Chapter 27

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    доброкачественный (Benign)

You marveled at the beauty of New York as you flew over the skyline. "We need you (L/N)! Sometime today." Bucky's voice pierced through the comms. Not the time (Y/N)! "Cool it, Barnes. I'm still trying to get over all the obscenity I came across while I was in your head earlier." You teased, but increased your pace nevertheless.

Another Hydra attack. Screw world domination, these guys are going for anarchy. "Nice to see you again Miss (L/N). " A Hydra agent greeted you, which was meant to be a threat, considering the fact that he instantly pulled out a seemingly complicated device. "You know that won't work on me." Letting the (Y/E/C) in your eyes turn completely to gold, you stretched your wings as far as they would go while golden waves danced around you, forming swirling patterns. This was your first order of fight - scare the enemy into submission. No harm done.

"Oh but it will Miss (L/N)." He smiled eerily. "The first time we faced you, I admit, we were clueless, but after your little visit, I think we might surprise you." With that, he pressed a button on his device, causing a tingling sensation to wash over you. "That's the best you got?" You scoffed. Quickly, you wished you hadn't asked the question. Your flight faltered and double sightedness set in.

"That's the best we've got."


"What is taking (Y/N) so long?" Sam grunted after taking a solid punch to his jaw. He would have taken another if Wanda hadn't pulled him away in time. "What do you mean?" She groaned, "I just saw her at the west side of the building." "I'm there right now and she isn't." Steve announced over the comms.

"(Y/N)? Where are you?" Tony called into his own comm, in the hopes that you were listening, "Come on! Talk to me dammit!" "I'm here. I'm f-fine." Your whimpering voice came through. "You don't sound fine. Where are you?" Relieved as he was at hearing your voice, Tony still needed to see you. You, on the other hand, had ripped the earpiece away from your ear, the otherwise normal pitch of every sound coming through it was threatening to make your ears bleed.

Tony had activated location tracker even before you had responded, which had brought him near the large truck behind which you had taken refuge. "What? What is it?" He grabbed your hands, pulling them away from your face but his strength amounted to nothing when you broke free and put your hands over your ears. "Miss (L/N)'s enhanced hearing is picking up supersonic sound waves." FRIDAY deduced. "So sounds we can't even hear are driving her crazy?" Even though Tony was mid air, searching for the cause of your pain, the look of anguish he had seen on your face was still stinging his eyes.

"Precisely. I also detect a massive power drainage from her."


There was a reason Tony had picked FRIDAY to be his active A.I. after JARVIS had to be sacrificed. Proving her worth, she pinpointed the location of the supersonic sound generator and directed him step by step on how to make it malfunction when it didn't turn off while Steve possibly maimed its beholder.

As soon as the screech of death ceased singing in your ears, all the energy you had lost came back with twice the impetus. People who said it was impossible to get drunk on power could get blinded by the gold you were radiating for all you cared. Your form lifted up in the air, wind blowing past your face and the golden swirls surrounding you were raising up a storm; you looked daunting, even more so than usual.

The first few rounds of bullets fired at you were obliviated mid way and by a mere glare of your golden eyes, the skin of the men who fired said bullets began to smoke. "Stop!" Steve sensed danger quick, "(Y/N) you're going to kill them! I....I know you don't want to." You smirked and flew over him, to whichever place that was unfortunate enough to catch your fancy.

Meanwhile, the team was still busy cleaning up the Hydra mess. "Why are you here?" Clint asked Sam and Dean, who were arguing with the cops monitoring the area. "Have you seen the news?" Dean had to yell in order to be audible over all the unnecessary noise. Clint pulled two arrows from his quiver and shot two distinct agents in one go, all while looking straight at Dean. "Yes, because I clearly have that kind of time."

"Who's this one?" He spotted a third man with the duo. "I'm an ang-" Sam lifted the police tape and let everyone cross to the other side. "He's a friend. He can help."


"MOOOVVVEEE!" A rightward shift in the position of your hands threw Wanda to one side, who had foolishly decided to go against you. "Cas, can you stop her?" Dean pulled Wanda out of the rubble, handing her over to Bucky. Castiel knew the extent of your powers; what you could do if you felt attacked. "Not unless she wants to be."

"Leave that to me." Taking into account the stone cold vibes you had been giving Tony, he knew that there was a greater chance of him being a dead man than calming you down. Nonetheless, it was a chance he was willing to take. He purposely stepped out of his suit and sprinted in your direction where you already had Natasha cornered, holding your scepter against her neck while she struggled ineffectively.

The devilish curl on your face, discernably your smile, turned into a flat line when you heard footsteps approaching you from behind. "When will you learn?" You struck a hand out, the golden wisps coming off of which threw Tony off his footing. "How do your tiny minds even conjure the thought that you can stand agains-" Everything went blank the moment you realized whom you had hurt. The gold dissipated from your eyes and the surge of energy you were feeling was just....gone.

"I apologize for this (Y/N)." The last thing you saw was Cas' distressed face as he pressed two fingers to your forehead.

A/N: Wattpad made me write this three times. Three. Goddamn. Times. I'm done.

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