February 23rd

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Today is the day I meet up with the German guy. One thing I like about going on dates with foreigners is that I get to practice my English. So, whether it goes well or not, I will enjoy it.

I don't know what to wear. Lately, I've been into the Scandinavian style, but my clothes don't quite fit that look. I decided on jeans and a cardigan, with my Gazelles, of course. I recently cut my hair and I'm not sure about this decision, so right now, I'm not feeling confident at all.

We agreed to meet at 3 PM at a bar near where he's staying. It's now 3:10 PM, and he still hasn't shown up. Maybe he regretted it? Maybe he forgot? I'll wait five more minutes, and if he doesn't come, I'm leaving.

He arrived a few minutes after I thought about leaving. He apologized for being late, and I said no worries. Neither of us had a plan for the date; we hadn't discussed it beforehand.

I suggested going for coffee (I know cyclists love coffee) and then walking around the city so I could show him around. He agreed. We spent three hours exploring, then sat on a bench where I introduced him to "xuixo", a typical pastry from the city. We talked for a bit, and then he said he had to leave.

While I was heading home, I analyzed the whole date. I enjoyed it, but I don't see anything going on between us. He's super cute and handsome, but I didn't feel any connection at all.

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