AHS Special Part 2

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2 Weeks Later....

"Babe wake up." Is all Bradley hears. He flutters his eyes open awakening from his slumber. "Babe I worked a 12 hour shift at the office the other day let me have some rest." Bradley said exhausted from his job and the presentation and lecture he had to hear at his job. Scathach lays her head on top of Bradley's chest joining him in his rest. But when Bradley inhaled Scathach's smell it wasn't Scathach. Scathach always smelled like cherry blossoms and daisies, but this woman smelled like vanilla shampoo. Bradley knew one person who always used vanilla shampoo. Bradley looked down to realize he knew who this person was and was shocked it wasn't Scathach. "Irina get off of me where's my wife.! Bradley said while pushing Irina off of him causing her to tumble and fall off the bed and on the floor. "Don't play stupid Bradley you helped me nail her." Irina said pointing behind Bradley. Bradley turned around dropping to the horror that was pinned to the wall. Bradley quickly ran to the wall above the bed grabbing a dead and pregnant Scathach's after pulling the nails out of her. "Tell her I'm coming and I'm taking everything she holds dear to her heart." Irina said to a crying Bradley who was mourning a lost love and a lost child.

Bradley awakens in his bed realizing it was just an another one of his dreams. But Scathach wasn't in bed when he woke up. Just to make sure it wasn't reality Bradley looked behind himself to see nothing but a wooden wall, he was glad. Bradley searched every room looking for Scathach but Bradley still didn't see her. Bradley walked outside still seeing no sign of Scathach.

"Babe, babe where are you." Bradley shouts still looking for his wife. As Bradley was searching for Scathach he heard a noise. It was coming from behind the bushes. Bradley got closer thinking it was Scathach pulling a prank on him.

"I got you!" Bradley said grabbing Scathach which turned out to be Matthew. "You caught me want some candy, now help me up." Matthew said sarcastically. "So funny what are you doing here?" Bradley asked while helping Matthew off the ground.

"Looking for Jen I haven't seen her all day, she didn't take the car, she's not at her parents, or mine so I thought she was here." Matthew said getting nervous for Jen whereabouts.

"She's not at my house and I haven't seen Thach either so I think they're with each other." Bradley said thinking of where the two ladies could be. "Since Thach is a witch they should be totally safe that's a plus." Matthew said on the bright side. "True." Bradley said agreeing.

The two men looked for their wives but couldn't find them and it was getting close to night. "Woah Brad look at that!" Matthew said pointing to the sky. Bradley looked up and saw the moon was red.

"Matt that's cool and all but we should be looking for the gir.." Bradley was cut off from finishing his sentence when a cleaver was thrown his direction but was 1 inch away from his face and hit the tree he was next to.

Bradley and Matthew turned to the direction of which the cleaver was thrown. They saw it was their wives who threw or well one of them threw it.

They gave a venomous hiss that gave fear to their two husbands. "After the mating of spiders the female eats the male." Jen says hissing. "We shall feast on your hearts to end our aching hungers." Scathach says hissing to the two men. Bradley and Matthew back away from the two women.

"Brad I think its time to go." Matthew says backing away from the women. Scathach and Jennifer begin to run towards the two men. "Run." Bradley says running away from the women since he was the closest to them.

The two men begin running not knowing which way to go. "Follow me I parked my car just past these trees." Matthew says. They run to the car but before they can even touch the handle the car explodes

The two get up and see Jennifer and Scathach through the fire. "Run!" Bradley yells. The two run again but in opposite direction of the girls. They run after what seems like 2 hours after the explosion.

They finally see Bradley's house in front of them. "Come on lets run to the house." Bradley says ready to walk across the road towards his house until Matthew stopped him. "Are you serious, our wives want us dead and yours is a witch you don't think they're on the other side of the door ready to kill us." Matthew said whispering to Bradley not wanting to make any noise to alert their wives.

"Well we're not any safer being in the woods." Bradley says. "Yeah but their has to be an another way into the house." Matthew says while looking around. He spots an abandoned tunnel.

"Brad follow me I think I see a tunnel." Matthew says walking to the tunnel as Bradley is following him. The men walk into the tunnel but it gets too dark for them to see so they turn on the flashlight on their phones. They travel through the tunnels seeing a door halfway through the tunnel. "Get out of my tunnel!" A person screams.

Bradley and Matthew turn around and sees a man who's dressed like George Washington. "Get out my tunnel!" The man screams again. The man begins to run after Bradley and Matthew start to run for the door.

As they reach the door Bradley opens it and he and Matthew rush in shutting it. Bradley and Matthew block the door so the man won't get in then Matthew locks it. The men look around they're in Bradley's basement. "Woah I didn't know you have a tunnel in your basement." Matthew say looking around in the basement.

"I didn't know either." Bradley said observing the basement. "Wait you didn't know you had a tunnel in your basement." A sarcastic Matthew said.

"You know when your having kid, getting married to a witch, have a colony who doesn't like you, and have two pregnant and powerful girls you call wife and friend trying to kill you, you don't have time  to inspect your house in full." A irritated Bradley says. "Alright geez I'm sorry." Matthew says putting his hand up in surrender.

The two men drop their argument to see for a way out of the basement. While looking for an escape they find some papers. "What are those papers for?" Matthew asks. "I don't know but they're reasearch collected by a man named Dr. Cunningham. It talks about the house! It says the red moon is actually called a blood moon and it is known to cause people in this area to go crazy it lasts for 12 hours from 12pm to midnight." Bradley says.

"Its 10:30. So that means we have to withstand our crazy wives for an hour and a half." Matthew says. "Yeah but we should get to higher ground." Bradley says.

They find a door that leads out, it took them to the kitchen. They look around but see no sign of Scathach or Jennifer. "Okay we need to head ups.. Ahhh!" Bradley was cut off when Scathach teleported behind him and stabbed him in his shoulder.

Matthew grabbed the bat and was about to strike Scathach when he saw a nearby bat but Jen stopped him. The bat was swiftly tooken out of his hand. Matthew turned around and saw his wife. Jen baby you don't have to do Ahhh!" Matthew screamed as Jen made his ankle snap.

Bradley grabbed the blade and took it out of his shoulder and pushed Scathach into a wall knocking her unconscious and grabbed the bat off the floor hitting Jen with it knocking her out as well. Brad helped Matt up and they ran up the stairs and into Brad and Scathach's bedroom.

Brad dropped Matt on the bed and put a chair in front of the door to keep the girls out once they come to. Brad checked the clock it was 11:00 right now. After a couple of minutes Matt said he had to use the bathroom. Bradley asked did he need help getting to the bathroom he said no it was 11:30.

A couple of minutes passed again and it was 11:55. Bradley went to the bathroom door to check on Matthew. When Bradley opened the door he saw Matthew being stabbed multiple times by Jen.

"Hello Beloved." Scathach says making Bradley turn around. Scathach then slits Brad's throat causing him to fall to the floor. He turns his head sees the clock change from 11:59 to 12:00. He then dies as does Matthew.


Bradley wakes up the next morning and sees the sun shine through his window. He walks out his room and Matthew walks out the guest room door at the same time.

They look at each other then they both head downstairs. They reach the living room and hear noise in the kitchen. They walk in their and see Jen and Scathach talking and making breakfast. Scathach and Jen then turn around.

"Hey boys you two want some breakfast?" Jen asked. "We made eggs, bacon, toast, and oatmeal." Scathach says. Matthew and Bradley look at each other and sit down at the table. "So did you two have some good sleep?" Scathach asks. "Actually I had the weirdest dream you two were trying to kill us." Matthew said.

"I did too." Bradley said. "Well maybe next time stop getting drunk while watching horror movies that's the plot of Killer Wives 2." Jennifer says. "It is?" Bradley says. "Yeah Ryan Murphy made it." Jen said. "Beloved and Matt me and Jen were wondering if you could get us some ice cream?" Scathach said.

"Sure lets take my car." Matthew said. "Oh babe the car broke down while me and Thach were using it can you take Bradley car?" Jen asked. "Alright lets go." Bradley said grabbing the keys and the two headed out the door. After they left Scathach looked at Jen.

"Jen we have to tell them that yesterday wasn't a dream." Scathach says. "We will after I explain to Matt I have powers."

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