Shot 21

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Yaay... 😍🤩🥳🥳🥳 It is 13th february today... four years since the start of DBO... and the love hate story of our favourite RIKARA... 

May the fanbase stay put and keep writing more stories.

I am not promising... but you can expect a double update if time permits me... otherwise you will get one tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy reading the chappy...

Readers below 18, skip the initial part .... i marked the safe zone for you... scroll down...

************Mature content 18+ **************************************************************************************************

"Omkara ji" Gauri moaned as her husband kissed her jaw, his hand grazing the bare skin of her chest as it worked its way seducing her for another consuming session of love making.

She barely rested through the night when she was woken up with a sleep disruptive kiss. Her husband was notoriously stern in his game, pledging to make her pay for the wasted time of their married life.

"Hmmm" he said rolling them over, such that he stayed atop her pushing her more into the mattress before he took her lower lip in his, nibbling it between his teeth.

His wife's hands caressed his broad shoulders slowly and delicately making him groan at the feathery touch, his member going hard enough to tease her upper thigh.

In one swift move, he eased himself into her unannounced, making her gasp at the frictional pleasure while he took her mouth into a searing kiss.

Gauri arched her body locking her legs with his lower body to intimately fit him in, as he moved inside out with a newfound pace.

His tongue moved inside her mouth possessively, making her moan and pant, tension beginning to grip her. As his hands grasped her breasts together thumbs rubbing over the peaks, she felt herself undeniably falling off the peak, senseless and sated.

She watched him plunge into her hard and fast, beautiful hair locks covering his forehead. Combing them away from his face, she caressed his face which was warm and red with desire pouring off his chocolate brown eyes.

Once he grunted his release and collapsed on top of her, trying to catch his breath, his head nestled between her neck and shoulder, she hugged him closer, kissing his cheek and temple with so much love.

"I thought I am good with words...but I don't think I can ever be able to describe how I feel when we make love Gauri" he mumbled placing a kiss on her red hued cheek.

"Me too" she said returning the favour making him widely smile at her.

"You were about to say something before I seduced you" he reminded her and she widened her eyes looking at the time which showed eight in the morning.

"Oh God... Omkaraji... I will be late... get off me" she said pushing him away while he laughed at her attempts locking her with his weight making the task impossible.

"Omkaraji... move please" she said and he shook his head in a no. Grabbing her hands which were trying to push his shoulders, he brought them above her head, holding them together with his one large hand.

"You are taking a day off and we are spending a day in bed" he orders huskily, his free hand teasing her naked body beneath him making her go still.

She supposed, she should feel embarrassed or shy at what he did to her with his sinful fingers but all she felt was excitement and arousal.

Watching his wife look at him with naked desire in her eyes, Omkara could not help but gloat in victory. He traced her lips which were thoroughly kissed and tasted countless times during the previous night, with a wayward finger when she opened her mouth and bit it sharply.

Caught off guard, he hissed aloud "Ouch" while she gave him a naughty grin.

"Serves you right... now let me go" she said and he raised an eyebrow at her.

"You want me to show what I can do?" he said in jest leaning in to nip her chin when she widened her eyes shaking her head in a no.

"Please... it is getting late... I missed classes since many days Omkaraji... let me go" she requested with her best puppy eyes making him contemplate for a second, before he sighed and released her.

She thanked him at once, raising herself to get off the bed when he held her hand again and pulled her back making her land on his chest, a few strands of her wavy hair covering her face.

"I won't be this merciful tonight" he warned pushing her hair back and kissed her lips while she cupped his face kissing his eyes.

"I will not ask you to be lenient either Omkaraji" she said brushing her lips with his sensuously.

Just when he wanted a proper kiss and began firming his grip, she moved away from him swiftly, making a speedy run to the bathroom.

Omkara chuckled looking at the closed door and fell back on the bed with a wide grin on his face vowing to take his revenge for the minxy act of his wife sooner.

***********end of mature content *****************************************************************

**************Safe zone**************

"Shivaay Bhaiyya... where is Rudy bhaiyya? We will be late for college. Didn't he get up yet?" asked Gauri hurriedly munching her breakfast.

Shivaay stared at Kalyani who had an unhappy look on her face and turned to his sister-in-law.

"Umm.... He is busy with his project Gauri... he left early today" he said and Gauri's gaze shifted from her plate to the uncomfortable look of her in laws.

"Ohh? Okay... I will ask Omkaraji to drop me then" she said in a low tone.

"No Gauri, his office in the opposite direction... I will drop you" Shivaay smiled at her and she nodded her head mumbling a thanks.

The day went by swiftly, with Gauri getting busy with her classes and stuff along with pacifying a terribly angry best friend. By evening she was exhausted and slumped on the bench in their college garden where she was used to wait for Rudra to pick her up from college.

Fifteen minutes past their usual time... when he did not turn up, she took out her mobile to dial his number when Anika reached her.

"Gauri... come I will drop you home"

"But Rudy bhaiyya?"

"He had to go out for some project related work" she explained and Gauri silently walked with her to the parking lot.

On reaching home, she walked into the living room of the mansion lost in thoughts when she almost bumped into one of their house-helps.

"Sorry" she said at the same time as their maid.

"Sorry madam Rudra sir asked for his protein shake half an hour back and I am late so I was in a hurry to give it to him... I did not see you coming this way"

"Rudra bhaiyya is at home?" Gauri asked and the woman nodded in confirmation.

Though her heart somehow knew that Rudra was consciously being distant to her, Gauri could not help but feel a pinch again when her suspicions were proven right.

Why is behaving like this? He always made sure he accompanied her out of the house no matter how busy he was... before she went to Bareilly. She also knew if he had a problem with her he would boldly express it and never sit quiet or avoid her face.... it was so not his mentality. Then why is he playing the game of hide and seek now?... why the ignorance?

"Did Omkaraji come home?" she asked the maid who shook her head in a no.

"Okay... keep my bag in the study and give me Rudra bhaiyya's drink... I will take it to him" she ordered handing over the bag. Then taking the glass from her, she walked to Rudra's room for the much-needed talk.


Rudra was working on his laptop when he heard a soft knock on his door.

"Come in Malini... what took you so long?" he asked in irritation not taking his eyes of the system before him.

"Sorry Bhaiyya" Gauri said and he turned to the door in surprise.

"Bhabhi... why did you come... you could have told someone else" he said before getting up from his place with a smile.

"No problem bhaiyya... it isn't much work" she said handing him the glass and he took it wordlessly.

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, when he stood still in his place looking at the glass and at her, she gestured him to finish it and he nodded before gulping down the drink in speed.

Gauri sadly smiled at Rudra before she asked, "Are you angry with me bhaiyya?"

"Angry? No Bhabhi... I was just...."

"Please don't lie bhaiyya... I know there is something off between us... if I did anything wrong... I.."

"Bhabhi... please don't... you are not answerable to anyone here... I am just busy with this" he said pointing to the laptop and she sighed.

"Do you need any help with it? Maybe I can..."

"No.... I can manage... it is just for a few days" he said with a small smile, ending the discussion and she could not help but feel disappointed.

One chord which never struck when she was with her brother in laws was discomfort and today seeing Rudra being so stiff with her made her unexplainably worry.

Rudra on the other hand, looked at her helpless mien and felt guilty for his manner.

"Are you sure that you are not upset with me? Please, you can say it to me... you know me..."

"No Bhabhi" he cut her off "I thought that I know you...but I now realized that I don't know you at all"

"If is this is about me going away then..."

"Did you feel that it was required?" he asked and she looked at him in question.

"I mean... you, cutting of contacts with everyone... did you think it was required?"

"At that point... I felt it to be right" she truthfully said.

"Then you don't need to explain yourself to me or anybody Bhabhi... I guess I was just overthinking .. it is nothing actually... let me complete my work... we will go out for..."

"What did you overthink bhaiyya... please just tell me everything... I want to know"

"Everything is settled Bhabhi... why do you want to..."

"No" she said firmly "Tell me what made you think so much"

"Bhabhi... it is really not necessary... I assure you"

"I had never had any siblings bhaiyya... I am used to living in my own space... but in these three months spending time with you and Shivaay bhaiyya made me realize how much love I missed in all the years of my life" she said with a fond smile.

"I often envy Omkaraji for it... Now that I have you both, I do not want to lose any of you... for any reason... be it my fault or yours" she explained making Rudra nod in understanding.

"I did not like you running away like that" he finally gave in and she opened her mouth to explain when he stopped her with a calming hand on her shoulder.

"I understand you have your reasons... but after seeing my brother in pain.. I had no one to blame but you Bhabhi... I could have blamed Riya... but she is no one to us... if she hurts my brother I can always punch her back but with you...I cannot, because you are family" he said earnestly and she smiled at him.

"Maybe I expected too much...You need not explain what your reasons were and I wouldn't ask that of you" he assured.

"Then why are you angry?"

"Because O was not happy... I mean to say even before the incident, he was not happy with uhh...things" he said looking away "... and I kept thinking of what would have happened if Khanna did not inform me about what happened that day"

When Gauri gave him a look of confusion he elaborated "That day... I came to know that you met Riya and she supposedly spoilt your mind only because Khanna hinted that there was something wrong with your behaviour... do you know what would have happened if he did not do that?"

"I... I don't know..."

"You would have been in your own mess at your home with O not having a clue as to what happened... I doubt if you would have talked out your issues with him this soon... if he were not that persistent" he said and she pondered over his theory.

"We thought of getting rid of her after the deal but she is a hard working girl and we might not have had a firm ground on which we can ask her to directly walk out of the company... Riya might not be working directly under O but she will still be there working in the office planting doubts in you or my brother... and when both of you aren't keen on discussing things out, equations would have definitely changed between you for worse" he said stating the most unfavourable outcome and she did not have anything to object his hypothesis.

Well, who can foretell the future when circumstances were different? ... Things would have or not worked the same way.

"Some day when matters get worse, you would have busted him, hurting him and you in the process" he completed and she sighed.

"You should have seen O that day when he thought you did not trust him Bhabhi... I never saw him in so much torment before..." his voice was filled with soreness, reliving the moment.

"I had never known my parents Bhabhi... all I remember of them were bits of happiness that O and Shivaay bhaiyya used to fondly reminisce with my daadi"

Gauri looked at her brother-in-law shed an involuntary tear and felt the need to hug him close while he calmly accepted the comforting gesture.

"Shivaay bhaiyya was the elderly figure, the responsible and matured boy of my grandmother but me and O... were remarkably close... Daadi used to call us 'thick as thieves'... we troubled her a lot" he said with a chuckle.

"The thing is we were a team against Daadi and Shivaay bhaiyya... we used to think alike and had each other's back always"

"O has been the guiding hand for me Bhabhi... I admire him for a lot of reasons... and to see my support system break down as if losing hope was....." he left the sentence incomplete.

"I am sorry bhaiyya... I..."

"You did not want to hurt him by directly asking him about Riya... I understand now. After last night, when I saw a glimpse of the old him, I realized how much I missed that version... you are not wrong Bhabhi...but I...I ... just wasn't prepared for that sight that day" he said and she nodded her head parting from him.

"What can I do to make things better for you? I cannot change my decision going back in time"

Rudra smiled at her "You can do one thing though... as a compensation"


"Come with me" he said and dragged her out with him into his car.


There are few more issues I want to deal with... hence the length of the chapter had to be cut down... I will wrap it up in the next. 

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