Chapter 5

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"Really you fell asleep after you went home." Matthew said sounding unimpressed. "I really did I don't know why your sounding surprised." Bradley said as he walked into his bathroom but notices multiple scratch marks on his back and he has no underwear.

"What the fuck." Bradley thinks to himself but actually said out loud. "What happened?!?" Matthew asked sounding alarmed. "Oh nothing... look I'll call you back Matthew." Bradley said. "Okay hurry up we have to get to work bye." Matthew said. "Bye" Bradley said.

As Bradley was applying aloe to his back and questioning where the scratches came from. He heard his doorbell ring. "One minute I'll be right there." Bradley said he then put the aloe on and found himself some shorts and made his way down the stairs. The doorbell started to ring every 5 seconds which started to aggravate Bradley even more.

"I said I'll be there in one.... Oh its you." Bradley said as he realized its none other than Irina. "Hi to you to I love the house can I come in?" Irina asked. "Thanks and no." Bradley said preparing to shut the door in Irina's face. "Come on please I won't hurt you." Irina said giving a 'innocent' look. Bradley was hesitant at first but then let her in. As he let her in Irina noticed that Bradley had marks on his back. "So I see you moved huh?" Irina asked.

"No I don't even know how I got the marks." Bradley said. "Oh really because I sure know how you got the marks." Irina said coldly. "What do you mean?" Bradley asked curiously. "Bradley I heard you and your slut fucking around." Irina said. Bradley was still not getting what Irina was talking about and Irina noticed Bradley facial remark. "You really don't remember was she one of those prostitutes on the corner or did you find her at the bar?" Irina asked.

"I'm still not understanding what you're talking about Irina." Bradley yelled at Irina as he began to get annoyed. Irina realized Bradley really didn't know what she was talking about. "Really don't know what I'm talking about well I might as well tell you about it, it had to be about 3 in the morning when:

'As Irina stopped at Bradley's house she heard Bradley groan "Oh baby." And heard a bunch of moans and groans Irina couldn't stand to hear it anymore she ran to her car drove home and cried herself to sleep.'

"So who was she Brad?" Irina yelled at Bradley. "I don't know who your talking about, but the real question is why were you at my house?" Bradley asked. Irina smiled.

"I realized Bradley if I can't have you than no one can and it obvious you don't want me." Irina said with a devilish grin as she pulled out a knife. Bradley looked at her with wide eyes. "Irina you don't have to do this." Bradley said to Irina.

"Bradley if I can't have you know one can." Irina then stabbed Bradley in the abdomen and once I the chest. "Bradley I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me." Irina left as Bradley fell to the floor and began to die.

1 Hour Later....

Bradley doorknob was being turned when suddenly Scathach appeared from behind the door. She wanted to see Bradley but did not expect what laid before her. She recongnizrd the figure as Bradley and rushed to his side. "Beloved, Beloved, Beloved." Scathach shook Bradley but he wouldn't wake up.

Scathach cried a cry that could never be described. Then she realized she could save her beloved, so she touched Bradley and they both vanished. First Scathach will save her beloved then she will get the wench that did this.

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