The Wandmaker's Granddaughter's Story has Just Begun

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The Hogwarts Express rolled into King's Cross Station just past two. 

The platform was filled with awaiting parents and siblings eagerly waving the homecoming students.  Smoke from the train bathed the platform with haze.  Eager chatter filled the air as mothers reunited with their children after months apart.  Children ran about meeting new faces, hiding amongst the crowd, and playing with the newest Weasley Wizard Wheezes toys. 

Amelia, James, and Lucy climbed down from the train and were quickly greeted by the Potter family.  Mrs. Potter hugged the three tightly while Mr. Potter helped unload the trunks from the train.  Mrs. Potter's brother and his family greeted each other nearby as everyone began excitedly talking about the semester and everything that had happened.  (Well, almost everything.)

As they all talked excitedly Amelia looked around for her grandfather.  Pomona had written saying there had been some activity around the wand shop in the last month or so.  Everyone had assumed Mr. Ollivander had returned form whatever trip he had been on in time to come pick up Amelia from school.  So, through the haze and crowd Amelia searched for his familiar face.

"Are you looking for your grandfather?" Mrs. Potter asked Amelia.

"I thought he would be here," she said.

"He's probably just busy at the shop, why don't we bring you back?" Mr. Potter suggested.  Amelia nodded and the group left the platform still excitedly recounting their tales from the year.  They left the train station and as Mrs. Potter said goodbye to her brother, the kids followed Mr. Potter.  Amelia stopped suddenly as she realized where they were going.

"We're taking a car?" Amelia asked as Mr. Potter began loading the trunks.

"It's actually a minivan," James corrected.  "There are too many of us to fit in a car."

"I've never been in a car before," Amelia said to Lucy.

"Really?" James said looking curiously at Amelia.

"Don't worry, it's safe," Lucy said getting in and gesturing for Amelia to follow.

The ride that followed was an adventure.  Never had Amelia seen so many muggles mulling about, going about their daily lives.  It was all almost a bit too much for the wandmaker's granddaughter to take in.  The others in the car talked excitedly while Amelia took in everything happening outside the car.  They weaved through the streets to the Leaky Cauldron. 

Leaving the trunks in the van for now, the Potters, Lucy, and Amelia made their way through the Leaky Cauldron to Diagon Alley.  The street was rather empty seeing as most families were gathered at home to welcome their students from Hogwarts. 

Amelia walked next to Mr. Potter as she tentatively looked forward to seeing her grandfather.  As the wand shop appeared in their line of sight something felt off.  The windows seemed to be darker than usual and it didn't seem like there was anyone about. 

"Ginny, stay here with the kids," Mr. Potter said taking out his wand and heading to the shop.  Despite her best efforts Mrs. Potter couldn't keep Amelia from following after Mr. Potter. 

The door to the shop was unlocked when Mr. Potter tried the door.  Amelia caught up to him as he entered the shop.

"Amelia, go back with the others," Mr. Potter said stopping in the door way and putting his hands on Amelia's shoulders.

"How are you going to know if anything's wrong unless I come with?" She said.  Mr. Potter thought for a moment.

"You must stay in the doorway while I check to make sure it's safe," he said.  Amelia nodded and watched Mr. Potter enter the eerily empty shop. 

"Revelio," he cast and waited.  When nothing seemed to be a miss he began to search the shop.  The dust lay unusually thick about the shelves, even on the counter top where it should have been wiped clean.  Mr. Potter kept his wand raised as he checked behind the wall for anyone lying in wait.  After he left Amelia's line of sight she quickly entered in after him. 

In the back, Ollivander's desk lay untouched and a half finished wand still sat waiting to be completed.  As Mr. Potter made his way up stairs Amelia looked in the back living room.

"Mr. Potter," she called.  He came running down the stairs wand aloft coming to Amelia's side. 

"I told you to wait outside," he said before looking into the room.  The light from his wand illuminated a terrifying scene of a room burned in random spots from spells missing their mark.  Furniture lay in tatters and the few decorations that adorned the room were blasted apart.  Blood stains of someone being dragged stained the carpet before disappearing. 

"Amelia, go outside to Ginny," Mr. Potter said trying to pull Amelia out of the doorway. 

"Where's grandfather?" Amelia asked ripping her eyes away from the scene to look at Mr. Potter.

"I don't know."

End of Book 1

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