May the 4th

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I've been feeling better since I open up about my stress at work. People around menotice when I'm feeling upset. Some of them told me I was a bit rude, and I recognizeit. 

Work today was alright. But I coulndn't stop thinking about him. I know we don'thave to talk everyday, but I enjoy talking with him. Making him know I'm here foranything he needs. 

Today was that kind of day I wanted to be alone. Haven't been home in a while sincemy roommate changed his job. And I just wanted to have the feeling of being withmyself. So today was the day. 

 While I was taking out my dog, he texted me. 

"How's work? Still stress about it?" 

So sweet, I thought. He really do cares about me. I explained him the whole situationwhy I was feeling like that, but that today's been really nice. For my surprise, he usedmy psycological method. 

 "Look what happened the last three months? You didn't expected this 6 monthsago. So working longer as a waitress will not decide about your future. Is just what you do atm." 

I see what you're doing here. I know exactly he was right, and that was my mindsetuntil my work colleague changed it.And no, I did not expected to meet a cute swiss, thoughtful guy. NEVER. Either 6months ago, or 10 years ago. This was so not in my plans. But I'm glad it happened.Even thought this days have been hard, I'm happy I got him. 

We texted for a while. He told me he had a race tomorrow. I told him to remember the"silenzio bruno" thing to keep him focus. I know he's good, I know he just need totrust more in himself. And then I thought about Cars movie. The part when LightningMcqueen says "speed, I'm speed", just in the beginning of the first movie. I sent himthe clip. 

"Maybe I can watch it tonight" 

"hahaha yess" I reply 

"Or maybe better together the next time".

I love how every time we talk about a Pixar movie, he suggests watching it together.Maybe it's our thing now, and I love that. The idea of watching Pixar movies together,laughing like little kids—it really appeals to me. But I still need to know when thisday will be. I can't keep imagining these things without a definite plan for when I'llsee him again. I know he's confident we'll meet again, but I'm not that kind of person.I need a specific date. 

I browsed flights to Switzerland for my upcoming vacation in a month. I've beencontemplating whether to ask him if I can visit. Yet, I fear he might perceive me asoverly eager. The flights are quite reasonable right now, just 67€ if I book promptly.However, I hesitate to commit unless I'm completely certain. Reflecting back, in myprevious relationship, we discussed a trip to the Netherlands, but he cautioned againstrushing into it. It makes me wonder if he already sensed our relationship wouldn'tlast. Now, these memories leave me feeling insecure about moving forward with mycurrent situation. 

Maybe the easiest way to solve this is asking him. I really do need to ask him, but I'llwait a few more days, or weeks, I don't know.

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