Pt.4 Howling at The Grimm

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(POV: Third)

"So if you don't mind me asking," [F/n] says as he ducks under Viridian's katana, "what's an Atlas guard doing in Vale?"

[F/n] then jumps back quickly dodging another slash before she stops and speaks,

"Not that's it's any of your business, but I'm on a mission that requires me to be at this school for the time being."

"And that mission involves fighting another student?"

"I only do as I'm told, someone like you should know what that's like right?" She says, the last part she says with spite in her voice and a frown on her face [f/n] could clearly see thanks to his Faunus eyes now adjusted quickly to the darkness.

Looking past her, he stills sees the "artifact" unmoving from its stop as she hasn't let him even near it and after the whole "being thrown into a wall" part of the fight he decided to switch to defense until he figured that out.

So it's obviously her semblance, but how does it wo-

His thought was cut short as another barrage of bullets from her gun came his way.

"Is this all you have, I must say after reading your profile I expected more."

"Well I normally like to see what I'm dealing with before I simply go all out, but if you wanna see more I guess I better not disappoint." [F/n] says deciding to go on offense concentrating his aura into his fingertips again to slash and as he gets close she stays completely still again and as he gets close he quickly does a skyward kick.

She notices and barely dodges as he then lands on his hands as he spins. She dodges this as well about to shoot at him again only for him to quickly go past her for the artifact. She then changes to gravity rounds and begins to shoot at him which he quickly dodges slightly as the round breaks the floor were they hit causing rocks and dust to fill the area.

Viridian then picks up the artifact before try to look through the dust.

"You have to do better than tha-" stops as a rock comes her way as she quickly slashes it with her katana only for another to come from a different direction.

This continues for a while as she dodges and slashes one after the other.

"Is this really what's to expect from the son of two top ex-Huntsmen?"

"Yea actually,"[F/n] voice says from the dust," they talk me a lot of things about fighting like testing your opponent's capabilities. For instance: you're obviously skilled with that katana, which isn't that hard to deduce considering your from Atlas. Then theirs your semblance, from what I can tell it allows you to counter or even reflect attacks that use aura like my slashes."

"Clever, guess you can teach an old dog new tricks," Viridian says seeing something moving and fires in the direction.

"Well, I wouldn't know about new tricks, but I definitely know about learning while you fight."

As the dust finally begins to settle, she could finally see [F/n] only to see he was in some sort of fighting pose. He was in a crouching position with his hands up with his first two fingers and his thumb pointed together as he stood on his toes. He then dashes forward as she shot at him, which he quickly dodged getting closer and as he attacked her, his movement more fluid and defined.

"Where was all that talk from earlier?" He says smiling as he continues to attack and as he dodges she shoots at him only for him to dodge each shot then landing a kick to her stomach.

She digs her katana into the ground stomping herself from going far looking up to see [F/n] in his pose again smiling quite smugly seeing the anger in Viridian's face.

"Is this all you have, cause I must say your kinda being predictable." He says mockingly.

This remark obviously angered her as she got back up and began to change her clip to different dust rounds and then began to hold the barrel of her pistol.

"Um, I may not use them a lot, but I don't think you use a gun like tha-"

[F/n] begins, but stops as he notices her dragging the katana blade across the length of the back of her gun as the blade began to glow red. She then began to hold her pistol right in one hand as she held her katana in the other and readied herself.

"We gonna talk or are we gonna fight?"

"Don't think I can't do both." [F/n] says smiling as he dashes forward again a doing a barrage of punches and kicks as he dodges her slashes and bullets each barely dodging each other's attack as they create craters within the cave.

*Atop the cliff*


"Yes miss Goodwitch..." Ozpin says as he watches the fight from cameras set up in the cave, well one of the few still active.

"Are you sure about putting these two on a team together is...wise?"

"What makes you think otherwise?" He asks never taking his eyes away from the fight.

"Well although Viridian has great marks in all of her training, she's hard-headed and doesn't take orders from anyone besides Ironwood and Winter. Then there's [F/n] who for a lack of better terms, is a criminal with a file probably as for from here to Vacuo."

"Not to worry Ms.Goodwitch," he says smiling, "Ms.Viridian will listen as she's been told by Ironwood and as for [F/n], he has quite an amount of skeletons he would rather keep in his closet. This fight is only a mere show of what each other are capable"

Ozpin notices that the two have stopped fighting as the mountain begins to shake.

"Oh dear, seems all there fighting has awoken the subterranean Grimm, this should be interesting," Ozpin says as he sips his coffee.

*back in the cave*

"I know I should have skipped that last [f/c/b]!"

"CAN'T YOU BE SERIOUS FOR JUST ONE SECOND!? THE GROUND IS LITERALLY SHAKING!!" Viridian yells as the ground shakes around them and as it gets stronger [F/n]'s ears begin to twitch and at that he rushed towards Viridian.

"What are you-"

"Move!" He yelled as he talked her as the ground under her broke opening revealing a Chilopoda Grimm, a black and white centipede with red eyes.

It Chilopoda let out a screech that seemed to echo through the cave, causing [F/n] to hold his ears in pain.

"Okay, these things are tough, but with the both of us we should be able to-" [F/n] stops however as he noticed Viridian still in the ground shaking as she looked at the Chilopoda saying ew over and over.

"Viridian? Viridian!" [F/n] says trying to snap her out of it, but it was too late as the Chilopoda began to come at them.

Thinking quick, [F/n] picks up Viridian bridal-style and jumped out of the way as the Chilopoda dove back into the ground where they once were. He then quickly rushed for the exit only to be cut off as the Chilopoda emerged before them going for another attack, which [F/n] quickly dodges and activates his aura to kick it only to basically bounce off of it.

"Well dang..." [F/n] says as he lands, he then looks at Viridian who by now is gripping his neck tightly, "you know you could do something besides clinging to me tightly!"

"I am not touching that thing!" She yells as it comes back.

"You don't have to touch it to shoot it!"

At this [F/n], dodges the Grimm again as it comes by and Viridian reluctantly begins to shoot at it only for it to bounce off.

"Great, so bullets don't work either..."
They both look left to right as the Chilopoda rumbles underground readying for its next attack. [F/n] sighed as he looked at Viridian, who not long ago was matching him in battle, now shaking in his arms.

"Okay,"[F/n] says darting his eyes left to right, "I'm gonna use my semblance to cause a cave-in, while it's confused and being buried under rubble we'll escape out."

"But it lives underground, it'll just tunnel back out."

"We'll worry about that when we're out of this cave. Now when I say, "now" cover your ears."

Viridian only nodded as they both waited for it to attack. The ground continue s to shake for another moment until [F/n]'s ears begin to twitch once again causing him to instinctively dodge out of the way again as it emerged.

"Now!" He yelled prompting Viridian to cover her ears as he held her. He then curled his ears down, took a deep breath, and


[F/n] began to howl that shook the cave violently as the Chilopoda began to squirm causing rocks to fall from the roof. [F/n] then quickly stopped noticing the cave was about to well...cave in prompting him to rush for the exit.

"It's coming!" Viridian yells as [F/n] here's it behind him, "run faster! Run faster! Run faster!"

"I could if someone wasn't wearing freaking armor, or would actually run!"

Just a few feet away from the entrance [F/n] looks back to see the Chilopoda getting closer and as it got close rocks began to fall upon it causing it to stop as they made there way out not stopping as they heard the cave fully fill with rocks.

(POV: Yang)

"Are you okay?" I say to Blake as she seems to be in pain.

"You didn't hear that?" Blake says holding her ears.

"Here wh-" I started, but stopped as I heard something coming our way, no doubt a Grimm, so I readied myself to fire, but was shocked when I saw B.B. come through the Bush...holding a girl bridal style?

"Did you just run here carrying her with that armor on?"


"You can drop me now." The mystery girl interrupted as her face became serious as without missing a beat, [F/n] drops her on her butt.

"Ouch! Not literally you barbarian!"

"Sorry, hand slipped," He says smiling as he begins to look between me and Blake, "hey goldilocks, I see you're teamed up with the kitten."

"Don't call me that," Blake says glaring at him.

"Fine, anyway what's-"

Then suddenly they all hear a girlish scream.

"Did you guys hear that? Some girls in trouble!" I said as I looked at everyone noticing Blake and [F/n] looking up.

"What are you two looking a-"

"Heads up!" A familiar voice says as I look up and notice Ruby falling from the sky, but before she hits the ground she's caught by [F/n] who literally holds out his hands and catches her.

"A little too early to fall into my arms don't you think red?"

As he said this, Ruby's face turned bright red prompting her to quickly get out of his arms.

"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake asked.


Then out of now where an Ursa appears from the woods, but quickly falls over as a girl who was riding it rushes over to get on of the remaining chess pieces talking about being queen of the castle.

"That is SO hardcore." [F/n] says looking at her.

"Did that girl just come riding in in an Ursa?"


I was then interrupted again as Pyrrha and Jaune appeared from the treeline as a deathstalker was on her tail.

"Did they just run all the way here being chased by a deathstalker?"

At this moment my rage got the best of me as I yelled,


"Umm, Yang?" Ruby says pointing up causing all of us to look and see Weiss hanging onto a Nevermore

"Gotta give her points for persistence." [F/n] says looking up.

"Ms.Schnee!" Viridian yells recognizing Weiss, "We gotta help her, she's gonna fall!"

"She'll be fine," Ruby says.

"She's falling." The guy in green with the Ursa girl says as we all look seeing Weiss fall.


"On it!" I yell as I held out my arms to catch her and as I did she held onto me tight saying,

"My hero!"

"Aw shucks, it was nothing," I say causing her to look up and notice it was me, and I could swear a little of her died as she saw it was me.

"Oh my Oum, why couldn't you have just let me fall?"

"And ruin the chance of being "your hero"? Not a chance."

"Would you please put me down!" She then yells.

"Sure," I say as I let her down gently.

"Ms.Schnee are you alright?" Viridian asks causing Weiss to looks her way and get wide-eyed.

"Lana!? What are you doing here!?" As she looks at her, her face suddenly turned angry, "did father get Winter to send you to bring me back!? I told him I wished to go here!"

"What? No! That's not-"

"I told him I wished to try something new and he sent you. I thought you of all people would be happy for me!"

"I am! I-"

"Ooooohhhh, someone's in troubllllle," I say behind Weiss getting a glare from Viridian.

"Uh, guys?" Ruby says as the Deathstalker and the nevermore come back.

As everyone looks at each other we all decide to run back to the school. As quickly as we can.

"I'm not gonna lie, "I say as we all run, "I've only been around you guys for a two days and so far I've seen someone set of dust, had a slumber party, got shot off of a cliff, fought in a cave, escape from a Chilopoda, and now run away from both a nevermore and a deathstalker."

"Is this rant getting to a point!?" Viridian yells running surprisingly fast in her armor.

"The point is: you guys are the life of the party!" I said smiling.

"Wait, what was that part about at Chilopoda?" Jaune says and if on cue, the ground begins to shake as the Chilopoda from earlier emerges from the ground chasing after everyone, "Oh come on!"

"They're gaining on us! What's the plan?" Blake says.

"We need to split up and take them on separately." I say then look to Ruby, "Ruby, do you Yang, Blake, and Weiss think you can handle the nevermore?"

"Easy peasy!" Ruby says as the four get the attention of the nevermore.

"Jaune, "I say to him, "do you think you Pyrrha and....ummm..."

"Ren and Nora." The guy apparently called "Ren" said

"Right, can you four handle the deathstalker?"


"We're on it!" Pyrrha says grabbing Jaune as she shoots at the deathstalker.

As the others break off all that leaves is the Chilopoda to me and Viridian who looks at me angrily.

"You just had to leave the giant creepy crawly to us!"

"Yes, come on it'll be fun."

"You and I have different ideas of fun."

"Look just keep your distance and shoot at it as I get close, can you do that without freezing Lana?" I teased as she only looked at me.

"Just make sure you keep it away from me! And it's Viridian to you!"

"Gotcha!" I say as we find ourselves running in an old-looking street of a building near a cliff.

I begin to whistle loud to get the Chilopoda's attention which works as it remembers my voice from earlier.

It begins chasing after me diving into the ground emerging trying to attack, but I dodge however and claw at it to no result as it shell shrugs my close-range attacks as Viridian shoots it with ice bullets that only seem to create small crystals of ice on its skin.

"Are you fighting it or helping it!?" I yell at her.

"You said to shoot at it and I'm-Look out!" She yells as I suddenly here the Chilopoda swipe at me with its tail. I'm barely able to dodge it as Viridian shoots at it with fire dust bullets and as it screams in pain.

"Ha! Now who's doing something!?" She yells as the Chilopoda begins setting its sites on her causing her to run around as she shot at it, "ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!"

I sighed as I was about to help her, but noticed a part of its shell had cracked, no doubt why it was in pain and after thinking about it that was a place where one of the crystals got hit by a fire bullet and that's when it hit me.

"Viridian I got a plan, but I need you to throw me one of your ice dust clips!"

"What!? Why!?"


Without any more words, she began to grab one of her clips to toss it to me, but was stopped as the Chilopoda emerged in front of her prompting her to stop. I whistled loudly again causing it to shake in pain.

"Throw it now!"

She then throws it hard, gaining distance from the Grimm, and as I grab it I immediately broke the clip open and noticed her bullets were crystalized dust.

"I prefer powdered but this'll do," I said.

"Do for- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" She yells no doubt talking about me swallowing all of the dust crystal bullets whole, throwing the clip parts away.

(POV: Third)

"Are you insane!? Why would you-" Viridian starts, but stops as she notices [F/n]'s hair begin to turn light blue, matching the dust he just swallowed, as he opened his eyes they began to glow of not silver aura, but light blue aura, and as he breathed out of mouth his breath could be seen.

"Viridian, get to atop of a building and ready your katana with fire dust!" He yells before whistling again getting the Chilopoda's attention as it began to go underground again no doubt going after him, but that's just as [F/n] hoped as his ears twitched and the Grimm emerged again in front of him and as it gets closer he curled his ears down, took a deep breath, and


His howl this time instead of echoing comes out as a blast of icy wind that slows the Chilopoda down and as it tried to get closer, it's body then begins to freeze over until it becomes completely encased in ice.

[F/n] then goes down on one knee breathing heavily as he manages to yells,

"Now! Go for the head!"

Then suddenly Viridian jumps from an old house, her katana glowing red as she yells and digs her blade all the way down to the hilt into Chilopoda's head and for a moment it looked like nothing were to happen, the ice began to crack where her blade was going down the entire body until it finally broke apart as the Grimm disappeared.

"We...did it...yaaaaay..." [F/n] says as he falls to his back trying to catch his breath.

"B.B.!" A voice yelled as footsteps where heard coming his way revealing to be everyone.

"Are you okay?" Ruby asks.

"Of course he's not, he swallowed dust!" Weiss yelled.

"Yea, but he didn't die, and even did that cool ice breathe thing!" Jaune says.

"How did you even do that!?" Yang asks.

[F/n] then put up a finger prompting everyone to go quiet as his breathing finally slowed down before he got up and spoke,

"I learned I was able to change my semblance's effect depending on what dust I consumed."

"How do you just one day discover you can eat dust and change your semblance."

"Being a young boy taking dares, that's how."

She then looks at him then with one eyebrow up and was about to say something until Ren spoke up,

"You're semblance? You mean that howling?"

"Yea, I don't really have a name for it, but basically I can emit a vocal attack at high pitches, though it cost a lot of aura so I don't use it a lot. Not to mention eating that dust is gonna give me quite the stomach ache later."

"Just be glad your not dying!" Weiss yells.

"Awww, were you worried about me?" [F/n] asks smiling at her.

"As if!" She says blushing and turning away, "it's just the dust your using is Schnee made and the last thing we need is someone dying from consuming out merchandise."

"Yea yea," Yang says teasing her, "we are happy your okay though. After we finished our fights we were gonna help you guys, but you two seemed to have it."

"Of course," Weiss says holding Viridian by the arm," he had Lana with him. She's a trained fighter under my sister and has trained with the best of the best."

"Thank you for the compliment Ms.Schnee," Viridian says smiling.

"We must know two different Lanas." [F/n] says remembering the time in the cave.

"Don't take that slight

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