How will it Happen?

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        The 6 surgeons had successfully been taken to the hospital in Tacoma and were being treated. Cristina had been ruled out from any spinal injury and Derek was completely fine besides the malnourishment and dehydration, of which they all had. Arizona had a small brain bleed and was in the OR having a craniotomy preformed on her skull, and luckily the part they shaved was barley noticeable and would grow back soon. Lexie had a splint placed on her wrist and had a sling with a brace prescribed for around a month and a half. Mark had been in CT and was being prepped for surgery to correct the misplaced bones and have his nerve damage evaluated in his arm and hand. Derek wanted to check on his friend so he called a nurse to bring him a wheel chair.

"Whatever you do, do not amputate the hand got it?" Derek demanded as he wheeled into Mark's Pre-op.

"And you are?" The Nurse asked rudely.

"I'm Derek Shepherd, one of the top Neurological surgeons in the world and that is Mark Sloan, which of whom is a world renown Plastics surgeon who must keep his hand." Derek abruptly answered back.

"Got it.." The nurse replied with a slight eye roll. Derek was heading back to his room and decided to check on his wife's status. She was in surgery to have a complete double leg- above the Knee Amputation, amputation of both legs from mid-thigh down. They were going to preform a hemicorporectomy, amputation from above the waist removing the whole lower body because of her shattered pelvis, but Derek refused to allow them to do that considering it would reduce her ability to a urinal system. Removing her vaginal canal and disobeying a way to her to function properly. He talked to the Leading Orthopedic surgeon on Merediths case.

"Yes, we have completed both amputations and are now placing rods into her pelvis and upper femur, due to the shatter of the bones. Dr. Summers, our head of Cardio, is preforming the Coronary artery dissection (repairing the hole in the Hearts protective wall) and she should be off of her anesthesia and on her the ICU in a couple of hours." Dr. Michaels explained to Derek. Derek just nodded with a few tears running down his cheek. He knew his wife would be devastated with the loss of her legs and decided to go talk to Cristina and Lexie, whom were both in the same room.

"They finished the amputation and Cardio is fixing her heart, she should be in recovery soon." Derek said contemptibly with soft tears still tumbling out of his abrupt navy irises. Cristina just nodded at loss of words and Lexie sighed with relief and a small smile of gratefulness considering they were all alive. Lexie appreciated the fact they all lived, she was worried for Meredith and Mark and prayed they would have no major deficits after their surgery's, she also hoped that Mark would keep his hand and be able to still preform surgery after many ungrueling hours of PT. The chief of Neuro surgery at Tacoma decided to update Seattle Grace Mercy West on the status of all 6 patients, considering he had to examine all of them and new the most information.

"Hello, This is Dr. Keith from Tacoma General, I'm calling to update you on your 6 surgeons I believe?" Dr.Keith mentioned through the phone.

"Yes! This Is Chief Hunt with Dr. Torres, Our chief is Ortho, and Dr. Karev, our head of Pediatrics." Owen said with a mile high grin plastered on his cheeks.

"Yes, we will start out with the less Critical, Dr. Yang and Dr. Shepherd did not have any major injuries, Dr. Lexie Grey is Alright just a minor wrist fraction occurred, Dr. Arizona Robbins suffered from a post-delayed cranial bleed but is in recovery and doing well. Dr Mark Sloan suffered a major arm and hand injury with a 5 inch laceration along his right forearm. He broke multiple bones and had some herbal damage as well as infection but we were able to salvage the hand." Dr. Kieth explained to the 3 doctors.

"What about Meredith Grey? She was on the plane too." Alex worried for his closest friend when not hearing her name.

"Oh yes, I am so sorry. Do not panic she is alive. We had to preform above the knee amputation of both legs and she had major open heart Surgery but she should be in the ICU any minute. Again, once they are all stable we will transfer them to Seattle Grace Mercy West." Doctor Keith explained one last time and hung up. Callie's mouth dropped to floor when they said double leg amputation. She was an Orthopedic surgeon, what if she was able to salvage those legs, she was disappointed that she couldn't do anything to help them. They all felt so useless.

Meredith was still in surgery, as was Mark and Arizona wasn't as critical and was in the patient room with Cristina and Lexie. Derek was holding Arizona's hand seeing that she was all alone. Arizona started to stir.

"Hey Zona, just stay still we will get the tube out." Derek said calmly while Arizona choked on her intubation tube. Derek waved a Nurse over.

"Ok cough on Three, 1... 2... 3." The Nurse said while pulling the tube out.

"Hey.." Arizona coughed out.
"Wha- what happened?" Arizona asked confused.

"We were in a plane crash, remember? You had a very small brain bleed they had to repair in the OR." Derek reassured her.

"Oh ok.. where's Mark and Mer." Arizona asked while clearing her throat.

"They are both still in Surgery, stable:" Derek smiled lightly but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Arizona nodded and rolled on her side falling back into a deep sleep. She needed rest.

In the OR

"Ok Dr. Fields would you like to clo- WOAH!" Dr. Summers exclaimed as the monitors started beeping.

"Bc is rising!" She exclaimed as the monitors screamed and she went into a vfiberlized state. "Start compressions!" She shouted. A scrub Nurse ran in with a Crash Cart and Dr. Summers pulled out the defibrillators.

"Charge to 260! Clear!" She yelled. "Damnit nothing, Charge to 300! Clear!!" She shouted at the scrub Nurse. "We will not lose her! Charge to 360, clear again!" She refused to let Meredith go.

"Sinus rhythm!" Dr. Fields the 2nd year resident shouted.

"Thank you for not dying on me." Dr. Summers whispered to Meredith as she started to close.

"Uh Dr. Summers? You said I could close.." the resident asked. The head of Cardio immediately interrupted.

"I've changed my mind. She is too important for us to lose, you can close the next patient." She quickly replied to the egotistical resident. "Go update the family and friends.." she instructed. The resident didn't move. "What are you waiting for, go!" Dr. Summers snarked. The resident quickly scurried away.


Derek started to nod off on the sofa in the room when a young resident came bolting down the hall and into their room. Derek jolted awake with a worried glance.

"What? What- What's wrong?" Derek exclaimed while shooting up out of the couch.

"Doctor... Summers.. told me.. to... to tell you.. she is.. closing.. on Meredith... Grey.. She is being wheeled to ICU soon, and.. and she only coded once during surgery." Dr. Fields panted while trying to catch his breath.

"How long was she down will there be any deficits?" Cristina asks concerned.

"She wasn't down too long, She should be fine, I can take you up to the ICU if you would like." He stated.

"That would be nice, uhm one of us should stay with Arizona when she wakes." Said Cristina.

"I'll stay. For now." Lexie said sadly. Derek got Cristina a wheel chair and nodded towards the resident to take them down.

In The OR

"Okay, take her down to the ICU, I'll be down to check her post-op scans in a bit." Summers told the Nurse's while Scrubbing out. She walked out of the OR and sighed. She travelled towards her office and plopped into her chair. All she could do was stare at the wall with tears. She almost lost this ambitious lady in her OR and she was already about to have her life changed. She stood up and patted off her scrubs heading down the the ICU. She grabbed Merediths chart and walk into to room to See a male patient kissing her hand and A small Korean woman was holding the other with light streams flowing from her eyes.

"Hello?" She asked confused.

"Are you Dr. Summers? How did it go." The Asian lady replied.

"Uh yes. It went well, she did code once on the table but we got her back. She should wake up in a couple hours and you should, uhh, tell her about the- the legs." She stated while staring down at Meredith non-existent legs.

"We will.. I'm Dr. Cristina Yang by the way. Meredith is my closest friend. This is Dr. Derek Shepherd, her husband.." Cristina said while shaking my hand. Dr. Shepherd just stared at his lifeless wife and didn't bother to acknowledge the Cardio Doctor before him.

Again the Medical Accuracy isnt 100% correct but I really hope you enjoy the story so far, I'm having a lot of fun writing it.
-Nadia ;)

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