Chapter 13

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Gabh do shocair - take it easy (gav doe hock-ar)

Murt - damn/curses (moorsht)

Alba - Scotland (al-uh-puh)

Chapter 13

"I am sorry. I didn't realise you were a skin shifter and not Vargr when I saw you. You should be proud, not angry; I hit you with enough magic that you should still be bedbound. You're a strong wolf."

Astrid seemed smug at that fact, pressing a kiss to the tense shoulder of her mate. Farrin, however, didn't take the compliment. Moss green eyes narrowed at Vali, and his posture stiffened, as if he wanted to yank his hand free of the other male's. Thankfully, Vali stepped back with a flourish of his fingers, magic crackling around each digit. I found myself entranced, staring at the slowly fading sparks, and feeling a strange tugging in my gut as if something was drawn to the power in the air.

Vali gave me a slow curling smile. "I sense the magic in you like a tangled web. What else might break free from whatever kept it hidden from you as you grew?"

A shudder went up my spine. I didn't want what I was capable of now, nevermind anything else.

"Is that it? Farrin will feel better now?" I asked, ignoring further riddles.

"Indeed. It might take a day or two for his strength to return, but it will. As I explained, lingering magic will have drained him, mere mortals aren't made for our touch."

I wished that statement didn't bring a sense of foreboding. Most of the pack were 'mere mortals', including my own family.

Turning my attention away from my new shadow, I forced a smile onto my face for Astrid. "We'll take our leave. I'll see you for the evening meal."

"Of course. I look forward to seeing the pack react when Hati joins you."

I chuckled. "And you, Farrin, you should rest."

"I'll rest tonight like everyone else," he grumbled, standing slowly to herd Vali out of his den.

I grabbed Vali's arm and dragged him out the door, taking no offence at all when Farrin slammed it shut behind us. It was a surprise we hadn't been booted out when Vali had winked upon seeing Farrin again.

"You are incorrigible," I hissed, throwing his arm free of my grip. "I am amazed no one has taken your tongue."

Vali sniffed. "Quite often, I find you sound much like the gods, always so serious, no time for fun. For such a young little thing. . ." He cast me a look from the corner of his eye, brow furrowed in thought. "Maybe not so young, really."

Stopping short, I rounded on him with a growl. "What does that mean?"

"Did you know Sköll paid a visit to his Aunt's realm when he heard the dead whisper of a she-wolf appearing before Narfi? I heard he found someone. Someone who knew you by blood and name."

I swallowed, blocking the answer from being thought even while I heard myself ask the question, "Who?"

"A wolf from Alba, by the name of Mànas."

One second I was standing upright, and the next I felt the press of cold stone against my cheek. My vision swam, and shaking my head only made it worse as bile burned up the back of my throat.

"Sköll has no power over the dead, Eabha, there is no need to look so alarmed. He can not touch them. He can't hurt them. . .not physically anyway. . ."

I barely heard what he said. My mind whirred. What if it was Mànas who had been calling me all this time? But why would he be in Helheim and not Tir Na Nog? We'd always fallen into the ways of our mother's people over our father's. Why would Sköll even want to speak to Mànas? He would be more ignorant than I.

"Sköll heard your brother calling out with the voices of wolves who came before him, members eternal pack who roam the forests and meadows where the peaceful dead rest. All you need do is follow the call. Speak to your brother, mate of my nephew, and tell me what he says. Then I will tell you what I know, what I've heard from being with Sköll, and why that makes him so eager to have you."

"I can't," I choked, turning my back to the wall. "It could be that I can be hurt there. Hati made me promise to never go again."

But Mànas. . .

"Hati need not know," Vali whispered quickly, his gaze darting to the end of the hall. "Those are my terms. The dead talk, and it could help Hati greatly to know what they are saying."

"What poison are you pouring into my mate's ear?"

We sprang apart as Hati appeared at the end of the hall, his gaze flicking between us, unimpressed with our proximity. My cheeks burned with guilt when our eyes met, because I knew. . .I knew if there was a chance I could speak to my brother again, or to gleam so much as a morsel of information that could benefit our pack, I would damn well take it. But what if it was a trap?

"Gabh do shocair, a ghraidh," I soothed, stepping towards him to catch his hands in mine. "He was actually being helpful."

"Doubtful, but he's about to prove his worth. The council were not easily won over. At this rate, we really will start having to arrange matings for our future pups."

The jest landed flat when it rang so true.

"But they agreed to let him stay?"

Hati met Vali's gaze over my head and nodded once.

"Thank you, nephew."

My mate grunted in reply. "This attack you spoke of, where is it to happen, when, for what reason?"

"I didn't stay long enough to find out exactly when, but it will be before the next full moon. Sköll's followers are growing weary of waiting in the shadows. He needs to give them a taste of blood. However, I do know the attack is a distraction. Sköll plans to steal weapons from The Vault, you know which one I speak of; Freyja let you choose a sword from it. It is heavily guarded, but a nearby attack will draw enough warriors away."

"If this is true, it might be enough to save your throat from Odin too."

Vali paled considerably, a nervous laugh scratching up his throat. "I have no intention of seeing him again."

"That's too bad," Hati growled. "This news will be brought to him from your lips. If you refuse, I rescind my offer of sanctuary, and we shall see who snatches you first; a Valkyrie to take you to Tiw for sentencing, or Sköll. What does my brother do to traitors, I wonder? Certainly not the mercy of an easy death."

Dark eyes whipped to me, Vali's lips parting, and then slamming together when I lifted myself up, tucking myself against my mate to show my support of his decision. I wasn't completely oblivious to the fact Hati most likely wanted to take his uncle with us to throw at the feet of the gods if he had to.

Bowing his head, Vali sulked. "Very well. I will go with you. Where am I to sleep? I want to rest and prepare for my inevitable execution."

I had to bite my lip to stop a smirk; much like I did when Niamh was similarly dramatic.

"You can take one of the beds in the Healer's quarters. Eirny is the only other wolf I trust to handle you," Hati said. "Walk past the hall, straight down, do not take the corridor to the right. If I catch so much as a whiff of your scent near my den-"

"Yes, yes, you will do something awful to me." Vali swept past with a heavy sigh, and Hati followed him until he took the right hall that would lead him to Eirny.

Tipping my head, I eyed the dark haired females who peeled away from the shadows cast by a nearby sconce to follow him. The twins from the East, skin shifters who'd been brave enough to come with me with the knowledge we might run into blood drinkers or worse to find Hati.

"They haven't been following him this whole time?" I asked.

Hati smirked, pulling me so my back was pressed to his chest and he could rest his head on top of mine. "They have, yes. Though, I did ask them to keep as much distance as possible, and told them only to step in if absolutely necessary. You've proven you can handle yourself."

Oh, he was quick to tack that on. The clever male had stepped around offending me with ease. Turning to nuzzle into him, breathing in his sweet honey scent, I turned my head to nip - maybe a little harder than intended - at his bicep. "Don't forget it, my Alpha. I'll let it slide only because I am in awe of how silent they were. I had no idea until I saw them."

"That is why I chose them. Their home before here had vast flatlands with little to hide behind, so to hunt, they had to be more than just silent, but invisible." He nosed my jaw, his hands creeping up my waist to tickle my ribs. "Where you might look and see them still, unmoving. . ." A nip to my jaw. "They are in truth stalking you, moving so slowly as to appear statuesque. . ." I giggled as his fingers trilled over my ribs again. "And then before you know it. . .they've pounced!"

He lurched forward, and I screamed in delight as I fell back, caught tight in his grip before I could hit the ground. He yanked me upright just as quick, my feet leaving the ground. Giddy and giggling, I fought to get free with no intention of succeeding. His throaty laugh joined mine, and I was sure some of the pack shook their heads as they were forced to move around us to get past.

"You are in good fettle, all things considered," I noted breathlessly.

Tucking me against his side, he began to guide me towards the hall. "I am. We now have an insider to Sköll's doings, a bargaining chip to use against both him and those of Asgardr. With Vali, we're one step closer to finding those within the pack who betrayed us. He may not have interacted with the spy himself, but he knows what to look out for, and he knows how the messages are getting between them and Sköll."

"You're not worried about us going before the gods?"

"I would be foolish not to be, but I'm confident. As long as I don't need to remind you how to behave." He cringed at my arched brow. "All I mean is, you are an outspoken wolf, and the gods can be short tempered. You do remember how we first met? You all but stormed down my doors, making demands, insulting me when I wouldn't bow to them without question."

My cheeks flamed, and Hati chuckled, squeezing my hip. "Our meeting with them will go fine." His gaze flicked to the open door of the hall where wolves were beginning to make their way for food, and then back to me. He tugged me around the corner, lowering his head with searching eyes to murmur, "Did Vali say anything else to you? Anything that might help us?"

Murt. I should have known he wouldn't let what he saw go. Vali was far too close to me when Hati arrived for it to be something innocent.

"Sköll has been visiting the dead." There, that was hopefully enough of the truth to sate his suspicion.

But amber eyes flickered with flames of orange and gold as they narrowed. "That's all he said?"

"You're not surprised?"

"No, but it is concerning. Did he say who he spoke to?"

"If you let me go back, I could find out."

A wry smile twisted his lips. "You don't know how to go back, and whatever was calling you in your sleep has stopped, yes? You slept soundly these last few nights."

"But if I could, Hati."

The smile fell and he straightened up in a way that made him grow in stature, puffing himself up to show off coiling muscle. "We've already spoken about this, Eabha. I can't go with you, no one can, and I'm not letting you go to another realm alone. Whatever Vali said to plant this idea back in your head, ignore it. He lies Eabha. Sköll has been visiting Helheim, that's what he told you, he could want you to go there so my brother can trap you. Who knows how long your body would last without your soul? He could force you into another body, one he could control. Hel is not blind either. She must know Sköll has been there - unless he's somehow hidden himself from her - which puts her loyalty into question too."

Head dropping, I soaked in his words and felt conflicted.

"Eabha, my mate." Calloused fingers stroked up my neck to lift my chin, and soft lips pressed to mine. "For your sake, listen to me. I understand that you feel helpless, but we have our parts to play for now. Let's not do anything rash until we've spoken to Odin and Freyja." His thumb brushed over my kiss swollen lips then settled on my cheek. "Vali trusts you as much as a creature like him is capable of, but do not mistake that trust for care."

The sincerity in his gaze, the way they saw right into the very heart of me, I knew he knew there was more to it than I'd said, but for whatever reason, he let me keep my secret. It was trust, I realised as I nuzzled into his touch. He had faith I would make the right decision, and he was leaving it up to me to decide.

Sliding his hand down, he captured my fingers, lifting them to press yet another kiss to my knuckles. "Come. I promised your sister I would sit beside her to eat, and tuck her into bed tonight."

I snorted. "Who's mate are you again?"

He grinned.

But arriving to eat together soon cured us of our joyous mood.

The hall fell quiet as we entered.

I felt the need to shrink into Hati's side, but with his hand holding mind, I had no choice but to walk with him. There was no flicker of hesitation, uncertainty or regret as he ushered me towards the table my family sat at. The high-ranked, including Gerlac, watched from the head table with their mouths hanging open, the chair in the middle where Hati usually sat left empty. It had been obvious to the pack what had happened, that Ingrid and Hati had called things off for whatever reason, and that I was now in her place, but had rumour of our mating gotten round yet too?

"Sit, Eabha."

I blinked, realising I was standing frozen in front of the bench. A blush hit my cheeks as I climbed over to sit next to my aunt, leaning in to brush my cheek to hers in greeting. Fionnlagh sat across from Hati, his lips quirked into a smug smirk as he took in how uncomfortable I was.

"Alpha," was murmured in greeting by the others sat with us, but when my mother opened her mouth to greet me, I gave her a sharp look.

I didn't want anyone addressing me with my title, not yet anyway.

"You look like you've had a long day, my female," she said.

"I find most days to be arduously long lately." My gaze flicked to Hati as he made a plate up and placed it between us instead of in front of himself, and I couldn't help but smile, adding, "Its been a good day really."

Would end even better if I got to see Mànas one more time.

"I love you," I murmured, leaning into my mate's side to kiss his muscled shoulder.

"I love Hati as well," Niamh chirped up, clambering from her spot to climb next to him.

"Everyone loves Hati."

The sound of Ingrid's voice made me stiffen, and from the way my parents straightened and narrowed their eyes, my father going as far as to curl his lip, I feared what expression I'd find on her face when I turned.

She wore a plain dress this evening. Dark and woollen, it hung loose on her frame, made more for keeping one warm and dry than for fashion. As usual, Auburn hair was braided back from regal features, and resignation set her shoulders straight. Or maybe that might have had more to do with the fact every member of the pack had also frozen to watch this interaction play out.

I thought about reaching for her, ro remind her we'd found common ground, but once again, I'd underestimated this female. The smile was forced as she appraised me and Hati, the newly mated pair, and I was sure everyone else held their breath much like I did when she moved. With swan-like grace she dipped low, an odd half curtsey in the style of the humans, with her head tilted to bare her neck in the ways of pack.

"Alphas. Blessings on your union."

"Thank you," Hati replied.

I brushed my hand against hers, offering a grateful smile. She gave a strained one in return but allowed her fingers to stroke across my own. I didn't blame her for the speed she left after that, nor the pinch to her lips from having to swallow her pride. And Ingrid had a lot of pride. She swept past her pack members with her head held high, still taking her place at the table that put her high above most wolves, but smaller steps were better than none. She'd done more with her show of submission than I might have understood before. She'd told the whole pack she was on my side, that she accepted my position, and as a female of rank and influence, others would follow.

"She didn't need to do that."

"No," Hati agreed, watching the female with a slight frown, as if he was only really noticing her for the first time. A tinge of jealousy coloured my sight, especially as I couldn't help but wonder if Ingrid would have been a better Alpha Female than any of us gave her credit for.

"I will find a way to repay her, and I am glad it is now only my sister I need to contend with for your affections," I said, turning back to finish eating.

My mother cast me a playfully scolding look. "Do not be jealous of your sister, Eabha. It's unbecoming of a grown she-wolf."

"Is that so?" I laughed. "You ask my mate who he is taking to bed tonight then."

Hati blushed, as much as a male like him could. The tops of his ears reddened and he cleared his throat, glittering eyes flicking to my father who shrugged helplessly. He would have to get used to my family's teasing, and join in if he didn't want walked all over.

Leaning against his side, I urged him with a look to be himself, not the Alpha. He did well. The more he listened to the banter, and joined with conversation about Fionnlagh's wish to become a warrior, and father's to learn a skill to help fix the parts of the castle that were crumbling, the more he relaxed. Other wolves passed by our table to get to him too, and while he seemed overwhelmed, he was attentive. He laughed when he ought to, offered help and advise where needed, and the pack in turn relaxed around him too.

When the time came for my siblings to go to bed, Hati unfolded from the bench, grabbed both my siblings, tucking one under each arm, and carted their wriggling bodies out of the hall. I could hear their laughter long after they disappeared. In one night, he'd integrated himself perfectly. Far quicker than I had on arriving here.

"I wish him luck getting them settled now." Father chuckled.

"It will be good practice for him," Mother replied, winking at me.

I chose to ignore her hint for grandchildren. I was too busy relishing in being right about how Hati interacted with the pack.

If he could have seen the looks of adoration on the faces of his packmates as he walked out with my brother and sibling, he would have understood what these few hours of interaction with the pack really meant to them. And if I'd have seen the looks on their faces when Hati returned, marching towards me with eyes of burning embers, I'd have sworn never to show my own face again.

As it was, I didn't get to see much.

With a growl that made me shudder where I sat, he reached for me and tossed me over his shoulder with far less care than he'd had with my siblings. All I saw was Hati's back, my fingers curled into his tunic as I fought between joining the ruckus laughter and whistles, and growling with embarrassment.

"What are you doing?" I gasped, trying and failing to lift myself up.

Hati tightened his arm around me and swatted my rear. His voice was thick with a grin as he answered, "You wanted me to take you to bed."

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