Unexpeted Ally

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Kate made her way down the halls in complete training gear. To anyone that came by she would seem like just another student going late night training for the upcoming fitness competition. No one would question her, It was the perfect chance to get what she needed. She could no longer rely on her friends and peers for answers, the last couple of months proved that.

There were multiple training rooms located in the south wing of the Training Center. At this hour most were dark and empty except for the occasional lighted room in which a student trained, no doubt trying to perfect their abilities.nIgnoring them and she made her way to the door at the end of the hall. The door was enforced with titanium and could only be opened by one of the faculty. But she didn't want to open the door.

Alright, gotta make this quick. Kate held out her hands, open palms facing the door. Her lips silently moved and the air in front of her began to shift and shimmer. She had to get this right.

Taking a deep breath she jumped forward into the the shifting mist.


Kate fell back clutching at her aching nose. Damn! She glared at the metallic door and tried to take a couple of deep breaths. Resisting the urge to kick the door she looked around to make sure no one heard her. "Alright, one more time."

Taking a step back, she once again held out her hands and repeated the spell. The air began to shimmer and this time she waited a couple of seconds before jumping forward, hands still in front of her in order to protect her nose from another collision. She had only attempted this spell a handful of times, most of them resulting with bruised arms. As she went through, the air became frigid causing her to wince at the sudden cold that bit into her bones. It was a strange sensation, like trying to walk underwater. Her limbs became leaden and she dragged herself forward, intent on making it to the other side. As she neared the end of the dark haze, the darkness seem to tug at her. Clenching her jaw she stepped out and the force dissipated causing her to stumble forward.

The hall before her was cold with stone walls. There were doors on each side running towards the end, all enforced with titanium and iron chains. This was the first floor of the confinement center for demons. Right under the Training Center it housed more than three hundred demons with five floors stacked on one another underground.

Kate knew she didn't have to look far. She had someone specific in mind and they lived on the second floor due to its age. The older and weaker ones were always in the first couple of floors with the new ones at the bottom. It was safer that way.

Walking down a flight of stairs she made her way down the second floor, keeping her eyes to her left. Halfway through she stopped to face door number 113. I don't have to do this, She thought but then sighed and held out her hands. Let's just get this over with.

The first half of the room was illuminated by a single dull lamp on the wall, threatening to flicker from existence. Beyond that was complete darkness. The overpowering scent of rotten filled her nostrils causing her nose to scrunch up in distaste.

A small scuffling sound resonated from the shadows, each time getting coming closer and closer. Slowly an arm reached from the darkness, a twisted and mangled thing with clumps of dead skin hanging from its skeletal frame. Resisting the urge to step back, she drew her shoulders back, rising to full height. "I came to talk."

It stepped out in the light. Black holes for eyes bored into her. It was much more thinner than she remembered, on the verge of becoming a moving skeleton with only a couple of clumps of skin to cling to its form. After a moment the skin around its mouth split and cracked open to reveal jagged teeth being reduced to broken lumps as the rot had eaten them away.

We meet again. It'ssss been a while sssince I lassst sssaw you. What bringss you here, Black Rosse?

She couldn't help but shudder as its voice slithered its way to her ears, causing her gut to clench as the memories came back. "I...I came to get some answers."

It tilted its head at her. Took you long enough

Her jaw dropped. "What?"

It laughed, a weak sound of metal scraping against itself. I've lived through ninety-eight summersss.....the lassst seven which I have sspent in thisss hellhole. A black rosse among the Bellator du Lux? I knew it would only be a matter of time before you sssought out ansswerss.

"Black Rose.....you knew I was a Necromancer...didn't you?."

Your ssscent was faint, barely there but it was enough for me to see your true nature. It'sss sstronger now in which I assssume you have developed your abilitiesss.

Kate nodded in silence and then said. "Things are changing."

Black Rosse, thingsss began changing the moment you were trapped in the Bellators clucthesss.

"You make them sound like they're bad." she said, her brow furrowing in slight confusion.

Good or bad, it stop mattering the moment you sstepped into this room. It'ss only a matter of time before thisss Black Rosse isss uprooted. This time she did step back, her hand bursting in black flames. The creature didn't move and merely huffed at her. Do not worry, I have nothing to gain with your death......but otherss might.

Kate lowered her hand but didn't extinguish the flames, not yet. "And why should I believe you?"

It laughed and hunched down, settling in a more comfortable position on the floor. I'm at the end of my life and I have nothing to gain. At thiss rate I will not ssee the next sssummer but I havent seen the last sseven...not when I'm locked away here. It'ss wissse not to trusst ssso eassily, I can ssee why you have ssurvive for long as you did. I wass impressed when you survived the firsst attempt.

"The first attempt?" She had an inkling on what it was referring to but hoped it wasn't the case.

It nodded. Oh yess, it caussed quite a commotion if I recall correctly. It'ss not every day we have a Black Rosse appear and be attacked by one of her own friends in the firssst couple of weekss. We didn't stop talking about it for weeksss.

She ignored the memories that threatened to surface and instead asked. "What do you mean, We?"

All of usss who are locked in here.....well at leasst the oness who haven't gone mad or died.

Kate blinked, an image of them speaking to each other through the cracks of the stone walls flickering in her mind. Then she realized she had never really communicated with any of them because they were nothing more than rampaging monsters. The fact that they were actually sentient creatures surprised and somewhat unnerved her. She observed the ribs protruding from its sides and then at the thin layer of grey skin stretched over its skull.

"What's your name?" She asked quietly.

It jerked back in surprised and he stared at her. He then blurted out a response before he could stop himself. Vidur

She nodded. "Thank you for talking with me Vidur. I'll be back tomorrow at the same time and I'll bring some food. I promise.....Oh and I'm Kate." Without giving the old demon a chance to respond Kate turned around and jumped into the shifting mist.


A:N/ So I apologize for not updating the last three weeks. I know I have a lot of catching up to do haha I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to update next week since I'm leaving off for College and I'm going out of state so yeah! Wohoo!! I'll try to work something out since I don't have a laptop but maybe I can set time to use the school computers.

I'll let y'all know around next weekend. Thank you for all of your patience!! :D

PS: What do you think of this "new" character? Will their interaction bring good or bad things?

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