Jacov's eyes turned red.

I stood up and walked over. I shoved both boys aside. I stood over this kid, angry.

"I've got a nice view from here." He laughed.

I stepped back, crossing my forearms in front of me. I raised them up, then swiftly threw my arms to my side. An inferno encircled the kid. He didn't cry out in pain. When my inferno subsided, he was completely fine.

"Sorry to disappoint you lady, but I am a fire elemental as well." He laughed. "Your flames don't affect me."

Both Jacov and Zecar stepped up behind me. Purple time magic flew around the kid. Suddenly, he was a very small child.

"Let's take him outside." Zecar glared.

"Uh, hey, I know he did some bad things but let's not be too harsh okay?" I watched this kid carefully. "Who is he anyway?"

"His name is Dominic. Dominic Draglance. He's a friend of mine." Zecar said, looking darkly at the kid.

"Doesn't mean we should hurt him," I feel bad that I'm begging to let him go unpunished, but that's better than him getting hurt, right?

"He's a thief and a sneaky bastard, I think he deserves it," Jacov glares.

"Okay, but Zecar, isn't he useful to you?"

Zecar hesitates. "Yeah, I guess."

"Then let him go. Please." 

"I'll let him go outside," Zecar turns quickly away.

I watch them go.

"Well, that was eventful. I apologize," Jacov bows before me.

"Please, it's okay. Who exactly is Dominic?"

"He helps Zecar sneak around and get into trouble. He's a commoner though. He once tried sneaking into the castle to kill Yui but he wasn't successful. Zecar caught him first. They've been partners since."

I nod. Dominic could be useful one of these days.

"I'm sorry about Yui yesterday," Jacov grabbed my hand, turning it over in his.

"It's not your fault. Besides, I got to see the other kingdoms. Zecar walked me around, letting me see them."

"How about tomorrow, we go to a Dragon Village?" Jacov kissed my hand softly before letting it go. I let it fall to my side.

"A commoner village?"

"Of course. Maybe I'll get Merrick and Terrowin to take us," he nodded.

"Then I would love to go," I smiled.

"It's a date then. I'll leave you to finish your book," Jacov smiled brightly as he walked away. His eyes were scarlet.

I walked back to my room, sitting on the bay window. I felt conflicted. Both Jacov and Zecar were kind to me. I felt myself having odd feelings for Zecar. I was so afraid of him honestly but he was my savior. I had everything to thank him for. My life was finally...good. Despite royal drama and the fear of Yui, everything was golden in my opinion.

And isn't that what really mattered?

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