Chapter 1

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The Avatar sighed as she rested her head in her girlfriend's lap. Even as she started to snore, her girlfriend kept on driving the car. She glanced down at Korra, who had wrapped her arms around her waist. She sighed and shook her gently.

"Sweetie, wake up. You have to see this."

Korra grumbled in her sleep, refusing to wake. The heiress carefully took one hand off the wheel and laid it on her cheek. Korra smiled and nuzzled into her hand, but it was taken away just as quickly, making her groan. She slowly blinked her eyes open and stared into the jade eyes of her girlfriend.

"Well good evening, hun."

"You're beautiful..." Korra breathed.

The driver blushed as she yanked her girlfriend up. "Not as beautiful as this."

Korra gasped at the sight of the sunset before her. There were so many colors and hues mixing together, making it difficult to tell day from night. The view was absolutely breathtaking. Then she turned to her girlfriend of six years.

"You are most definitely more beautiful than the sunset, Asami." Korra whispered, making her blush.


Korra wrapped her arms around Asami's shoulders and laid her head back down. She smirked and planted a soft kiss on her cheek, then started to head closer and closer to her lips. Asami smirked at what she was doing. Before Korra could complete her trail to her lips, the Sato quickly grasped Korra's chin and placed a forceful kiss on the Avatar's lips. Korra gasped. As quickly as it happened, it was over.

Korra fell back into her seat, flabbergasted. Her lips stung from the force of the kiss and she trailed her hand across her own lips. Asami smirked as she continued driving.

"I know you're impatient, Korra, but you're gonna have to wait until we reach the cabin."

"Yeah, and to think that we have a whole month to ourselves." Korra winked, linking her hand with her girlfriend's hand. She looked into the backseat at all the luggage they brought. "But do you really think that we needed to bring all of this just for a vacation?" Korra asked.

"Yes." came the simple answer.

Asami shook her girlfriend awake yet again as they approached the cabin. Korra clamped onto her arm as she woke up. She gazed up at the starry sky above the vacation home. Asami's parents often visited the fire nation to go on vacation and she had inherited it along with the company and mansion when her father was imprisoned.

Korra gave her a peck on the cheek before climbing out of the vehicle. Sighing, she grabbed a couple of bags and trekked inside. It wasn't like Asami was going to carry all of her luggage inside.

Korra stood awestruck in the cabin. It was stunning. The first floor had a living room with an entertainment system on the left and a huge bathroom on the right. There was also the beautiful kitchen and sitting area that was huge. It then led to the back porch. Korra looked out of the glass door to the porch and gasped. The beach was literally right there. A stairway led from the porch to the sand.

"Korra, a little help would be nice!" Asami called from outside. Korra pouted at the luggage piled in the car and carried the rest of it inside.

The second floor was smaller, as it only contained a bedroom. It wasn't even enclosed. It stood over the kitchen and was open to the whole house. There was a window right above the bed. A dresser stood on either side of the room. Asami began unpacking her dozen bags of necessities. Korra sighed at her two measly bags. It didn't even fill the dresser, leading Asami to ask to use the rest of her space. Korra obliged nonetheless.

Korra sighed as she wrapped herself around her girlfriend, making her gasp. She hadn't even made it under the covers of the bed yet when Korra pulled her close. Asami giggled as Korra snaked her hands around her waist. Korra smirked at what she was about to do.

Asami couldn't stop laughing, literally. Korra had climbed on top of her and mercilessly tickled her sides for ten minutes straight. She smiled at the sight of her girl's smile, which left her vulnerable because her tickling slowed down. Asami noticed and took the opportunity to grab Korra. She flipped them over, causing Korra to gasp, and forcefully kissed her. Korra relaxed into the kiss and laid a hand on her cheek. Asami took hold of each of her hands and held them above Korra's head. She wriggled underneath her, liking where things were headed. Asami deepened the kiss so she wouldn't noticed her taking both of her hands in one of hers. Her other hand wandered down Korra's side. Korra's breathing picked up, thinking this was headed in a completely different direction, but Asami had other plans.

Now it was Korra's turn to laugh uncontrollably. She couldn't move at all. Asami had her hands caught and her body blocked her legs from kicking. Asami didn't hold back at getting revenge either and had no mercy in her tickling. She continued until Korra could barely breathe. Even when she stopped, Korra was still laughing at the sensation in her sides. She gasped for breath with a smile. Asami let her go and cuddled into her side. Both were sweaty.

"*huff huff* I love you, Asami."

"I love you too, Korra."

Asami kissed her cheek before they both fell asleep.

Korra stirred in her sleep. The smell of maple syrup wafted throughout the cabin. She wiggled around until she fell out of bed. She rubbed her eyes at no sight of her girlfriend. Carefully she walked down the stairs and looked into the kitchen. What she saw made her smile. Asami stood in just her undergarments and wore an apron overtop. Korra crept up behind her and grabbed her around the waist. Asami jumped and gasped. She looked back and sighed at the sight of Korra.

"Korra! You scared me."

Korra just smirked in reply and started laying kisses on her girlfriend's neck and back. Asami groaned. "Do you want me to burn breakfast, sweetie?"

Korra pouted and stopped. "Noooooo..."

"Okay then let me finish cooking." She replied. Korra remained standing there, holding her waist. She laid her head on her shoulder and waited for the food to be done.

The way to Korra's heart was through food. She smiled as Asami laid a plate of pancakes in front of her and she dug in. Asami sat across from her and started eating as well. She smiled at the sight of Korra practically breathing in the pancakes.

"Korra, slow down! You're gonna choke if you eat that fast!"

The girl paused and listened to her girlfriend's instructions, gulping down the bite she had taken.

That evening the girls went out back to the beach. Korra had her water tribe swimsuit while Asami had bought the latest in fire nation swimwear. Korra gaped when she came out of the bathroom. Asami was absolutely stunning, even though she would always be beautiful.

Asami saw the way the Avatar was eyeing her and smiled. She grabbed her hand, but she was still stuck in her trance. Asami slowly laid her lips on Korra's until she knocked out of her trance. Korra finally kissed back after a minute and gripped Asami's waist tightly.

"I could get lost in the trances you put me in with your beauty." Korra hissed after breaking apart.

Asami chuckled and pulled her outside, grabbing the beach bag on the way. Korra instantly felt at home when she saw the water and ran ahead of Asami. She started setting up their towels and umbrella, but looked up at the sound of a splash and smiled. Korra was in her nature. She was diving in and out of the water like a fish. She came up gasping for air. Noticing that Asami was watching, she smirked and waterbended a huge wave. She dove again and appeared on top of the wave. Asami gasped in surprise. Korra surfed the wave back to shore and stopped just short of Asami. She shook her head to rid of the water like a dog and walked over to her.

"Showoff." Asami said, planting a wet kiss on Korra's lips. Korra smirked into the kiss and pushed into her until they fell onto the towel.

The couple continued spending their time at the cabin and on the beach for the next week until they ran out of food.

"Korra, did you eat the last of the food?" Asami asked, her face in the cabinet. When no answer came, she looked back at Korra. Korra looked guilty as she had a mouthful of noodles hanging out of her mouth. Asami face-palmed and groaned. "Korraaaa!! Ugh! Well, I guess we're headed to the market."

They walked hand-in-hand as they walked down a stone path to the market. It was a pretty cool place. There was plenty of food, but there was also crafts and homemade souvenirs. While Asami shopped for food to last them another week, Korra went around to some of the vendors. She noticed a jewelry stand and wandered over. An older lady sat behind the stand.

"Why, hello young lady. How can I help you?" She greeted nicely.

"Hi! Um, would you happen to have any small gems?" Korra asked politely.

The lady smiled. "Yes I believe I do. Just hold on a sec."

She rummaged through a couple of boxes before coming back and laying a small jewelry box on the stand. Inside were plenty of gems, different shapes and sizes. Korra picked up a couple before finding a small red gem. She smiled brightly and held it up in the sunlight. She quickly dropped her hand and looked back Asami. The heiress hadn't even noticed. Korra smiled. "How much?"

Korra smiled brightly the whole trip back. She was so excited about her plan to surprise her girlfriend while they were on vacation. Oh, Spirits, she just hoped she'd say yes.

However, her smile disappeared as they approached their vacation home. The front door was busted down. Someone had broken in.

Korra growled at Asami to stay outside. Korra held her hands up in defense as she ventured in. It seemed the burglar was gone, though. Asami wandered in when Korra called to her and they looked around.

"It doesn't look like anything was stolen." Asami said afterwards.

"I think I know what they were looking for." Korra called from the kitchen. The fridge door and all of the cabinets had been thrown open.

"If they were looking for food then they surely didn't get much." Asami commented.

Korra sighed. She was mad, but it was also kind of saddening that someone out there was probably going hungry. Despite the break-in, they continued their evening together.

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