The Step We All Needed

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Meredith shot awake after having another night terrors from being in the woods. It felt so real as if she was actually there when she bolted awake she noticed she was alone in her bedroom. Only 11:00 pm? Odd that no body else was upstairs. She wanted to downstairs but knew she couldn't. She decided to get out of bed.

Meredith wiggled her way into the large wheelchair. Just as she went to head out of her room she knocked the wheel into the beside table causing the Light fluorescent lamp to fall onto the rough floor.

Derek and Mark were still watching the show. Cristina had fallen asleep next to them and they decided to let her rest. Just as Derek had gotten up to put their bowl into the sink they heard a loud crash from upstairs. Mark bolts his eyes towards Derek, who are illuminating with worry, and Cristina jerks awake. They all rush up the stairs and hand open the door to Merediths room. They all sigh with relief to see that Meredith was sitting in her wheelchair.

She looked at the faces of her Peers and started laughing out with joy. The look on there faces was priceless. They all were shocked to see their friend so joyous but couldn't help but laugh with her. Soon the entire room was laughing hysterically and Cristina dropped to the floor she was laughing so hard. Meredith wanted to do the same but with the loss of her legs she knew it would be painful. When she thought about that her laughing slowly faded and as the others noticed there's did as well.

Meredith looked into Cristina's eyes while she sat on the floor. She could only see one thing when she stared into her chocolatey orbs. Pity. And the Pity was massively overcoming her entire facial expression. Meredith then looked into her Husbands eyes and saw something similar. Sympathy. She couldn't handle thinking about it. Was that all they saw in her at that moment?

A helpless woman who was once strong and dignified.

Her eyes became glazed over with a salty layer as she stared at the 3 Surgeons in the room. The grief overcame her and she started full out bawling. Cristina rushed over to pull her into and embraced hug. While Derek and Mark just stood there and stared at the 2 broken woman. Cristina waves the 2 men out of the room and went up to close the door. She returned to Meredith's side and helped her into the bed. She just sat there, running her fingers through her golden locks, and comforting her into a calmer state.

"Shh. Shhh. It's ok Meredith. It's ok." Cristina said with a clam manner.

"I'm.. I'm O..ok" Meredith hiccuped out. Not wanting to burden her friend.

"Meredith.. it's ok to not be ok sometimes." Cristina said with a sad smile. Meredith nodded and settled her tears.

"No really. I'm- I'm fine. I just." Meredith sighs. "I'm just tired of it all. I want to cut into a freaking body but I don't know if I'll ever be able to do that again." Meredith said sadly now very calm.

"Ok. How about, tomorrow I will take you to the hospital and we will get her fitted for prosthetics, ok?" Cristina asked questionably.

"I guess I have to do it at some point. Better sooner then later." Meredith said. "I'm just. I'm just so scared. And people are gonna stare Cristina. They are gonna point there little eyeballs and shoot daggers into my waist." She said sadly while motioning towards her limbless lower half.

"I won't let them. I promise. Just trust me ok?" Cristina asked but in more of a 'you don't get a choice we are going' kind of tone. Meredith nodded and snuggled into Cristina's embrace. It was now 3 am and both girls drifted to sleep in each other's arms.

Back at Seattle Grace Mercy West

Lexie awoke in the arms of a stranger. She quickly bolted up and pushed herself away worrying that she had slept with a different Man. She calmed when she saw It was only her teacher, Callie.

"Woah woah, it's ok it's just me. You had a rough night so I stayed with you." Callie said softly while tumbling out of the bed.

"I'm sorry- for being such a- a burden." Lexie said in a hushed voice.

"No, god no. I'm glad to help. I think you were pushing your self a little to hard though weren't ya." Callie said with a comforting smile.

"Yeah I just, I was falling behind. And that Girl, she was just like Meredith. How could something so similar happen to somebody so undeserving." Lexie said quite loudly with her voice cracking.

"I know, I know. Nobody deserves what happens to them. Now let's go down to the lobby and get you some coffee alright? It's already 6 o'clock." Callie exclaimed with a chuckle.

The 2 doctors left the On-call room after making the small bed and tidying up. They travelled towards the lobby stopping at the coffee cart and Getting Strawberry donuts as well. Just as they headed towards the ER Lexie saw a familiar Asian woman with dark curls bouncing as she pushed a smaller framed woman with honey tipped hair hiding herself in the small wheelchair.

At Merediths house

Meredith bolted awake to the sound of there blaring alarm. It was 5:30 and Cristina had to be at the hospital by 6. She shook Cristina awake. She knew Derek had already taken Zola to daycare so they were there alone to prep.

"Cristina your gonna be late!" Meredith shouted as Cristina stirred. They bolt shoved the covers off there body's and rushed to get ready. Meredith used her shaking arms to roll into the wheelchair as Cristina rushed to the bathroom to get ready.

Meredith Put on presentable clothing, even though it was hard when your only choice of pants was shorts, but she looked nice anyways, she had also brought an extra pair of loose sweatpants to put over the prosthetics once she received them. Cristina came out of the bathroom with light makeup and casual clothes that she would soon change out of into her scrubs. Meredith was brushing her hair and pulling it into a low pony when Cristina rushed over to grab the handles on Meredith chair.

With not enough time, instead of using the electric chair lift in the side of the stairs that Derek had installed, Cristina just scooped up Meredith, seeming her being very light, and folded up the chair racing out the front door towards the car. She helped Meredith get situated and raced towards the drivers side. After buckling their seatbelts they were off.

Derek and Mark had left earlier that morning after Meredith had her small incident. So the house was now left alone. Cristina pulled into the parking lot just in time and instead of finding an open spot she just pulled into the handicap parking spot. One of the Receptionists by the front desk saw this and frowned seeing they had no handicap sticker. She stomped out the front doors.

"Hey what are you doing! that for handicapped personal onl-." Before the angered receptionist could finished her sentence she saw Cristina help Meredith into the wheelchair and immediately felt guilty.

"What were you saying?" Merediths asked peevishly. You could tell she was annoyed but wanted to seem unbothered.

"Oh uhh- I'm so sorry. Do you guys need a hand?" The once angered receptionist now very calmly asked.

"No we seem to be all good." Meredith replied with a snark to her tone. The whole hospital knew who Dr. Grey was and what had happened to her. She was very respected and the lady who had yelled at them was steaming with guilt and she entered the hospital right on their tail.

Once they entered the large building multiple stares were sent there way. Meredith immediately dropped her head with embarrassment and played with her fingers.

Lexie was gladly eating her donut when she noticed the 2 woman coming through the front doors. She rushed over to greet them.

"Meredith! Cristina! What are you doing here?" She asked while rushing to her side. Meredith lifted her head to look at her sister and released a shy smile.

"I'm coming to get fit for my prosthetics." Meredith said shyly. Lexie's face immediately erupted with shock.

"So someone's in a better mood?" Lexie questions but as more of a statement. "I'm really glad to see you." Lexie smiled brightly and leaned to hug her sister. Meredith was hesitant at first but gave in.

"Okay, well Merediths appointment isn't for another hour or so but I was gonna take her up to orthopedics. Do you know were Callie is? We just wanted to chat with her." Cristina asked, but just as she concluded her sentence Dr. Torres came running over.

"You beckoned?" She asked with a chuckle. "Hi Dr. Grey! Are you coming in to finally get fitted for your prosthesis?" She asked with a guilty pristine. Lexie and Cristina both stared at her deeply and Cristina brought her hand up to her neck and slashed it, motioning for her to cut it out.

"I am. I need to get back to work so I can cut someone open." Meredith said blankly.

"Ok uhh. Dr. Torres can you take Meredith up to Ortho, me and Lexie better get to our assigned resident." Cristina said while clearing her throat.

"For sure!" Callie said with a large smile and took the wheelchair from Cristina grasp as Cristina and Lexie headed off waving goodbye towards Meredith.

"You know my assigned resident is Torres right?" Lexie said in a hushed tone while walking off.

"Shhh!" Cristina exclaimed as they got lost in the distance. Meredith rolled her eyes at the remark, hearing them quite well.

"So let's get you up to a room why don't we?" Callie said with a very kind manner as they headed off towards the Elevator.

I hope you guys like this chapter. I'm not really satisfied with it but I hope it's enjoyable. I am really bored so I couldn't help but write another chapter in the same day. Anyways stay happy!
-Nadia ;)

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